Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 842 The Birth of Chuanchuan Incense

The couple broke up a little unhappy and went back home directly.

As soon as Feng Huizhen heard that her sister-in-law came back and left her two little nephews behind, she hurried out.

Liu Cuihua was so anxious that she shouted from behind.

"Slow down, you are almost a mother, and you are still in such a hurry."

Jiang Lei smiled and picked up Dabao and Erbao who were on the ground.

The two children are too thin, they are already six years old, but they are like three-year-old children in their arms.

Every time I see Feng Huizhen's energetic appearance, I always feel very satisfied in my heart.

In the future, he has to work hard and let his children live a good life, but he can't be like his elder brother's children.

Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai sat in the room and looked at the people in the room, feeling very happy.

Especially the two little ones running around made them feel much happier than when they were at home.

The only uncomfortable thing is that this is Liu Cuihua's home.

But the granddaughter was about to give birth to a grandson, and they were reluctant to leave.

Even if you have a thick skin, you have to stay here.

Old man Bai went back and secretly told the old lady about the old lady's situation at that time.

The old lady herself felt incredible, how could she like Bai Xiaowei?

This is impossible.

But the two old men never expected such a miraculous thing to happen.

The old lady felt that she must have been confused at that time.

Now all he wants to do is make up for his granddaughter.

Besides, life in the village is not bad. They can climb mountains when they have time, and the air in the village is very good.

Liu Cuihua even said that after the beginning of spring next year, they can also go to the fields to do farm work.

It's not that they need to do much, just move around, and their bones will be strong.

Living here makes them feel very comfortable.

Feng Huizhen took her sister-in-law to work in the kitchen.

The important thing is that whether you make skewers or malatang, it is the taste of the seasoning.

Feng Huizhen asked her sister-in-law to buy all the fish and beef and gave them to her elder brother.

She didn't want her eldest brother to be idle. Only with a sense of participation, could her eldest brother gradually integrate into this business.

From the sister-in-law's attitude, she knew that the sister-in-law was very determined, but the elder brother was still a little hesitant.

She can only hope that the eldest brother will change after the business is good. If it really doesn't work, she has no way to force the eldest brother.

It can only be hardworking sister-in-law.

But if the husband and wife can't get together, there will definitely be conflicts in their married life in the future, and this incident will also leave a knot in the sister-in-law's heart.

The hardest part of doing business is getting started. My elder brother didn’t help me when I started. How could my sister-in-law not complain about my elder brother?

Feng Huizhen didn't want the relationship between elder brother and sister-in-law to go wrong, but this required her elder brother to make concessions.

Feng Zhiqiang was very happy to do this.

Puree beef and make beef balls.

Take the fish off the bone and remove the spines, then grind the fish into mud and make fish balls.

He is willing to do this kind of laborious work, which is basically no skill.

Because the final process of making fish balls must be done by Feng Huizhen and Yao Yali.

Feng Huizhen still thinks Chuan Chuan Xiang is more popular, and the profit will be higher.

The three of them were busy in the kitchen all afternoon.

The scent was wafting in the yard, making several people in the room very curious.

The main reason is that I haven't smelled it on weekdays.

When they were ready to bring out a large pot of Chuan Chuan Xiang, everyone gathered around.

Now that the weather is cold, such a big pot of steaming hot skewers is eaten with seasonings, and everyone eats without looking at their eyes and laughing.

"Little sister, why do I think this skewer is a bit like hot pot?"

"Third Brother, indeed, this Chuan Chuan Xiang is an improved version of hot pot. Hot pot requires a pot base and various dishes. It is more troublesome to cook. If it is a child or eating alone, it will be wasteful.

It is not so wasteful to string incense.Eat whatever you want.And there is no need for a pot bottom or various seasonings. "

Feng Huizhen gave the third brother a thumbs up, the third brother's vision is enough.

"Sister-in-law, if you plan to do this business, I'm also optimistic.

If there are children on the road who want to eat, they can eat five skewers for ten cents.

Go to eat hot pot, how can you eat hot pot with a dime?

Besides, the weather is cold, and the steaming hot food is absolutely attractive. Even if children want to eat it, even an adult like me thinks it tastes good. "

Everyone gave advice in a hurry.

In particular, many people praised the beef balls and fish balls, which are suitable for all ages and have a particularly good taste.

Feng Huizhen asked her eldest brother to go to the village to find a carpenter, and he had to bring back a table and a bench.

Even a small business has to look good.

She accompanied her sister-in-law to find a tricycle. After the tricycle has been modified, it can be equipped with a stove and various dishes can be placed on it.

Because the top of the tricycle is equivalent to making a shelf, and different dishes can be placed on the shelves one by one.

I bought some simple plastic plates, plastic bags, chopsticks and the like.

That is two days of work, everything is ready, especially these two days.

Their family is eating Chuan Chuan Xiang almost every day.

Who made Yao Yali have to learn crafts, after Yao Yali cooked six meals, she really learned the essence of Chuan Chuan Xiang.

They are already preparing to go to the county town to set up a stall today.

Jiang Lei accompanied Feng Huizhen and set off with Yao Yali and her elder brother.

Although the eldest brother was riding a tricycle in front, he was silent, and the eldest brother has not spoken these days.

But the expression on his face made it clear that he was not happy.

A group of people came to the county seat.

This is the couple they are familiar with, and they came directly to Nanguan.

Now Nanguan is the most prosperous street market. There is a commercial street here, and the street is full of hawkers selling things.

Especially at night, there is a night market that not only sells clothes, but also sells all kinds of small things, food, and drinks.

Booths are not fixed, first come, first served.Every night, an administrator comes to collect the management fee, which is disguised as a booth fee.

They lost a location close to the middle school here in Nanguan.

In Feng Huizhen's words, students are a huge consumer group.

The stall is set up, the pot is supported, and the steaming pot is steaming white.

People passing by took a look but couldn't tell what they were doing.

Yao Yali pinched the corner of her clothes in embarrassment. Every passerby looked at her, which made her feel a little helpless.

I'm mentally prepared to do business, but when I actually face it, it's still a little different.

Feng Zhiqiang almost hid behind the tricycle.

Feng Huizhen didn't even look at it and shook her head angrily. Her elder brother is still the same as before. It was like that when he sold couplets last time.

It's still the same this time. If the eldest brother continues to do this, there is really no way to do this business.

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