The house looked inconspicuous from the outside, but as the two of them walked in, they could feel that the house was actually quite large.

The front is filled with all kinds of counters, except that there are all kinds of jade products in the counters.

There are also some stones piled on the ground, and the whole pile of small broken stones is piled there on the shelf by the door.

For tourists to choose from.

There was a paper sign on it with two dollars a piece written in black pen.

Obviously, for passing tourists, it doesn't matter if you lose money if you try it for two yuan.

Walking in from here, you can see the spacious backyard, which is also filled with various stones, and there are people who shuttle inside and bargain there.

Seeing the two of them walking in, an enthusiastic young man immediately greeted them.

"Do the two bosses want to cut stones, or do they want to buy jewelry? The jadeite here is genuine."

"Do you collect stones here?"

Jiang Lei spoke.

He is not a person who talks about business, and it is a bit awkward to say this now.

Especially when faced with an unfamiliar business.

But in a strange place, it is impossible for him to push his wife to the front only if he comes forward.

No man can do that.

When the young boys heard this, there was a hint of deep meaning in their eyes. Apparently, they often encountered this kind of owner who wanted to find a buyer after cutting the stone.

"You two are selling stones? We'll take them! This way."

"Fifth uncle, collect the stones!"

The young man gave a loud voice. Behind the counter, an old man wearing reading glasses who was sculpting something raised his head.

"come and see!"

Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen took out the stone, and the old man's eyes lit up when he saw it.

Take it with gloves on.

Take a closer look with a flashlight, "Da Ma cut the mouth of the pit, the water head is good, full of color, very transparent, [-]!"

"Master, 15000."

Jiang Lei didn't know how to bargain with others, he couldn't help it, he didn't know much about the jade industry, and he couldn't even speak the jargon.

All I could do was to throw out this sentence dryly.

The master looked up at Jiang Lei, looked at him with a smile, and said.

"Young man, are you from out of town? You don't really understand this. Your stone is worth 15000, but if you sell it to us, we have to make money.

When the stone comes back, we have to process it again, and we have to pay labor costs.

For a real jade carving master, the processing fee is not cheap, and then we have to sell it. Your jade is not a high-quality goods.

It is still unknown when it will be sold on the counter, and putting ashes here will also count as our cost.

12000, not cheap anymore.

Maybe we still have to lose money. "

The master is obviously an old fritter, Jiang Lei couldn't even refute what he said.

"This piece of Yanggao green material can make four bracelets and eight jade tokens. One bracelet costs at least 5000 yuan, and one jade token costs about 500 yuan. Master, am I right?"

The old master who had watched Jiang Lei being speechless by his own words just now finally became serious when he heard this.

"Hey, there is someone who knows how to do it. Girl, since you know this, let's not say anything. Add another 1000 yuan!

13000, no matter how much you earn, it’s because you don’t waste your time! "

"Master, this piece of material is not bad, please ask for 14800, hello, me too, let's make a fortune together, besides, the material is sold to you, I'm going to look at two more stones in your shop.

It can also be regarded as taking care of the master's business. "

Feng Huizhen's words were impeccable, and the old master in front of him finally understood after hearing this, that the girl in front of her might really be a veteran.

More like an old fritter than myself.

"Okay? Lao Wu went to bill this girl and collected the stone.

Girl, just say this to you, let's treat it as a friend.Wait 10 minutes and the money will be brought to you immediately. "

The old man also spoke simply, obviously making a decision directly.

Upon hearing this, the young man next to him hastily agreed,


"You two, take a look in the store first, and I will prepare money for you."

There is no problem of transferring money these days, and everything is a cash transaction.

Pay in one hand and deliver in one hand.

Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen agreed.

The old man lowered his head and continued to do what he was doing.

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei really wandered around the shop.

Ten minutes later, the young man came back and handed them the money in his hand.

Feng Huizhen nodded seriously, then nodded.

"14800! One cent is not bad."

The young man smiled and handed them some newspapers.

"Be careful, you are not familiar with this place, and you are easy to be targeted."

This is a rare kindness.

Feng Huizhen smiled.

Jiang Lei wrapped the money in newspaper, put it directly into Feng Huizhen's black leather bag, and put it under his armpit.

This money is Lao Zhang's life-saving money.

There must be no surprises.

"Let's go?"

Although it was still dark, he was afraid that Second Brother Fang and the others would continue to come to his door.

"I'm wandering around the jade market for a while, you go back first, give the money to Lao Zhang, and then come and find me."

Feng Huizhen hasn't finished her work yet, so of course she won't leave.

Jiang Lei hesitated for a moment, he was worried about leaving Feng Huizhen here alone.

Too many things happened to Feng Huizhen, which made him a little frightened.

"Why don't I accompany you here for a while before we go back?"

Jiang Lei was really worried, he couldn't make himself abandon Feng Huizhen.

"In such a big market, as long as I don't go out, nothing will happen here. You didn't see some people in uniforms patrolling the jade market.

I saw it just now, and it was a comrade from the Public Security Bureau in the nearby jade market. "

Feng Huizhen thought it was a little funny, but was moved in her heart.

Jiang Lei is not willing to leave her even a single step now.

In fact, with Jiang Lei by her side, she also felt very at ease.

After the relationship between the two people improved, the reluctance they had.

But because of this, Jiang Lei can't stay at an inch.

Hearing this, the young man said with a smile.

"Don't worry, before you come back, as long as this girl is in our store, there will be absolutely no personal safety problems."

They can still guarantee this.

After Jiang Lei heard this, his heart finally relaxed.

"Well, don't leave here and I'll send the money back, and I'll be right back."

Feng Huizhen immediately nodded docilely.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here."

Jiang Lei hurriedly left the jade shop with his leather bag.

Feng Huizhen looked at Jiang Lei's leaving back with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

When the matter here came to an end, the two of them went back and decided to start their farming life with Jiang Lei in their hometown.

These days, people don't have the awareness of doing homestays or traveling.

But there is a famous Yuquan River on the mountain 80 miles away from their village, and a hot spring has been developed in the upper reaches of the Yuquan River.

This incident was discovered by the locals five years later.

In the tide of reform and opening up, the local people have created many tourism products through this hot spring effect, especially on the mountains near them.

Pleasant scenery.

The famous Yuquan Mountain Grand Canyon was developed.

In short, there will be an endless stream of people who will come here to soak in the hot springs in the future.

The surrounding villages have also been improved.

Many people have enjoyed this dividend.

If they went to the local area to develop the mountain in advance, it would be a good thing to build a homestay there.

It's not like she has never lived that kind of bustling city life.

She has long been tired of the scenery of sitting on tens of billions of funds and being above ten thousand people.

It's not a good thing to be plain.

Besides, being a homestay doesn’t have to be mediocre.

It's just a pastoral life.

Commonly known as farming.

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