In the evening, Feng Huizhen and her third sister-in-law made a big table of meals.

Looking at Yao Yaping's growing belly, she couldn't help but smile.

"Didn't the third sister-in-law talk about family planning? Why are you pregnant again?"

The third brother already has a son.

The child is almost five years old since seeing sister-in-law San last time.

"It's not that your third brother said you should be fined. There are too many children and the family is lively. I thought so. Your third brother is looking forward to having a daughter in this child."

Yao Yaping rubbed her stomach, and the baby has calmed down for more than five months now.

Her husband came back and told her that her sister-in-law's experience along the way was so admired by her that a woman could still protect herself when she encountered such a thing.

Not only can it protect itself, it even drives the local villagers to get rich.

She doesn't look like a mother-in-law, who always feels that they have concealed the truth about this matter.

But she felt that sister-in-law had this ability.

"Huizhen, what are you going to do in the future?"

"Sister-in-law, I was going to start a business because I wanted to go home and contract the land, and farming is not bad.

But I don't think I'm that kind of farm material. I saw you and your third brother coming out of the chicken farm today.

I can't stand the smell alone, let alone doing this, I'm not this material.

I want to do some other farming to make a pattern.

Anyway, with Jiang Lei by my side now, the two of us must be better than one alone. "

Feng Huizhen also thought about it clearly today. The work in the field is not so difficult as she imagined, but in fact, contracting hundreds of acres of land, where the fields are exposed to wind and sun every day, is not her dream.

In the future, with the further development of society and the improvement of people's quality of life, tourism will develop rapidly.

And the vicinity of their village is truly blessed.

She decided to develop her own business anyway.

Obviously, he is not good at real estate, after all, the investment this time was in vain.

She just does something else.

Engage in tourism, homestays, and even greenhouse planting.

Self-sufficient and earn money.

It can be regarded as one of her choices for a flat life.

"It's fine if you go back to the village, your third brother and fourth brother will be there to help you.

You can rest assured that everyone in the village is thinking about our family. Since you had an accident this time, no one in the village has spoken gossip. "

"Everyone is a good guy."

A large table of dishes is served.

The old man and the old lady are really happy to eat, and it has been a long time since they have eaten dishes cooked by the earthen stove in the country.

Moreover, the chicken is really tender and juicy, and even the simple egg scrambled with chili has a sweet taste.

Feng Huizhen couldn't help admiring while eating.

"Third brother, third sister-in-law, your chicken farm is really good. The breed of chicken you raise is very good. The chicken is so delicious. Even the eggs are very delicious."

She didn't think of it at all in front of her third brother and third sister-in-law, but she just raised her mouth.

The third brother and the third sister-in-law are engaged in scientific breeding. These chickens are raised in the form of free range, and the chickens will automatically return to the cage when the time comes.

Moreover, all the feeds are pure natural formulas made by themselves, but they did not buy those added feeds from outside.

From this point of view, the third brother and the third sister-in-law are ahead of others.

"You can eat more if it's delicious, our family guarantees enough."

Feng Zhiyuan was very happy. His sister was able to praise him, which was a recognition of his career.

"Say you're still out of breath."

Yao Yaping smiled and pinched her husband.

"Oh, you have to show off in front of my sister. At least the two of us have achieved results in our down-to-earth career. Sister, don't you know that my chicken farm and your sister-in-law's farm are now famous far and wide, and many people come to want our family Chicken seedlings. Our family can sell 10 yuan a year just for chicken seedlings.

Our chicken is now a registered brand, which is why you reminded me.

In the market, our Yuanping chicken is very popular.

In our chicken farm, the eggs and chickens have already been ordered out.This is also thanks to what my sister said to me at the beginning. Without your plan, I would not have thought of these things. "

Feng Zhiyuan is especially grateful to his sister.

He felt more grateful for his sister's technical support than financial support.

"Okay, third brother, I will also be in our village in the future, and a chicken every day will definitely eat you up."

Feng Huizhen looked at the big chicken leg in front of her with a smile, not to mention that she didn't vomit at all after she came back.

And especially appetizing.

Jiang Lei saw that the delicious food she ate was completely different from the sick and listless look she had in Kunming City.

Worrying is letting go.

It seems that Feng Huizhen really loves her family.

Liu Cuihua watched her daughter gobble up the food, and felt very distressed.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, don't gobble it up like this, be careful not to choke yourself, we still have more in our family! Third child, your sister likes to eat your chicken so much, starting tomorrow I will bring back a chicken for your sister every day.

Don't worry, Mom will give you the money. "

Liu Cuihua felt that her daughter must have suffered a lot outside, seeing how hungry she was, besides, her daughter's small body was really thin.

"Mom, sister eats chicken, do you still need money? Who do you think I am? This is my sister, Huizhen, just eat it, we don't need you to eat anything."

"From now on, the third brother will take care of your chicken and eggs."

Feng Zhiyuan proudly patted his sister on the shoulder to reassure.

Jiang Lei laughed.

"Third brother, brothers and sisters have to settle accounts clearly. I will pay for how much chicken Huizhen ate."

Finally, Feng Huizhen's appetite developed, even if he wanted to eat the whole chicken farm, Jiang Lei would never change his face.

Feng Huizhen suddenly covered her mouth and ran out again.

Jiang Lei skillfully picked up the cup, poured warm water on it, and chased him out with a towel in one hand.

Liu Cuihua had been very worried for a long time, and just wanted to get up and chase him out.

"What's wrong with this kid?"

In the end, the old lady pulled her back and said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry."

"Grandma Bai, I have to worry. This child has always been in good health. He has never been like this. I'm terribly worried. "

Liu Cuihua wished she could go out immediately.

"Don't worry, women have to go through this. It doesn't matter, it's good to have Xiaojiang here."

Liu Cuihua muttered to herself, chewing on what the old lady said just now.

"Women have to go through this?"

Suddenly his eyes widened.

"Old lady, don't you mean Huizhen...?"

Grandma Bai nodded seriously.

"The two children are so good, it will be a matter of time to have children."

"In another nine months, you will have your grandson in your arms."

Liu Cuihua stood up abruptly and rushed out.

Just when Feng Huizhen finished vomiting, Jiang Lei helped Feng Huizhen walk back.

Liu Cuihua snatched Feng Huizhen from Jiang Li and glared at Jiang Lei viciously.

"Look what you've done."

He turned his head and squeezed out a forced smile.

"You are a child who has such a big accident, and you don't tell mom."

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