Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 864 Mom, You Don't Care About Him

"Forget it, your sister-in-law, if she can't stop her at home, I'm afraid I will really go back to the village to find your family, so don't make trouble for your family.

Don't throw it outside if you are ashamed.

I made up my mind, if your sister-in-law is really so noisy this time, she might as well get a divorce.

Anyway, your elder brother has also made up his mind. Your elder brother has had a hard time these years.

No one to cook, no one to do laundry, all by myself all day. "

When Niu Jinyun mentioned this matter, he also felt sorry for his son. How could she not feel sorry for her?

"Okay godmother, if you don't want to go back, then I'll stay with you for two days. I'm looking at my sister-in-law for these two days, I'm afraid it won't stop."

Now that Feng Huizhen is gone, I'm afraid the godmother will be angry.

When Feng Zhixiang heard this from the neighbor, he thought to himself that my sister should not meddle in other people's housework.

But since his sister made such a decision, he couldn't say anything more.

Feng Zhixiang saw that his younger sister might be involved in this kind of thing, so he went to the county to find an acquaintance to borrow, and if there was anything, his younger sister could find it.

Of course, this acquaintance was a colleague who worked with my eldest brother at that time.

Staying for two days temporarily, people can still find a way.

Feng Huizhen stayed at Liu's house.

Sure enough, the sister-in-law brought her two sons to look for her mother-in-law aggressively that night.

Originally, the elder sister-in-law took her two sons back to live with her natal family, and she wanted to use this method to control her mother-in-law.

Try this method lark.

But I didn't expect that this time it was my husband who pushed the bicycle to her mother's house.

Throw a sentence to her, whether you want a house or money.

If she doesn't want to live a good life, then divorce.

This time, my sister-in-law was taken aback. She didn't expect that her husband, who was gentle and bully in the past, would turn out to be a different person.

And let go of such harsh words.

Discussed with my natal parents.

Her natal sister-in-law gave her advice.

I'm afraid this is what the mother-in-law specially asked her husband to scare her.

In any case, she, the daughter-in-law of the Liu family, also gave birth to two grandchildren for the Liu family.

How could the Liu family really dare to divorce her.

The sister-in-law was there for a long time, and the parents analyzed the situation again, and they also thought that the mother-in-law of the Liu family might have come up with such an idea.

So the sister-in-law came back aggressively, and came to settle accounts with her mother-in-law.

If the mother-in-law really disagrees, she will divorce and take the two children with her.

Let them Liu family have no grandchildren.

So Feng Huizhen and the others just came to the table when the sister-in-law brought her two sons in.

Sitting at the foot of the table holding a bowl, Big Brother Liu smiled when he saw his wife and son.

He thought that his daughter-in-law was finally subdued.

"Sit down and eat when you get back."

But he didn't expect his daughter-in-law to walk in front of him aggressively.

"Boss Liu has been with you all my life, and I have worked hard without credit. I have at least given birth to two sons for you.

You are fine, how did you treat me?

I am wholeheartedly for our family, how about you?You treat me as an outsider, and now you want to divorce me because of this house! "

He turned to look at Niu Jinyun.

"Mom, let me make it clear to you. Today, either you and Dad will help us solve the house problem. Or I will really divorce the boss.

I just have one condition, I will bring my two sons back to my natal family, and the two sons will belong to me. "

Niu Jinyun was so angry that he almost rolled his eyes and fainted. If Feng Huizhen hadn't supported her and quickly pinched her, Niu Jinyun would have lost his anger.

When Director Liu saw this, he became really angry.

I have never seen such an arrogant daughter-in-law dare to point at her mother-in-law's nose and ask here.

"What's going on, boss? What is your wife going to do?"

Boss Liu stood up slowly and said to his wife,

"Okay, our family can't afford the house. You want to get a divorce and take the children away, so let's go!

We will go through the formalities tomorrow.I will go to the factory tomorrow to open a letter of introduction, and we will go through the formalities immediately. "

The sister-in-law felt a little flustered when she saw her man's firm expression.

She was trying to scare the other party, but she didn't really want to divorce.

If they really got divorced, where could they find such a talkative husband's family?

Besides, her man has tolerated her for so many years, and it's not like she doesn't know that she is lazy and doesn't do anything all day long.

All the housework is done by my own man. Where can I find such a man if I really get divorced?

"You, you really want to divorce me?"

Boss Liu nodded solemnly,

"Of course it's true. I can't satisfy your request. I'm just an ordinary man, and our family has ordinary conditions.

You want this and that, you want everything all day long.

Now you want my parents to get you a flat, aren't you trying to force my parents to death?

That being the case.Then let's forget it and go our own way. "

The eldest sister-in-law is now a little bit hard to get off, she turned her head to look at her mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law spends all day with each other, so she definitely doesn't want her son to really divorce.

The only person who can stop the boss now is probably the mother-in-law who hastily said.

"Mom, you see that the boss actually wants to divorce me, so just leave him alone."

With a pale face, Niu Jinyun shook his head and waved his hands.

"I can't control it. You can settle your affairs by yourself. You are all adults, not children. How old are all the children?"

"You can do whatever you like, and don't bother our old couple again in the future."

Niu Jinyun was helped by Feng Huizhen into the back room.

As soon as I entered the room, tears fell.

The sister-in-law of the Liu family saw this posture, and it was obvious that her father-in-law and mother-in-law didn't speak well of her.

"Okay, Boss Liu can get a divorce. I haven't done any credit or hard work these years. All the savings in the family belong to me, the property belongs to me, and the children belong to me."

No man would agree to this condition.

She just wanted Boss Liu not to agree, so that they wouldn't have to divorce.

Unexpectedly, Boss Liu looked at her silently.

"Okay, everything in the house belongs to you, all the property belongs to you, and the children belong to you. I don't want anything."

"Tomorrow morning, I will go with you to the Civil Affairs Bureau to complete the formalities."

Boss Liu turned around and went back to their hut.

It seems that this family is really going to break up.

Mrs. Liu returned to her mother's house with her two sons in despair.

When I told my parents about these things, my parents were a little anxious, but I didn't expect the in-laws to be serious.

"You take the child to live with peace of mind first. Tomorrow, your mother and I will come to see your parents-in-law and have a talk. This is a big deal, not just because you divorced."

After all, the two of them thought about their daughter leaving their son-in-law, then they must not have a good life.

Can she not know what kind of virtue her daughter is?

Where can I find a son-in-law who is so easy to talk to? These years, my daughter is too lazy to work, and the son-in-law has never said anything.

The daughter is not sensible, don't these old people understand?

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