Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 10 The Factory Manager's Relatives

After eating and cleaning up, Feng Huizhen went to her mother Liu Cuihua's room.

He also told Liu Cuihua that he wanted to go to the county seat tomorrow.

Liu Cuihua knew in her heart that her daughter didn't like going to the ground.

Just go if you want, my daughter will go to the countryside in a while, and I'm afraid it's impossible to protect my daughter when I get to the farm.

The mountain is high and the emperor is far away. They are parents, how can they protect their daughter for the rest of their lives.

In the last few years, my daughter wants to relax, so let's relax.

I immediately agreed, and went to ask the production team leader for leave the next day.

The next day everyone went to work and left, and Feng Huizhen packed up her things.

Carrying a basket, he went straight to the county seat.

There is no money at home, and she has a lot of things in her space, but she really has no money.

There are gold bars, but they can't be taken out.

After walking for more than four hours, I finally saw the county seat.

Feng Huizhen was sweating profusely from walking, and the mountain road was difficult, especially the road they were on was a dirt road.

Walking to the gate of the county seat, I sat on the stone under the wall and rested for a long time. After a while, I wiped off the sweat from my face.

There was dirt and sweat on the handkerchief, and I knew that my face was not much better.

Fortunately, after wiping, at least I can see people.

I went to the gate of the noodle factory first and always had to look at the recruitment of the noodle factory. Is it true?

Of course, I also want to see if there is any mistake in the memory of my previous life.

When I came to the entrance of the noodle factory, I saw the noodle factory, and there was a recruitment notice posted on the wall at the entrance.

Sure enough, the noodle factory needed to recruit 20 temporary workers.

There were many people around the door pointing and pointing. It seemed that some people were eager to try and sign up.

Feng Huizhen saw it, and hurriedly inquired with a young man next to him.

"Comrade, hello, if I want to apply for this temporary job, where can I go?"

"You want to apply for a temporary job? The temporary job is for porters, and they want men or women."

Jiang Lei looked at the girl beside him, she looked like bean sprouts.

Feng Huizhen was stunned for a moment, never expecting that the temporary workers only recruit men and not women.

Yeah, porters generally look down on lesbians.

Feng Huizhen gritted her teeth and asked her to back off like this, how can that be?

The improvement of life at home can all depend on this temporary work.

The experience of her previous life told her to face up to any difficulties she encountered. If she didn't try, how would she know that she would not be able to overcome this difficulty.

Get close to the young man, take a closer look, dumbfounded!

He has a four-six part hair that is unique to this era, a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, a dark blue overalls, and a book under his arm.

The rustic dress still couldn't conceal the refined temperament, and there was a kind of elegance called bookishness leaking from all over his body.

The facial features are very three-dimensional, the thick black eyebrows, the eyebrows are slightly raised, and there is a stern aura at first glance, and a pair of rare red phoenix eyes underneath, the eyes are energetic, and the soft eyes are very friendly.

Instead of resolving the harshness just now, it made people get closer.

He has a high nose and a steep and handsome face, with a gentle smile on his lips.

Feng Huizhen, who insisted on having shallow cultural knowledge, described it as a gentleman like jade.

How old is a person who can still look at a man in a daze!

Feng Huizhen laughed at herself.

I have never seen the world.


Who made Feng Huizhen, who was never married in her previous life and had a blank relationship, really be a noob.

Withdrawing her confused thoughts, Feng Huizhen smiled and nodded to Jiang Lei.

"Comrade, just tell me where the recruiting place is. I have to ask. Maybe someone is willing to employ me."

Jiang Lei couldn't help but smile, he didn't expect to meet a stubborn girl.

"Okay, I'll show you the way."

Really took the little girl to the recruitment office.

Section Chief Liu of the transportation team, who was in charge of recruiting workers, couldn't help being taken aback when he saw Jiang Lei.

"Oops! What kind of wind is this? It has blown all of Jiang's affairs to us."

