Its daybreak.

Feng Huizhen made breakfast for everyone.

After dinner, Liang Dashan took his people back to rest.

During the day, Xiao Liu followed them with people.

This is their roster.

Xiao Liu took two brothers he knew well, and the three of them followed in the yard, sitting on a bench, with wide-eyed and small-eyed eyes.

Although it was said to protect the two of them, there was obviously nothing to do now.

The three of them are all honest people, but sitting here with other people's money, I feel a little bit sorry.

Especially Lao Liu, he and Jiang Lei are brothers, he came here, although Jiang Lei made it very clear to everyone from the beginning.

Give each of them a salary of 100 yuan a day, and control food and housing. If an injury occurs, they will also be responsible for all the expenses of follow-up treatment.

If they die, they are responsible for paying a settlement fee.

These people have all been around, especially since their border is right here in Myanmar. It is common for this kind of thing to happen.

It is difficult for anyone to tell clearly about life and death, and there are often people hired as bodyguards to escort them here.

After all, their transactions are too insecure.

But such humane treatment is rare.

The three felt more and more that the money was earned with a little shame.

Feng Huizhen stood up and said.

"Brother Liu, we have nothing to do today, because the auction will officially start tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will be qualified to enter the auction, let's go out and walk around the streets today, shall we? "

The three of Lao Liu nodded.

"Okay, brother and sister, you can go wherever you say, and do whatever you want us to do."

Feng Huizhen could tell that these people were honest people.

Among Jiang Lei's brothers, Lao Li is a bit slippery, but he is also quite reliable in brotherhood.

Others are affectionate and always feel like they are not doing enough.

Jiang Lei walked out of the room after hearing these words.

"Where do you want to go? I'll accompany you."

He is a 24-hour bodyguard.

Five people set off now.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the alley, he saw Lao Li appearing in a car.

There are not many people driving these days, but there are quite a lot of people driving here in Kunming City. After all, the jade business here is all big bosses.

It is indeed shameful to go out without a decent scooter.

Lao Li sat in the driver's seat and waved towards them.

"I knew you guys were going out. I'm here to be the driver. How's this car? It's not bad, is it?"

Both Jiang Lei and Lao Liu smiled, Lao Li is just like this, he loves to talk and show off.

How can my brother not know about his old problem.

Several people got into the car, and Feng Huizhen sat in the front passenger seat.

You can't let her be a girl and a bunch of big men crowded together.

It's not really crowded, the car is actually a van.

These days, there are not many people driving around in cars.

Lao Li glanced at Feng Huizhen, he was not familiar with the sibling in front of him.

But it can be seen that my brothers listen to their younger siblings everywhere.

I just don't know what kind of temper my siblings are like.

"Brothers and sisters, where are you going to go today? I know every place in Kunming."

This is not a big talk, and he can barely be regarded as a local snake.

"Aside from the jade trading market, is there any other big rough stone trading market? I want to see it."

Feng Huizhen felt that yesterday's limelight was enough, but she had to create opportunities for others to get in touch with her.

It is obvious that many people will miss her yesterday's method, and today is just to add fuel to the fire.

Let the fire burn a little hotter.

Then there will be a good show tomorrow.

When Lao Li heard this, he said with a smile.

"Yes. Let's go now.

I can see it, our Xiaojiang is a stickler and follow the rules, I didn't expect to find a younger brother and sister who is a very courageous woman.

I like the temperament of younger brothers and sisters. "

Lao Li has been in this industry for so many years, how could he not have participated in this kind of stone gambling.

Driving the car, familiar with the way, led them to a market.

This market is very different from the jade market they visited yesterday.

It is in the suburbs, and this place is located in a remote place. If it is said to be located in a remote area, it is only because the road conditions are not good, and obviously there are not many buses.

But after coming here, I realized that the road was bustling with pedestrians and vehicles everywhere.

Even if the road here is difficult, there are still all kinds of luxury cars that can be seen stumbling forward on the road.

The road was quite bumpy, and when he arrived at the gate of the market, he saw that the open space here was a special parking lot, and it was already full of cars.

It was quite spectacular to see so many cars in the 80s.

Feng Huizhen and the others got out of the car, and only now did they see the market, which was a flat piece of land surrounded by a wall.

It is completely open-air. If there is a light rain down the mountain, it is estimated that the people who set up the stalls will immediately hide under the corner of the wall.

Even so, there are quite a few people coming in and out.

Several people got out of the car, and Lao Li parked the car in the parking lot and asked them to go ahead to the market.

Jiang Lei and Lao Liu accompanied Feng Huizhen, and they walked into the market.

The weather was hot and there was a smell of dust in the air.

They merge into the crowd and are inconspicuous among the crowd.

The entire market is very large, and people who set up stalls are placed there everywhere, a plastic sheet covered with various stones.

There is no facade here, only the size of the stalls, some of which are almost 50 square meters.

There are all kinds of stones on the ground, including rough stones with no windows at all, and rough stones with half-open windows, and of course there are more or less cut stones.

The narrow aisle is full of people. People pass by every stall. If they have a stone they like, they will squat down to touch it and have a look.

Use a flashlight and a magnifying glass in hand.

Most people are just looking at the flowers on horseback.

Looking at the magnificent condition of the stalls, Feng Huizhen roughly estimated that there are almost 500 stalls here.

There will be a blank space in each row of stalls.Many people line up here, and this is a place dedicated to cutting stones.

There are five masters side by side in the place where the stone is cut.

They're also far apart from each other, and that's it, each of them is doing well.

Here, the master who unifies the stone is shared, and it is also for the master to make money.

They also smiled when they saw this scene.

Feng Huizhen's only dissatisfaction is that there are too many people in this market, obviously many people come here.

However, most of the stall owners are not from Huaguo.

Their dark skin and facial features that are slightly different from those of Hua people, coupled with the traditional dress-like dresses worn by men and women, can be seen at a glance.

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