Feng Huizhen's words made Lao Zhang turn his head instantly.

With the support of his son, Lao Zhang came to this piece of material with his prosthetic limb.

At first glance, the incision leather is smooth and delicate, with a shallow crack, but if you don't look carefully, you can hardly see the crack.

The sides are sun green high color.

The old man trembled.

"Bring our flashlight."

The son hurried into the house and took out the flashlight, and Lao Zhang took the flashlight and lit the light on the material.

This kind of old color is actually full of color.

Almost fell to the ground with one buttocks.

"It's green! It's still full of color!"

"Brother Zhang, what exactly does this mean? Can Manlu be sold for money? How much can it be sold for?"

Jiang Lei knows that he is a layman, but his only concern now is whether this stone can solve the current debt.

Feng Huizhen wanted to gamble, and Lao Zhang also gambled, and now he had to gamble.

"It's gone up! It's gone up! At least around 15000."

Lao Zhang circled around the stone excitedly, this time there was no need for Feng Huizhen to speak.

He directly asked Jiang Lei and his youngest son to help, and under his command, he quickly cut off the excess material from the stone, revealing a palm-sized stone.

Under the sun, the stone shone with emerald green light.

On the top of the stone there is a layer of green that is too deep to melt. Of course it is such a thin layer, which is no different from the stone that was cut just now.

But the lighter shade of green underneath is satisfying enough.

"This stone can be used to make three bracelets, and the leftovers at home can be used to make some jade cards. 15000 is definitely possible. As long as the stone is exchanged for money, the money can be paid back."

Lao Zhang couldn't restrain his joy.

I looked for him thousands of times in the crowd, but the man was in a dimly lit place.

It turned out that this stone was the black under the lamp. If he threw the stone away as waste, maybe the money would have passed him by.

"Congratulations, Zhang."

Lao Zhang looked up at Feng Huizhen, his eyes were more unpredictable.

"Brother and sister, this is not theoretical knowledge. You don't have decades of skill, and you can't reach such a vision. Even I was deceived by this stone."

Lao Zhang was a little worried about his brother.

"Brother Zhang, how can I have decades of skill, look at how old I am now?

I am full of calculations, I am only 28 years old this year.

And just ask Comrade Xiaojiang, I have never touched this thing, I am just a cook, and I cook delicious food.

I saw this thing occasionally when I was really an amateur. "

Feng Huizhen smiled sincerely.

If it weren't for this pair of clairvoyant eyes, maybe this stone could only fall on the corner of the street forever as a stepping stone.

After Jiang Lei heard this, he put his arms around Feng Huizhen's shoulders.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry. Huizhen is a very reliable person. I know her well and trust her. She will never lie to us."

Lao Zhang could only sigh. Looking at the situation of the two people, he could see that the two people were really in love with each other, and they were intimate with each other. This kind of trust could not be achieved even by himself and his wife.

"Okay, but it's finally settled."

Everyone is relieved.

But to pay back the money, they had to send the piece of material that had been cut out to the shop that received the material at the jade market, so that they could get a sum of money back.

This matter is of course Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen to do it, and the 12-year-old mistress cannot be allowed to do it.

"Brother, don't worry about it, we will go back as soon as we go."

Lao Zhang watched the two of them wrap the stone in a cloth and put it in a bag, and went straight to the jade market.

Hope it doesn't go wrong again.

Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen walked towards the jade market.

Feng Huizhen naturally had her own plans, they would definitely venture into the jade market, after all, to find out the other party's background, they had to contact the other party.

Otherwise, how can the bait be released?

How to get the fish to take the bait?

She is not only for Lao Zhang, but also for her uncle.

Didn't you say it?

One knife is poor, one knife is rich, and one knife wears linen.

Heaven and hell are separated by a knife.

Feng Huizhen wants to send people to hell.

How could he not go in by himself?

Following the direction given by Lao Zhang, they came to the jade market.

Unlike the imagined jade market, the jade market here is an open-air market.

It is a very lively place, the traffic here is very convenient, there are buses, various tricycles, and taxis.

As long as it is said to be a jade market, everyone knows this place.

The surrounding area can be regarded as the most prosperous place in Kunming City, where you can eat, drink and have fun.

After offering gambling stones here, you can go to watch a movie and have a meal or something.

Because the jade market came into being, many industries are in the surrounding area.

So much so that at night, the street becomes hot and full of people.

It is different from the bustle and bustle of the surrounding area.

They walked into the jade market.

It is very big, but also very simple, with two rows of dilapidated houses, and a field as big as a basketball court sandwiched between them.

Even the dilapidated houses on both sides are filled with stones of various colors.

Those who can enter and exit these houses are obviously some well-dressed wealthy people.

Many people carry a black leather bag under their armpit, which looks bulging.

When seeing these people, the waiters who came out of the store were all happy.

It was as if he had seen the God of Wealth.

And the entire open-air field is lined with ragged people on both sides, and a few stones are placed in front of it, which is considered a small stall.

Some people have huge booths with hundreds of stones on display, while others have only one stone in front of them, silently wearing a hat, and squatting beside them like that.

In this open-air market, it is almost full of people.

Most are all kinds of people.

Accents from all over the world can be heard while speaking.

Dialects from all over the world converge here to form a bargaining scene.

There are many outsiders waiting in line to cut stones.

And when the two of them entered, it was like a drop of water falling into the sea, without any splash at all, and no one paid attention to them walking in here.

Their attire is no different from all the tourists here.

Even if someone sees them like this, they just look at them.

Shout a few times loudly to attract their attention and hope that someone is willing to try their luck.

Feng Huizhen followed Jiang Lei silently watching the market.

Her eyes rest on each stone and can see inside the stone.

When I saw the colorful interior of the stone, I couldn't help but feel a little proud.

When there are golden fingers, it seems to be looking at these stones from the perspective of God.

Although Feng Huizhen only had some superficial knowledge, from the moment she saw through the stone, it seemed as if a scroll of pictures unfolded in front of her eyes.

Those theoretical knowledge on paper were completely turned into practice at this moment.

The two walked directly to a nearby shop as Lao Zhang said, and a signboard called Yushizhai was discerned in the middle of the shop.

Lao Zhang said that the owner of this shop is quite honest and the price is fair.

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