Jiang Lei is the publicity officer of the noodle factory, responsible for various publicity work in the factory.

Everyone knows that Jiang Lei's parents are city cadres. They don't know what kind of work they do, but they all know that Jiang Lei has a backer.

And the director of the noodle factory is Jiang Lei's uncle.

I saw Jiang Lei going to the factory manager's house for dinner several times.

No one wants to offend Jiang Lei.

"I heard that you are recruiting porters here. This girl wants to sign up. I will show her the way."

Jiang Lei sent people here, turned around and left, no matter what, it has nothing to do with him whether this girl can be famous or not.

Jiang Lei left.

Section Chief Liu looked at the girl in front of him and couldn't help hesitating.

"Girl, do you know Jiang Ganshi just now?"

Feng Huizhen understood from the two simple sentences just now that it seemed that the young man who led her the way just now was probably a big shot in the factory.

The eyeballs could not help but roll.

Hastily laughed.

"My cousin... oh... I don't know, I don't know. Officer Jiang and I really don't know each other. It's the first time we met. I met him just now under the recruitment notice. We have never met .”

Section Chief Liu looked at the girl waving her hands in a hurry, feeling like there is no silver 300 taels here.

"Girl, what's your name?"

"My name is Feng Huizhen."

Chief Liu's heart skipped a beat.

Their factory manager's surname is Feng.

Just now this girl slipped her tongue again, cousin!It's not the child of my uncle's family.

But their factory manager only has two sons and no daughter.

I can't help but think of the factory manager, but he has two younger brothers. I heard that both younger brothers are in the countryside.

I secretly thought that I knew the inside story, probably because the factory manager wanted to take care of relatives, so I asked Director Jiang to bring him here to sign up.

Otherwise, knowing that the porters don't want women, but let a lesbian come over to sign up, what is this for?

It's not easy for the factory manager to come forward to do these things. If Director Jiang stepped forward, he would have to keep people on account of Director Jiang's face.

In this way, it is logical for people to get their own people in. It is not easy to be a regular worker these days, but it is easy for a temporary worker to earn a little money.

It is not allowed to work as a temporary worker for a while, and then directly change to a regular worker.

Section Chief Liu immediately showed a friendly smile on his face, and really thought that everything he imagined was true.

"Comrade Feng Huizhen, do you know how to read?"

Feng Huizhen nodded hurriedly.

"Know me... I graduated from high school..."

In her previous life, she was raised overnight.

After suffering from not having a degree, I later studied at night university by myself and got a degree.

Captain Liu felt that the guess in his heart was a certainty.

How can ordinary rural families send their children to school, especially girls?

Those who can afford to send their children to school will not be so difficult at home.

"We are a transportation team, basically responsible for the handling and delivery of goods in the warehouse. We also really need a female comrade to be responsible for the registration, delivery and storage procedures.

So it's already late today, if you come to report early tomorrow morning, we will officially go to work. "

Section Chief Liu felt that his arrangement was a stroke of genius. Originally, he could complete the registration, delivery and storage procedures by himself.

But it is not necessary to arrange a job for this girl.

You can't let other girls go into the warehouse to carry dried noodles.

That box of dried noodles weighed at least forty or fifty catties.

Feng Huizhen didn't expect that she would have such luck, so she couldn't help but thank Section Chief Liu excitedly.

"Section Chief Liu, really, thank you, thank you! I will go to work on time tomorrow, don't worry."

Chief Liu smiled. This girl is really polite. It seems that the relatives of Director Feng are quite good at doing things.

"You don't have a place to live in the county seat. It's not convenient to run back and forth to the village. It's not a problem if you go out early and return late every day."

Feng Huizhen shook her head hastily.

"Section Chief Liu, don't worry, I have relatives in the county and a place to live."

Uncle and aunt are both in the city.

It shouldn't be disgusting to make do with their house.

Section Chief Liu watched the girl go away, and couldn't help thinking.

There are relatives in the city and a place to live, so it goes without saying that they must be relatives of Director Feng's family.

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