Bao Ye and Ma Liu squeezed into the crowd with their people, and when they squeezed into the middle, they saw that Master Jieshi was sweating profusely on the machine.

Everyone stared at this scene with relish.

"Look at it, another piece of imperial green."

Master Jieshi shouted in surprise, he was numb after driving.

Anyway, he knew that every stone cut was guaranteed to be imperial green.

I have never seen a stone opened to such an extent.

There seems to be no suspense.

Everyone looked at it, and as expected, what was exposed in this piece of opened stone was the imperial green of pure material.

Huang Jingfeng said puzzledly, "It's strange, why are they all emperor green?"

Bai Xiaowei looked at Bai Pengju coldly, of course she did not believe that Bai Pengju had such luck.

Turning her head to look at Feng Huizhen again, although Feng Huizhen and Bai Pengju had no intersection, she absolutely believed that Feng Huizhen was responsible for this matter.

Hateful and jealous in her heart, Feng Huizhen is so capable that all 25 stones are imperial green.

What kind of system does Feng Huizhen have?

Why is it better than your own system?

"Unsatisfactory stuff."

Bai Xiaowei gritted her teeth, and cursed at the system in her mind.

"Hey, don't scold people, if you continue to scold the system, I will have to leave."

Bai Xiaowei flipped through the system mall.

Nothing she can afford right now.

Points, points.

Fortunately, the points generated by the two unlucky charms this morning can already be exchanged for four unlucky charms.

Bai Xiaowei gritted her teeth and exchanged the four unlucky talismans, and was going to take a few random photos with the people around her.

Bai Xiaowei can't care about hurting the innocent anymore, anyway, she is having a hard time at this moment, and neither can others.

Suddenly he turned his head and saw Lao Li.

Bai Xiaowei was startled, and took two steps back, almost bumping into Huang Jingfeng.

"What happened to Xiaowei?"

Bai Xiaowei said with a pale face.

"It's okay, it's okay. Maybe I didn't sleep well last night. I'm a little dizzy."

Huang Jingfeng hurriedly supported her to the next lounge.

Ma Liu and Bao Ye watched with gloomy faces as all 25 stones were cut open.

Now 25 stones are lined up, shining in everyone's eyes.

It took more than half a day to see all kinds of imperial green on these cut stones.

Every piece of imperial green is absolutely pure, the water is good, and the texture is pure.

Such quality imperial green can definitely fetch a high price.

Various jade companies have already geared up and started bidding.

Qi Min is smiling so much that his eyes are almost squeezed together, and his face is full of wrinkles.

"Director Bai, Lao Bai, I really didn't expect that you are the master of the stone gambling world. You have this skill, why didn't you tell me in advance, we talked about so many topics along the way, but we just didn't Talk about stones.

Your experience level is definitely not at the same level as mine, it is more than twice as high as mine.

Speaking of it, I have to call you a teacher. "

Bai Pengju hasn't recovered until now, he doesn't understand what went wrong.

It is absolutely impossible for the people in Maliu to give themselves such a high-quality stone, which means that Feng Huizhen either dropped the stone, or someone tampered with it.

The most likely thing is that Feng Huizhen did this good thing, but how did Feng Huizhen do it?

Bai Pengju could only spit out a few words with a straight face.

"I'm not a teacher, I don't know anything, I'm just picking randomly. Let's discuss whether these stones are sold or not? If we keep them, we don't have the money to bid for the king in the end."

Bai Pengju raised his voice deliberately, and pointed to the three stones.

All eyes fell on the three stones.

Master Bao's heart skipped a beat, and he tried his best to send one of the three stones.

It was the biggest stone in his mine.

It is of the same origin as these 25 stones and was dug out of the same pit.

These 25 pieces are all imperial green, and there is no need to say that the whole stone is absolutely full of imperial green.

That rock weighed almost 150 tons.

According to the current frequency of imperial green for 25 stones, it can basically reach 80% of the full material.

There are at least 150 tons of imperial green in the 120 tons of stone.

Calculated according to the price.

Even a rough calculation, it is at least 50 billion or more.

Every gram of imperial green is comparable to gold.

Master Bao is now so regretful that his intestines are green.

The entire mine has a 50-year operating right, and it is impossible to spend 50 billion.

If he knew that all the greens that came out of this mine were imperial green, how could he not have just taken them out and sold them to the auction venue so easily.

Fortunately, Bai Pengju already knew his details. After Bai Pengju sold the 25 stones, of course he was bound to win the bid.

Others saw that Bai Pengju patted the 25 stones. As long as Bai Pengju was able to win against the king, the three stones would definitely be fought to the death.

Master Bao gritted his teeth and instructed Ma Liu in a low voice.

"We have to get that piece back."

Ma Liu took a look at the stone, and there was a flash in his eyes that he must get it.

In other words, Lord Bao said that he had already thought of this problem just now.

"But Bai Pengju definitely wants to buy that piece of standard king."

"Don't worry, the bidder won't start the auction until the third day, so you can talk to Bai Pengju first tonight, and use photos to coerce him to withdraw from the bidding.

Other people are not a problem, after all, everyone does not know which of the three stones is the most important. "

Master Bao secretly regretted that the price for this stone to be sold must not be so high. Now if the auction is held according to the normal auction price, it will not be three or four billion yuan and this stone cannot be taken down.

And three or four billion are not insured.

After all, there are so many buyers from all over the country who come to the auction, who knows what someone's vision looks like.

At least 10 billion must be prepared to ensure safety and security.

But he has nothing but a payment for the latest shipment.

Even if he directly finds the price of the batch of stones that the bidding will send him in, it is only 8000 to [-] million.

It's far from that number.

At least he has to prepare 20 billion on hand to have the possibility of winning.

He calculated that even if he finally bid 20 billion to get the bidding king, it would be far from the internal value of the bidding king.

20 billion for 50 billion is a good deal.

But where is he going to get the money?

This is not a small number, and it is absolutely impossible for him to raise such a large sum of money by himself.

"Don't worry, where is Bai Pengju? I can guarantee that they will not dare to act rashly tomorrow. But what about the money?"

Ma Liu was also in a hurry.

"Let's find a way to go through all the relationships we know, and borrow as much as we can. No matter how high the interest is, we can agree to it. As long as this stone is marked, we can eat and drink in this life. Who will pay for it?" Get the fucking right to operate."

Master Bao gritted his teeth and said.

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