Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 828 Who Has Entered My Room

Bai Pengju returned to the hotel in a daze.

Everyone wanted to celebrate, but he stopped them. In his words, what is the celebration before the auction ends?

After hearing this, everyone secretly praised Director Bai as the one who can really stabilize the situation.

When everyone was a little overjoyed, Director Bai was still so calm, without showing any emotion.

Everyone admired Bai Pengju. In their words, there must be a reason why the superiors chose Director Bai.

Putting it on them has long been so happy that they can't wait to announce it, and the whole world knows it.

Qi Min took two assistants to hold Bai Pengju, so he didn't let go.

"Director Bai, I apologize to you here. My eyelids are too shallow. I don't know that there are mountains beyond mountains, and there are people beyond people. It turns out that Director Bai is the real master by keeping his face.

Here I want to sincerely apologize to you. "

"Old Bai, tell me why these 25 stones have nothing to do with the jade they produce inside.

No matter which theoretical knowledge is combined, it is impossible for such a stone to produce imperial green. "

"You have to tell me carefully, I really don't understand."

Bai Peng raised one hand to block the door, pointing directly to the aisle.

"I said that I don't understand anything, I don't understand anything. Now you all go back to your respective rooms, let me calm down and rest, okay?"

With a bang, he closed his door.

The others looked at each other.

Qi Min touched the door of his nose and almost hit his own nose.

"Have a personality! Lao Bai, this is the personality of a real scientific researcher."

Bai Pengju went back to the house, sat on the sofa, and hurriedly picked up the phone.

"What's going on today?"

"I don't care, how can I leave it alone? You don't know. I was scared to death today. I didn't expect that all 25 stones are imperial green. Don't you know that everyone is asking me how to tell that these stones have imperial green?

How do I answer? "

"Okay, okay, I won't ask, and I won't say anything. Then what should I do next?"

"Well, I see, okay, I'll do as you said."

"What if they come to me today?"

"okay, I get it."

Bai Pengju put down the phone, and the niece on the other end of the phone was confident.

But he was full of uneasiness.

At this moment, Bai Pengju suddenly saw an envelope on the carpet at the door.

He entered the door in a hurry just now, and he didn't see it at all.

Picking up the envelope and opening it, there are photos of him and Han Zhaoxue inside, and the most important thing is that there are negatives of the photos underneath.

Bai Pengju was a little confused, who sent the photos and negatives to him?

Or did it mean that the other party sent it here deliberately in order to get him, and left another backup in his hand?

But in any case, these photos and negatives must be destroyed.

Bai Pengju burned all the photos and negatives, threw them directly in the toilet, and flushed them away with water.

My heart was jumping nervously.

Everything is out of his control.

Don't know what's next?

Just then, the phone rang in the house.

Bai Pengju picked up the phone.

Ma Liu's malicious voice came from the opposite side.

"Director Bai, congratulations, today is a successful start. What did you say? We promise you can make a lot of money. You see, this is a win-win situation."

"Ma Liu doesn't need to say these brazen words here, I'm afraid these stones were deliberately forced on me because you didn't like them.

But if you know that the inside is imperial green, why are you willing to sell it to me at such a cheap price, and you are not a fool, you can just lie to a three-year-old child, there is no need to lie to me.

Say something directly.Don't delay my time. "

"Okay, Director Bai is quick to speak, this is what I admire the most about Director Bai, since this is the case, I don't hide it, it's just one thing.

Director Bai, I hope that tomorrow's bidder won't bid for the stone that we handed over to you. "

Bai Pengju sneered.

"You are the ones who let me take photos of rocks, and you are the ones who don't let me take photos of rocks! Why do you think that rock is so valuable now? But I am very interested in that rock, and I will definitely shoot it tomorrow.

We all know that there is imperial green in that stone.You told me not to earn the money I got?Do you think I'm stupid? "

"Bai Pengju, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine, your photos and negatives are still in my hands.

If you dare to grab that stone from us tomorrow, I will wash your photo and paste it all over the auction venue, making you ashamed to face others. "

"You decide for yourself."

Ma Liu said viciously.

"Ma Liu, don't scare me, do you know what I was doing just now?"

Ma Liu suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"What were you doing just now?"

"I just burned a batch of photos and negatives. I think you should go back and check to see if your photos and negatives are still there?

Threatening me with illusory things.It also depends on whether you have the ability. "

Bai Pengju was definitely bluffing, and he was not sure if the other party came to test him on purpose.Still have another backup in hand.

Hearing this, Ma Liuyi hurriedly gestured to his subordinates.

The men quickly opened the black suitcase in the room.

I took out an empty bag from the interlayer of the suitcase, with nothing in it.

Ma Liu said furiously.

"Bai Pengju, you are doing well, you actually sent someone to steal the negatives and photos from me."

"To each other. If you are the first grader, don't blame me for the fifteenth grade."

Bai Pengju hung up the phone with a bang, but his heart was in his throat. It turned out that these photos and negatives were real.

From Ma Liu's words, he could tell that the other party definitely had a backup, and if he had a backup, he wouldn't be so angry.

In other words, someone was quietly doing this and saved himself.

But who would this person be?

Could it be Huizhen?

Bai Pengju didn't know.

He couldn't imagine who could take such a big risk for himself, except for Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei, there was no one else.

At the same time, Ma Liu kicked the younger brother down in the room.

"Who has entered my room today, tell me honestly who is eating inside and outside?"

A group of younger brothers hurriedly defended.

"Brother, how could we do such a thing? We have all followed you for so many years."

Ma Liu was not at ease with anyone, and carefully checked their expressions one by one, but saw that two younger brothers looked away.

"You two, you two are evasive, it looks like a guilty conscience, did you two do it?"

The two were so frightened that they immediately fell to their knees with a plop, "Brother is not the two of us, really not the two of us."

"Then why are you two so frightened?"

"Brother, someone came into your room today."

As soon as the two of them heard that something was missing in the elder brother's room, they knew it was not good.


"Who has been in my room?"

"Your cousin, Miss Han!"

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