Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 798: Sleepless Night

And this night is destined to be a sleepless night, and many people can't sleep.

This afternoon's stepping stone came out with imperial green that shocked everyone.

Lin's Yushizhai was overcrowded.

It's a pity that no one opened a piece of imperial green anymore.

After countless people failed to return, the news spread like wildfire throughout the streets and alleys of Kun City.

Feng Huizhen, Boss Feng, also became a mysterious woman in everyone's mouth that night.

Behind Boss Feng is a century-old family that has passed down stone identification skills.

Boss Feng's father is a jade tycoon.

At the age of three, Boss Feng could tell the difference between the type of jadeite and the rough stone, at the age of five he could tell the difference, and at the age of eight he was already invincible in the jade world.

Bai Pengju couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the news.

He knew that his niece would break the sky.

But do not know in such a way.

He was secretly worried about the two young men again, but he couldn't do anything right now.

Ma Liu can't find out what he is doing, he and the two young people must be separated from this matter.

Pretend to be a middle-aged man who is incompetent and coerced by others.

Bai Pengju sat silently in his room, continuing to read the documents in his hand.

This time, their entire jade purchasing group represented several large gold and silver jewelry companies in the province. Overall, the purchase amount this time reached 3000 million.

In the 80s, the figure of 3000 million was simply astonishing.

This is because after the reform and opening up, the business was liberalized, more money was in private hands, and people spent more on luxury goods.

In addition to the management, of course more is placed on this kind of emerald which looks very textured and looks very noble.

As the director of the delegation, he has the power of life and death for this money.

This is why Maliu and the others are eyeing him, and 3000 million yuan fell into the hands of these private mines.

It will definitely cause economic losses to major jade companies, and at the same time, it will also make these people shoddy with inferior products.

It is conservatively estimated that the 3000 million can get 1000 million products, which is already regarded as the kindness of the other party.

Bai Pengju was also disappointed by his blindness.

But now he was so helpless.

Just then someone knocked on the door.

Bai Pengju opened the door silently, and saw Han Zhaoxue appearing outside.

He knew that the other party would contact him, but he didn't expect that the candidate sent by the other party would be Han Zhaoxue.

When seeing Han Zhaoxue again, Bai Pengju felt mixed feelings.

As a bachelor for more than 40 years, I gave my sincerity to a woman, but in the end I got nothing in return.

Han Zhaoxue was wearing a delicate skirt.

Her hair was tied back, she looked meticulous, her face was gentle and humble, and she looked the same as before.

His eyes fell on him, dark and unpredictable.

"Director Bai, won't you invite me to sit in?"

"Lonely men and widows, let's not be in the same room. Let's talk in the hall."

Han Zhaoxue was taken aback by Bai Pengju's cold words.

He couldn't help chuckling, he didn't expect Bai Pengju to start guarding himself now.

"Old Bai, why do you have to be like this? How about a one-night couple and a hundred days of grace? We are also a one-night couple."

"Besides, what I want to say to you will be heard by outsiders in the hall. Aren't you afraid of exposing your own details?"

Han Zhaoxue said lightly, pushed Bai Pengju away with her hand, and walked straight into the room.

It never occurred to him that when he turned around, he saw that the door of Bai Pengju's room was not even closed.

Just like that, he walked in behind her.

The two sat on chairs and could see the corridor outside the door.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Han Zhaoxue's mouth.

"Old Bai, why do you do this? We are partners now, and I won't eat you."

"Prevention is essential. I was fooled once, and I don't want to be fooled a second time."

Bai Pengju's understatement made Han Zhaoxue's heart ache.

She had never met a man who treated her so well.

So no regrets, no regrets, treat yourself wholeheartedly.

There was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

But she approached this man on purpose.

With her background and experience, she has no right to have such a good man.

She is the mud in the mud, and she can never be placed in the sun.

Putting it in the sun will only stink and harden, attracting countless flies.

Such a good man, she doesn't deserve to stand beside him.

"My cousin asked me to inform you.

The auction will be held the day after tomorrow, and tomorrow I will send you the number of the marked stone.

Because the numbers of the stones that will be bid for tomorrow's auction will be compiled.

As long as you take pictures of these stones, you don't need to do anything else. "

"Ma Liu said that as long as you follow through, he will give you all the photos, including the negatives. And he will give you 10% of the profits from the batch of stones."

Bai Pengju watched Han Zhaoxue leave his room and sat there motionless.

The opponent is obviously ready, and it seems that the war is imminent.

He silently picked up the phone in the room.

Feng Huizhen received a call from her little uncle.

This is a sign of an agreement between the two.

Knowing the other party's plan, I finally let go of my heart.

Feng Huizhen thought about the whole plan in silence.

After yesterday's verification, her spring water has an extraordinary effect on stones.

Doesn't everyone think that the stepping stone will actually produce imperial green?

It would be easier than a pie in the sky.

It's just because Feng Huizhen pretended to go up to check the stones when they were being carried over, and touched a couple of them.

A dozen drops of spring water took the opportunity to drip into the stone.

No one saw her move, even if they saw a wet place, no one would care.

All people who buy stones touch and take a look. It is normal to mediate for a few hours in front of a stone, and no one will take it to heart.

The nature of the stone has undergone a huge change. The small stone turned into a glass seed with a drop of spring water dripping on it, and this huge stone immediately turned into imperial green with more than a dozen drops of spring water dripping on it.

Feng Huizhen can definitely believe that her plan this time can definitely be completed.

Needless to say, those mine owners, they all know that they are those private mine owners in the Burmese country. They have armed forces in their hands and are lawless.

Maliu's cooperation with them is just to get what they need, and it is harming the interests of their own people.

Then she wants them to bite the dog.

Jiang Lei suddenly appeared from behind and hugged Feng Huizhen tightly.

"Huizhen, what did Uncle Bai say? The other party has already started to act?"

Since Feng Huizhen answered the phone, she was locked in the room alone, and Jiang Lei was very worried.

"Jiang Lei, the next move may be very dangerous. I'm a little worried about Brother Liang and the others."

These are Jiang Lei's closest people and brothers, if something happens, Feng Huizhen will feel very sorry.

This is not money can solve.

Jiang Lei kissed her forehead, "Fool, you are too unconfident in our skills, remember that we are all personnel who have performed special missions.

All we have to do is lone wolf, one man against the whole team, or fight alone with no backup.

We all disregard life and death. "

"My brother, I am confident that there will be no accidents."

Jiang Lei's confidence infected Feng Huizhen.

Leaning in Jiang Lei's arms, Feng Huizhen curled up peacefully.

The two remained silent, enjoying a rare and warm moment.

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