Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 841 I don't want my child to be unable to pay the tuition fee

Feng Huizhen saw her mother enter the room and close the door on the kang with her hands and feet.

When the mother got into the bed and turned off the light, she immediately got into the mother's bed.

"You damn girl, why are you here again? You're such an adult, you're still lying in my mother's bed."

Liu Cuihua said disgusting words, but her hands were tucking the quilt tightly for her daughter.

"Mom, you are a knife-mouthed bean curd heart, how can I not know, you must have sent money to sister-in-law just now."

Feng Huizhen leaned close to her mother, smelling the fragrance of her body, she felt very at ease in her heart.

"You ghost, you know everything, and you can't hide anything from you."

Liu Cuihua sighed.

"Your elder brother is a dead-headed person, now your sister-in-law finally wants to go it alone, if I don't help your sister-in-law, your sister-in-law's business will definitely be a mess.

It's not that you don't know about your sister-in-law's natal family, and the couple from her natal family don't treat your sister-in-law very well.

Over the years, your eldest brother's father-in-law and mother-in-law have not neglected the couple, but they just despise them for not being able to earn money.

But I can't help your elder brother, and your elder brother won't listen to me. "

"Mom just hopes that the two of them can really find a way out this time. It's just that you will be tired. Mom is most afraid that your body will not be able to bear it."

While Liu Cuihua was worried about her eldest son, she was also worried about her little girl. The palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh, and she couldn't part with any of them.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm not just a piece of paper, don't worry. I will help my sister-in-law to do a good job in the business, so that the eldest brother and sister-in-law can find their own way.

Don't worry, brother, if you can earn 1 yuan every day by setting up a stall, would you like to do business?

Make sure you tell him not to do business, but he won't do it. "

Liu Cuihua'er touched her daughter's hair, which was smooth and dense.

"Then what are you going to do with your affairs? Are you really going to stay in the village with Xiao Jiang?"

"Mom, talk to the village head tomorrow and find a way to ask me for a homestead!

I know that married daughters in our village have no right to share the homestead, so you can discuss it with the village chief, can I buy it with money?

I want to build a house in the village, closer to you, and then I want to really farm here, and contract the mountain to plant trees.I don't want to leave here anyway. "

After hearing this, Liu Cuihua sighed, the child has gone through too many things.

The child is tired. Since the child wants to stay at home, how can a mother not agree to it.

"You can leave the matter of a good homestead to Mom, and you don't have to worry about it. If you have anything else to say, Mom will help you.

If the village chief doesn't give you the homestead, Mom will talk to him and tell him that there is no one in the village who has not been honored by our Huizhen.

One cannot be ungrateful. "

Liu Cuihua made up her mind to get a good homestead for her daughter.

If the daughter doesn't leave here, Liu Cuihua'er is also very happy.

Which mother doesn't want to live with her daughter.

Early the next morning, Yao Yali took Feng Zhiqiang to finish breakfast, left the two children with her mother-in-law, and the two of them went to the county town to do some shopping.

Feng Huizhen made a list for them, and there were many things on the list.

Feng Zhiqiang frowned when he saw the list.

The main reason is that if you buy such a long list, how much will it cost?

But what he wanted to say, the daughter-in-law didn't let him say it at all, she just snatched the list and stuffed it into her pocket, carrying the bag and dragging him away.

When the two were shopping in the county, Feng Zhiqiang became a laborer with a basket on his shoulder, and his wife was not polite at all.

Bought everything on the list.

"Yali, where did you get all this money? It's a lot of money."

Feng Zhiqiang finally couldn't take it anymore, how much will it cost?It hurts for a while.

"Where did you get the money? This is the money my mother lent me."

Yao Yali put all the chili, chili noodles, and cumin into the basket.

It's also thanks to their shops in this small county town that they have them all.

"How can you ask our mother to borrow money? Let the younger siblings know, and think that we are deliberately taking advantage of the younger siblings."

Feng Zhiqiang was a little anxious. He had no money, but he still had the backbone.

The mother has no way to get money, and the little money in her hand is not all filial piety from younger brothers and sisters.

Who can guarantee that you will make money in doing business? If you lose money, how can you return the money to your mother?

Let the younger siblings know, isn't it to laugh at yourself, this elder brother is deliberately thinking of ways to take advantage of the younger siblings.

"You said it lightly. If you don't ask our mother to borrow money, you say that we don't even have fifty cents in our pockets. How do you do business?"

When Yao Yali heard what her husband said, she became angry from the bottom of her heart.

It's not impossible to have self-esteem.

It's not that a poor person should not have self-esteem, but at least one has to look at the situation. Under such circumstances, the first thing to consider is how to continue the business, rather than who's interests are involved in the money?

From the moment I borrowed the money, I never thought about not paying it back. Since I borrowed money and wanted to pay it back, why should I feel that I would take advantage of my younger siblings.

Feng Zhiqiang was so blocked by his wife's words that he couldn't speak a word.

"You just dislike me for being incapable and worthless."

Feng Zhiqiang turned his face away angrily.

The daughter-in-law is so active in talking to her sister in full swing, because she feels that she has no skills and can't make money.

It's not all because the younger sister is capable in this family, no one cares about the younger sister.

Go ask the second child, the third child, the fourth child, who doesn't know what my sister said, they can all make money.

"Father, do you think this is interesting? We have been arguing for more than a year because of this matter. But the more we quarrel, the poorer we live, and the more we quarrel, the less food our children can eat.

Even if you carry the big bag by yourself, you can’t get enough to eat every day, and you feel dizzy. Think about it, can you live like this for a long time? "

"I can carry big bags."

"You can't do it alone at home. I don't look down on you carrying big bags. If you really don't want to do business, you can continue to carry big bags."

When Feng Zhiqiang heard this, he suddenly felt something was wrong. His wife had never been so easy to talk to.

"how about you?"

"I go to the city alone to do business. I don't believe it. The second sister, the third brother, and the fourth brother can do it, why can't I do it?

My sister also told me.Doing business is much faster than making money by doing coolies.

The younger sister said that as long as she is not lazy, she can earn money if she is stupid to a certain extent.

Although I don't know how to cook, but my younger sister taught me, I am willing to learn.I don't want my kids to go hungry, and I don't want them to go to school and one day they won't be able to pay their tuition. "

Yao Yali put all the remaining things into the basket.

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