Niu Jinyun sighed.

"You also think that the godmother is eccentric. You will know it after listening to the godmother. Why is the godmother partial?"

After Niu Jinyun told the whole story, Feng Huizhen immediately knew that there were many things in this matter.

It is really the so-called every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite.

The godmother should not do anything too partial, after all, the two sons are both biological, and it is normal for a bowl of water to be flat.

Besides, godfathers and godmothers are all educated intellectuals.

Another cadre.

But the matter of the two sons is related to the two daughters-in-law.

The time of the two daughters-in-law's entrance was very different, and the eldest entered the door earlier.

The baby was born right after entering the house, so Niu Jinyun was at work at that time, and had no way to help his daughter-in-law take care of his grandson.

And the eldest daughter-in-law has always been lazy and reluctant to go to work after giving birth.

The work in the factory is also a three-day fishing and two-day drying net. In the end, if it couldn't work out, I took out labor insurance and completely rested at home.

It's hard enough for the eldest brother to be responsible for the family's expenses alone, but my daughter-in-law likes everything.

Naturally, the family's expenses are not enough. In fact, the elder brother's family has always had a godfather and a godmother for subsidies in secret these years.

But this sister-in-law Li Yunna does all kinds of things.

Eat what you want.

Wear what you want to wear.

Children also need to do well in school.

Always jealous of others, wanting to compare with others, here and there, big brother can't bear it alone.

It is because of subsidizing the couple.

The second brother's marriage has been delayed again and again, mainly because he can't afford the bride price and the money for the wedding.

The second brother blew up several houses with the woman because of this.

However, the relationship between the second brother and the eldest brother has always been good, so naturally they have never complained.

Finally, the two grandchildren are a little older, and the old couple feel that they can relax a little bit.

So he saved a sum of money for his second brother's wedding.

The sister-in-law got into trouble again because of this, thinking that the second child spent more money on marrying a wife than she had spent on her original marriage.

So there was another big fuss.

The parents-in-law had no choice but to give them an extra 500 yuan.

I thought it was over.

The second child has just been married for five years.

The second child also built a fund-raising house in their unit after they got married. Now that they had this opportunity, the second child was qualified, so the old couple subsidized the second child with some money and let them buy a fund-raising house.

Originally, the sister-in-law didn't know about this, but the fund-raising house of the second child and the others has to be handed over in the past two days.

The couple are busy inside and out, and they are going to move out after the decoration.

Now that the sister-in-law knew it, she would definitely quit. The old couple helped the second child inside and outside the words. They bought a fund-raising house, but they preferred not to buy it for the boss.

This is noisy, I have to get a house, otherwise I will never spend anything with my eldest brother.

After hearing this, Feng Huizhen realized that this sister-in-law was obviously spoiled.

I always feel that I can control my father-in-law and mother-in-law if I make a fuss, so I only think about myself all day long, and only cuddle in my small home.

"Then what are you going to do, godmother?"

"What can I do? It's okay for your sister-in-law to mention other things, but this is definitely not the case.

It's not that you don't know who your father is. Your godfather has always been law-abiding in the factory, and he is dedicated to serving the public. He has never considered himself.

This time, the fund-raising housing is full of one building.The workers in the factory can't be arranged, so how can they arrange a set for their son? "

"Godmother, you can see how the sister-in-law is. I'm afraid there will be a big fuss, and she will really divorce the elder brother."

Feng Huizhen is also worried about being a godfather and godmother, and she is really capable of doing such things with her sister-in-law's temperament.

"Then what can I do? I can't discuss it with your godfather at that time. If you raise a sum of money for them, it can be regarded as buying a house for them."

Niu Jinyun has always hoped that his family and everything will be prosperous, so naturally he doesn't want this kind of thing to cause a lot of trouble.

"Godmother, as an outsider, I'm speaking from the perspective of a bystander, if you do this, there will be endless troubles.

Let’s not talk about how much money you and your godfather can have, and the combined retirement salary is not much.

If sister-in-law succeeds this time, she will use this method to blackmail you next time.How much money do you have to subsidize her? "

"This time the matter of the house is over, and there is nothing else to do. What else can she ask us for money?"

Niu Jinyun didn't take it seriously, the family affairs were basically settled.

The old couple just waited for a good rest.

"This time it's the house, the next time it's the grandson, who will go to college and get married when he grows up. Where do you get so much money?"

When Niu Jinyun heard this, he immediately thought about it, yes, his grandson will spend more money in the future.

Each of the four children asked the old couple to open their mouths.

If you give it to the boss, you have to give it to the second child, and if you give it to the second child, you have to give it to the boss.

Is it over yet?

"But if you don't give the eldest daughter-in-law the money today, the eldest daughter-in-law will definitely divorce the eldest daughter-in-law, he is a lazy wife.

They didn't take care of the children well, and the two grandchildren looked like the eldest daughter-in-law.

At that time, your elder brother will be so old, and he really wants to divorce, and live alone, what is going on? "

"Mom, if it's because of me, you don't have to worry about it. I've made up my mind. You are not allowed to give her money this time.

I have never seen such a daughter-in-law who doesn't care about meals or housework, and doesn't care about the children.

The two children who followed her to learn all day long were also lazy, and they were both 15-year-old children.

Every day at home, I don't pack my clothes, I don't wash them, and I don't cook.

Other children worked hard to go to school there, but these two children were idle all day long, and their grades were last in the class.

I saw that this time the high school entrance examination must be a problem.Maybe I can't even pass the high school entrance examination, so I can only go to a technical school. "

"Let her go on like this, and our family will be broken up."

It was Boss Liu of Niu Jinyun's family who entered the door.

Feng Huizhen stood up hastily.

"Brother, long time no see."

"Huizhen! It's really been a long time since the last time. It's been a few years since the last time. Look, you just came back to see my parents and let you watch a joke."

Boss Liu was a little embarrassed, and he didn't expect such things to be seen by outsiders today.

"Brother, you're out of touch now, we are a family."

"Boss, don't talk. It's not like you don't know your daughter-in-law when you say it so lightly. If he can really make a fuss, he will really take his two children back to his mother's house. What if he really divorces you?"

Niu Jinyun heard his son say this, but he couldn't do it.

"Mom, if you get divorced, you will get divorced. It's not like you haven't seen what I've been living these years. I don't want to live this day either."

Boss Liu dropped a few words, turned around and pushed his bicycle out.

Niu Jinyun wanted to chase his son to persuade him, but was stopped by Feng Huizhen.

"Godmother, don't chase after big brother, big brother is at this age, he should let him decide his own life.

Sometimes you feel good for him, not necessarily good for him.

And if you are here, I am afraid that my sister-in-law will bring her children to make trouble with you, not only my sister-in-law, I am afraid that my sister-in-law's natal family will not let it go, so why not.

You and I will live in the country for two days to relax.

You leave a message for your godfather, and if your godfather knows about it, you don't have to worry so much, let your godfather live in the factory, and save your sister-in-law from bothering your godfather. "

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