Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 838 Will I Be Disliked by My Wife?

"Talk, you two, what are you going to do now?"

The rest of the people in the room have already dispersed, and the ones sitting upright are Grandma Bai, Grandpa Bai, Jiang Lei, and Feng Huizhen.

Liu Cuihua and Feng Zhiyuan, Feng Zhixiang.

To be precise, Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen are like prisoners under investigation.

And Grandpa Bai, Grandma Bai, Liu Cuihua, Feng Zhiyuan, and Feng Zhixiang are like the policemen who are eyeing each other.

"Mom, don't look like this."

Feng Huizhen knew that when her mother knew about it, she knew that this matter was difficult to handle.

She can tell anyone that she is not married, but she can't hurt Liu Cuihua.

Her mother wanted to marry her off early, and if Feng Huizhen said that she would not get a marriage certificate, Liu Cuihua would not be angry.

"What do I look like? Now that my belly is not growing, hurry up and go to the county seat tomorrow with Jiang Lei to get a marriage certificate."

Liu Cuihua had already made a decision, and Jiang Lei was smiling with joy in his heart.

As long as the mother-in-law made a final decision, the daughter-in-law would not dare to disobey the mother-in-law's decision.

His great cause of marrying a wife can finally be completed.

Feng Huizhen slumped on the chair.

"Mom, don't force me, let me have a good rest, okay? I've worked so hard to do so many big things outside.

I want to rest comfortably when I get home, but you are good enough to force me as soon as you come back. "

Feng Huizhen is absolutely unwilling to get a marriage certificate.

"You are tired, mom knows you are tired, don't worry, mom doesn't need you to deal with the marriage.

There is your brother, mother, grandparents, and Xiao Jiang.Certainly not tired of you.

You can eat when you want, sleep when you want, and you don’t have to worry about anything. "

Liu Cuihua must not allow her daughter to not obtain a marriage certificate, what does it look like not to obtain a marriage certificate.

Pregnant before marriage, first of all, the child's name is not right.

Liu Cuihua absolutely cannot let her grandson become an illegitimate child.

The daughter's reputation is bad enough, plus she gave birth to a child without a marriage certificate.

"Mom, I'm a little dizzy and nauseous, I'm going to rest."

Feng Huizhen took it hard!

She knew that as long as she pretended to be dizzy, her mother would definitely not be able to get tough with her.

Dealing with Liu Cuihua, as a girl, she still has a lot of experience.

Sure enough, Liu Cuihua's expression changed when she heard this.

"Are you dizzy and uncomfortable? You reacted quite violently. It seems that this must be a kid. The kid is tossing mom. Come on, the third child, the fourth child will send their grandparents to rest next door, Xiao Jiang, follow them upstairs take a break."

After making arrangements, Liu Cuihua walked towards the back room directly supporting her daughter.

"You kid has been on the train for a whole day today, why do you have to cook, that's all, hurry up, wash up, go to bed and rest."

Feng Huizhen blinked her eyes when passing by Jiang Lei.

Jiang Lei smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, and shook his head helplessly, the daughter-in-law seemed really resistant to getting married.

Alright, it seems that he is still a long way off in pursuit of his wife.

After the night passed, Feng Huizhen slept soundly, and had not slept so comfortably for a long time.

Especially with a mother by my side.

She didn't even get up in the morning.

In fact, I heard the voices of grandparents talking in a low voice in the yard very early.

The old couple must not be able to sleep, so they got up early, and the third brother took the old couple to the chicken farm early in the morning, and took a walk around the village by the way.

Liu Cuihua was thinking about what to eat deliciously for her daughter early in the morning, the child must be eating badly now.

Judging from yesterday's appearance, he knew that this child should like hot and sour food.

Liu Cuihua thought in her heart that the child might be pregnant with a boy.

Sour girl.

I was happy for my daughter in my heart, but worried at the same time.

The daughter didn't let go, and as a mother, she couldn't really force her.

It doesn't make sense, the child has suffered so much anger and suffering outside, and when she returns home, she, as a mother, forces the child to do this, do that, and do what she doesn't like.

Liu Cuihua sighed and was busy with work.

Feng Huizhen finished her breakfast.

They are going to wander around the village. Since they are going to take root in their village, they have to look at the surrounding environment.

She knew that hot springs would be dug out of the nearby mountains, but she really didn't know where.

But that mountain can be contracted.

Feng Huizhen thinks that the land at the foot of the mountain can also be contracted. If the land is contracted, sheds can be built on the land at the foot of the mountain, and fruit trees can be planted on the mountain.

Some animals can also be raised, and of course tourism and vacation products can be developed through hot springs.

These are the goals in her heart.


She just came back from Kunming, and she has a lot of money in her hand.


If people in the village can work nearby, many people are happy to stay at home and earn money. Who would not be happy to do it?

In addition, Liang Dashan, Lao Liu, and Lao Li will definitely come over, adding a group of people.

But you have to plan well first, after all, pastoral life builds such a blueprint.

It requires careful planning and polishing.

The surrounding traffic construction must also keep up.

Moreover, once the hot spring here is developed, it will take advantage of the opportunity to turn the village into a local tourist attraction.

Many farmhouses have been developed, and the surrounding mountains can also be remodeled in an orderly manner.

People's picking fun can be increased.

At that time, homestays can be developed in the surrounding area.

They have a lot of sustainable development here. There are several mountains behind. Apart from this mountain, other mountains can also be developed.

Create a brand of tourism products and drive the surrounding villages to become rich.

Of course there are many things that can be developed.

It is even possible to build a resort based on the hot springs.

Even though it is only in the 80s, the project of people traveling and recuperating in the 80s has been developed in many units and enterprises.

In any era, people have goals to go out and relax.

It’s just that this kind of collective projects are more accepted in this era, such as organizing group trips in factories.

But soon as the economic development accelerates, people's personal travel will become a popular item in the future.

Anyway, her development and construction cannot be completed in one year. For example, the planting of trees in the mountains and fruit trees takes time, and it is impossible to achieve flowering and fruiting within three to five years.

It takes time to build a new project patiently.

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei walked around, talking about their plans while walking.

Jiang Lei naturally wholeheartedly agreed.

In particular, the pastoral life that Feng Huizhen sketched is completely different from the life they imagined in rural areas of farming, raising chickens, and raising ducks.

Seems more modern.

After returning from Kunming City, Jiang Lei also knew that his daughter-in-law was too capable and good at earning money.

It seems that I am incompetent.

For the first time, Jiang Lei was a little worried. This kind of field seemed useless to him as a mechanical engineer.

Will my daughter-in-law dislike me in the future?

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