Lao Li looked at the pile of money in front of him, and after he narrowly escaped from the hospital, he knew that he owed Xiao Jiang his life.

At the same time, this amount of money is definitely not what he can earn in this life.

"Xiaojiang, I've been fooling around here all day long. I thought that since I have such a sum of money, why not let me do it with you. From now on, I will go wherever you go, and I will do whatever you do. Let's play together as a brother." Just be brothers forever."

When Liang Dashan heard this, his eyes showed surprise, and he never thought that he could have so much money all at once.

The money in his hand is in the millions.

I think when my wife cuckolded herself and took the child away, she just fell in love with the boss's money.

Originally, he was thinking of taking the money and smashing it in the woman's face to let the woman know.

What a wrong choice to leave yourself in the first place!

But when he heard Lao Li's words, he suddenly felt that this was the wise choice for Lao Li.

Lao Liu silently collected the money. He was different from others. His father was still in the hospital, and his family needed money.

"Xiao Jiang, I left the money. I will use the money to settle the family, and then I will go to you. It is interesting for us brothers to work together."

He owes Xiaojiang and Feng Huizhen a huge favor. If it weren't for Xiaojiang and Feng Huizhen's father, he might have died long ago.

This favor cannot be paid off with money.

This money is enough to settle down the family and take care of my father for the rest of his life.

At that time, he will go to Xiaojiang.

It is uncertain what will happen to Xiaojiang in the future, there will always be times when he needs help.

The other locals silently took their money and left.

Jiang Lei patted the shoulders of Liang Dashan and Lao Li and Lao Liu.

"Okay, as long as you want to follow me, you can do it at any time. Go home first and settle down with your family. I'll leave the address to you, just go find me when the time comes. I'll take my grandparents home with Huizhen first. "

It's time for them to leave.

When Bai Pengju knew that his parents were here, he also looked helpless, and the old couple ran all the way here.

My heart raised, in case that treasure master made a murderous move right now.

Parents are their weakness.

Their plane departs.

But this time they parted ways, Feng Huizhen's task has been completed.

Bai Pengju must take the delegation back to the province to hand over the task.

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei originally wanted to send their grandparents back to Beijing, but their grandparents said otherwise.

They will go wherever Feng Huizhen goes. If Feng Huizhen stays in Shangjing to raise her baby, they will return to Shangjing.

Feng Huizhen was also very helpless, so she had to take her grandparents to buy a ticket back to their village.

She had already agreed to go back, and her mother was worried that she might almost go blind from crying at home.

If I don't go back and explain it properly, I guess my mother can break her leg.

Of course, this trip was quite a toss. Their small county did not have an airport. They first took a plane to the province, and then transferred to the county by train from the province.

Feng Huizhen worried about the health of the old man and the old lady along the way.

He even secretly added Lingquan to the water they drank.

Not to mention the old man, the old lady still feels that she has spiritual significance recently. The two old people feel that people are in good spirits on happy occasions.

It is natural to be very happy to see the great-grandson soon, and when a person is happy, his body and bones will naturally become stronger.

It was already dark when we arrived at the county seat, and there must be no shuttle bus to go back to the village.

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei settled everyone in the guest house first.

Old man, the old lady is getting old after eating, and she is indeed tired from the car.

The two of them went to bed early.

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei went directly to their elder brother Feng Zhiqiang.

I heard that my eldest brother and sister-in-law are still working in a small factory in the county, so they should still live in their original place.

When the two of them arrived in the county, they should naturally take a look.

Go back to the village early tomorrow morning.

Feng Huizhen also wanted to see her godfather and godmother.

I don't know if there will be enough time tomorrow morning. Tonight is still a bit late. Now that they have finished watching Feng Zhiqiang's family after 9 o'clock, they probably don't have time to see their godmother Niu Jinyun.

The last time Feng Huizhen was in a hurry and didn't have time to meet her godfather and godmother.

Jiang Lei persuaded her in a low voice.

"Don't tire yourself out. We'll have plenty of time in the future. Aren't we going to settle in the village? Or we can settle in the county."

No wonder Jiang Lei was worried, Feng Huizhen was so busy these days that she didn't even have time to catch her breath.

"What you said makes sense, okay, if you don't have time tomorrow, don't go to see your godfather and godmother. Let's settle down and then go see your godfather and godmother."

Feng Huizhen always feels sorry for her godfather and godmother.

You can't always move forward when you use people, and turn backward when you run out of people.

Because it was getting dark, the two of them had no time to buy anything.

I had no choice but to go to the house where Feng Zhiqiang used to live empty-handed.

Feng Zhiqiang and sister-in-law Yao Yali don't know if they are still there?

When I saw my eldest brother last time, I didn't have time to ask him about his situation.

The main reason is that Feng Huizhen's situation is already worrying enough. At that time, the eldest brother and the third brother were only worried about whether she was okay, and no one cared about talking about the situation of each family.

The two came to the place where the eldest brother and sister-in-law lived.

Just about to knock on the door, unexpectedly the door opened.

A middle-aged man walked out the door and bumped into the two of them.

"What are you doing? Standing in front of someone's house at night, what do you want to do?"

It is indeed scary enough. Whoever just opened the door, there are two people standing outside the door, it is no wonder that it is not scary.

Jiang Lei hurriedly smiled and came forward to say hello,

"Comrade, I'm sorry. We're here to find someone. We're looking for the people who used to live in this yard. There used to be a couple named Feng Zhiqiang with two children living here."

This yard is so small, since the other party came out, it proved that Feng Zhiqiang and the others should not be living in the yard.

When the man heard this, he suddenly realized.

There was a kind smile on his face

"Oh, you're here to look for Lao Feng. Lao Feng and the others moved away long ago and don't live here. They moved to Xiaowang Village, three streets away, and rented a house to live in."

"Do you know each other? He said that if you don't know the way, I will show you the way."

Obviously this man knew Feng Zhiqiang, otherwise he wouldn't be so enthusiastic.

"No need, comrade, thank you, you tell us the way, we can find it ourselves."

One declined the other's kindness. Xiaowang Village is a so-called urban village near their county seat.

Near Xiaowang Village are all houses built by farmers, so some vacant houses will be rented out.

Because the environment is not good and the traffic is not convenient, the rent here is very cheap, and many people rent houses here just for the sake of cheapness.

Feng Huizhen naturally knew this place.

The two walked through three alleys with one deep foot and one shallow foot, and finally saw the village in the distance.

The roads in the village in the city are not well repaired, probably because it has rained in the past two days.

It's a bit muddy on the road.

Jiang Lei was afraid that Feng Huizhen would slip and fall beside her and supported her.

But he didn't say a word.

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