Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 833 Aren't You Afraid Of Burning Stupid?

The two of them finally walked deep and shallow, and they were about to reach the village.

Suddenly it was dark head-on, and someone rushed out.

"Let's go, let's go. The child is sick, and I have to go to the hospital as soon as possible."

Jiang Lei instinctively protected Feng Huizhen to the side of the road.

Feng Huizhen grabbed Jiang Lei and pointed at the black shadow running past her.

"No, it's my elder brother's voice."

Jiang Lei also seemed to hear it familiarly in a trance.

The two had no choice but to turn around, and followed the black shadow to leave again.

"Don't worry, it's useless for you to worry now. There is only one hospital in the county. Your brother must take the child to the county people's hospital. Let's go there to make sure."

Feng Huizhen's slightly flustered heart finally settled down, but she didn't know how the child was doing.

The last time I saw the two little guys was a few years ago.

She has always been impressed by those two children.

The rare twins, two big fat boys who are very strong.

That's my sister-in-law's favorite.

Yao Yali treats the two children like baby lumps.

The two hurried to the County People's Hospital. After entering, they saw Feng Zhiqiang anxiously walking around outside the door of the emergency room.

Feng Zhiqiang walked away, reached out and punched the wall.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault. Such a big man can't even support his wife and children."

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei hurried over.

"Big brother!"

The moment Feng Zhiqiang looked back and saw his sister, his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Huizhen, when did you come back? Why didn't I hear what my mother said?"

"Brother, my train just arrived at the county seat late today, so I stayed in the county seat for one night. I will go back to the village early tomorrow morning. I was going to see you, but we passed by just now."

Feng Huizhen took her eldest brother to sit on the chair at the door of the emergency room.

The elder brother who looked at it had already broken his knuckles. He must have hurt his hand with the punch he hit the wall just now.

Jiang Lei turned around and went to the nurse to ask for gauze and disinfectant.

"Oh, you were the one who almost ran into you just now?"

Feng Zhiqiang suddenly remembered that he almost bumped into someone just now.

"What's the matter, brother? Who's in there?"

"It's the second treasure. It's all my fault that the child has been sick for several days and has been running a fever. Both Dabao and Erbao have fevers.

In the past two years, my child has been in poor health and often gets sick.I thought the child had a common cold and a fever, as long as he drank some ginger water at home and sweated, he would be fine. "

"I didn't expect that before midnight, the child was so hot that he was smoking there.

I saw that it was not good, so I hurried to the hospital with my baby in my arms. Your sister-in-law is taking care of Dabao at home.

Dabao also has a fever, but not as severe as Erbao. "

Feng Zhiqiang felt sad when he mentioned this incident, a man got involved in this matter.

If it weren't for the fact that the money in the hands of the couple was not enough to see a doctor for the child, they wouldn't have dragged the child's illness to this extent.

The children have been burned for three days.

"Brother, a child's illness can be serious or minor, especially if he has a fever. If such a young child has a fever for a few days, his brain will burn out."

Feng Huizhen could tell that the eldest brother was having a hard time, and the clothes on his body were all patched.

From the smell all over his body, he could tell that the elder brother hadn't showered for a long time.

Even when they were in the village, everyone in their family loved cleanliness.

Liu Cuihua loves to be clean, so she asks them no matter how poor and miserable their family is.

Although the clothes are worn out, they can still be washed clean.

The eldest brother has lost his original living habits like this.

It can only show that the eldest brother's life is not satisfactory. I am afraid that he is exhausted every day for his life and has no time to take care of himself.

"I know it too, I know it too, I just... well, your elder brother has no ability, no prospects, no money, and poor pockets, so I'm afraid of spending those two money for medical treatment."

Feng Zhiqiang thoroughly understood what it means that a penny can't beat a hero.

"Brother, go home and bring Dabao, as Erbao is so ill, Dabao must not be much better.

Especially when children are young, it is easy to get worse in the middle of the night.

Rather than letting my sister-in-law carry the child alone in the middle of the night, you might as well just bring the child here now. "

Feng Huizhen persuaded the eldest brother.

Feng Zhiqiang gritted his teeth and touched his pocket bitterly.

He can't afford that much money to see a child, let alone bring another child.

Feng Huizhen stared, her voice became severe,

"Brother, when is it? Don't just talk about your own integrity, I have the money here!

It's not too much to be an aunt and have to see a doctor for her two nephews.

We are brothers and sisters, if there is anything you need to argue with me here.

Hurry up and take the children over now, compare them with money, compare with your backbone, the lives of the children are more important.I don't want to have two stupid nephews. "

Feng Zhiqiang was shamed by his sister, but at the same time, he also knew that was what he was thinking just now, and he didn't want his sister to know his embarrassment.

My sister's words literally tore off the last layer of skin on her face.

Feng Zhiqiang turned around and left.

At this time, what kind of backbone does he need?

Feng Zhiqiang just left.

The doctor had already come out to see, and there was no Feng Zhiqiang outside and asked hurriedly.

"Where did that ragged man go?"

"Doctor, that's my elder brother. Tell me what's going on. I'm the child's aunt."

Feng Huizhen said hastily.

After hearing this, the doctor looked Feng Huizhen up and down.

The clothes of Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen are obvious, completely different from Feng Zhiqiang.

He couldn't help but sighed, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, who knows what's going on with this family.

"The child is very sick, you parents don't send your child to the hospital for a few days in order to save some money.

The children were so burned that they no longer knew anyone.We try our best to bring down the child's fever, but in these three days, who knows if the child will have any sequelae, we can only say our best. "

Feng Huizhen nodded hastily, "Thank you, doctor, do your best, we will definitely cooperate with the doctor."

Hearing such reasonable words from the family members, the doctor finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that some family members who had no money in their pockets would just hold the child and leave when they heard that the child was so sick.

This kind of thing is not without.

Afraid of spending money, because it delays the child's affairs, and it is not a minority.

"Okay, since your family members are so cooperative, we can rest assured. The child has been infused with fluid and will be pushed to the ward immediately. Your family members should pay attention."

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei saw the nurse pushing the little Erbao to the next ward.

The two hurriedly followed.

The nurse took the bill and handed it to Jiang Lei.

"The child has a severe fever, and now he has a fluid transfusion. I'm afraid he will be hospitalized for at least a week. Please pay the money first."

This is the rule of the hospital.

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