Only then did the two know that Lao Zhang's master was the well-known Liu Yidao in the local area.

Having this nickname is naturally due to his master's unique vision. It is clear at a glance whether it will rise or fall with a knife.

More importantly, this Liu Yidao is very powerful.Although he has been cutting stones all his life and he does not block stones himself, he can definitely tell nine out of ten of the stones he has worked with.

Liu Yidao has no wife, no children, no relatives all his life.

All my life I've been alone, I depend on cutting stones for others, in exchange for a full meal and a jug of fine wine.

The only apprentice he ever accepted was Lao Zhang.

Liu Yidao died of lung disease when Lao Zhang was 18 years old.

It was Lao Zhang who buried Liu Yidao after running and running, and it was Lao Zhang who settled Liu Yidao as his elder.

Be a filial son and grandson to Liu Yidao once.

This is a good talk in the local area, after all, who doesn't want to meet an apprentice who knows how to repay him.

Everyone thought that if Liu Yidao's ability was not passed on to anyone, it would definitely be passed on to his apprentices.

The disaster this time was obviously aimed at Liu Yidao's all-around ability.

Old Zhang sighed.

"But they don't know that I have learned a lot from my master, but when my master was dying, he told me that the immortal jade is hard to break. Let me never touch the stone gambling business for the rest of my life."

Old Zhang looked at the sky.

"Master, apprentice is sorry for you. I want to break the oath you made with you before you died. The apprentice is at the end of his rope and has nowhere to go. If you are alive, please forgive me this time!"

This was not clear, but Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei were a little surprised.

"Old Zhang, what are you doing?"

"Xiao Jiang, we are brothers, I hope you can help me this time."

"You can just say what you want. You also said that we are brothers, so can I die?"

Jiang Lei didn't understand. He didn't understand this business at all, so he didn't know what Lao Zhang wanted to do.

Instead, Feng Huizhen already understood what Lao Zhang meant.

In fact, Jiang Lei originally thought very simple. This 1 yuan is an astronomical figure for others.

But it's not impossible for him to get it out.

The contributions he has made in the machinery factory over the years, the awards and bonuses he has won add up to 4 to [-] yuan.

He originally wanted to use the money to help Lao Zhang solve the immediate difficulties.

"Old Zhang, do you want us to help you gamble with stones?"

Feng Huizhen didn't understand why Lao Zhang didn't go by himself, but felt that Lao Zhang meant it.

Lao Zhang nodded to Feng Huizhen.

"Brothers and sisters, I'm really sorry, the first time we met, our family caused such a big trouble, and even brought you two into it.

But now I can't count on anyone else, I can only count on you two.

I can tell that my brother and sister are smart people, much smarter than my silly brother.And obviously, you know a lot more about the stone game than my brother. "

Jiang Lei said with a smile.

"Brother Zhang, why would Huizhen bet on stones?"

Feng Huizhen has never been in contact with this industry.

"Xiaojiang, it seems that you don't know your own wife as well as an older brother like me. You let the younger siblings tell me whether she understands or not?"

Lao Zhang looked at Feng Huizhen with a smile.

Feng Huizhen said generously.

"Brother Jiang, have you forgotten what we are here for this time? I did my homework in advance and looked through the special materials.

I also learned a little bit, so I have a simple understanding. "

This is not a lie, she really just learned about it briefly, and of course it is impossible to tell others about using dried peaches as a cheating tool.

"Okay, even if my wife knows a little bit. Old Zhang, how do you ask us to help you?"

Jiang Lei was a little worried about Lao Zhang. What Lao Zhang said to the other party today, the guarantee he made was a bit too sure.

But he was unwilling to accept his help.

But Jiang Lei himself was also worried. In this year, it is not like there is money in the passbook, which can be taken out casually.

There is no convenient condition that you can withdraw cash directly across provinces and banks. At this moment, people basically have to carry cash if they want to use the money.

Even if he wants to help Lao Zhang now, he won't be able to pay for it for a while.

Originally, I wanted to talk to Feng Huizhen and go back to Uncle Bai to discuss it.

Uncle Bai and the others have the right to withdraw money when they come to the local area this time. It is still possible to borrow 1 yuan from Uncle Bai first.

Solve the urgent need first, and then consider other things slowly.

Old Zhang smiled.

"My master had a family in the local area at the beginning, and their traditions have been passed down to his generation, not from male to female, from disciple to grandson.

But the master had something happened here at the beginning, and he swore an oath locally that he would never touch the stone gambling business.

All his disciples and grandchildren will never touch this business.

Although I am capable, because of my oath, if I break this oath and gamble with stones, all the jade merchants in Kunming will drive me out.It will ruin the reputation of my master for the rest of his life. "

"what do you mean?"

Jiang Lei didn't understand, what exactly was Lao Zhang trying to say?

What does this have to do with debt?

"Xiao Jiang, I owe you a huge favor. Now that I owe so much money, if I go to the mine, I will be controlled by others for the rest of my life.

Not only will the other party threaten me with my children and wife, but I will never get out of the mine and become someone else's puppet for the rest of my life.

They wanted me to show them the stones, and they also took a fancy to my ability. "

"I know, so we must pay back the money now, so as to avoid future troubles, so that they can't find any reason."

Jiang Lei hurriedly said, of course he knew.

"The other party obviously set up this trap a long time ago, and my ignorant brother-in-law didn't know anything at all, so he stepped into this trap out of greed."

Lao Zhang was full of resentment when he mentioned his brother-in-law, but there was nothing he could do. Because of the face of the old father-in-law and mother-in-law, sometimes he really couldn't be cruel to this brother-in-law.

I hope my father-in-law and mother-in-law can take good care of my brother-in-law this time.

"Brother Zhang, what do you mean?"

Feng Huizhen had already understood that Lao Zhang obviously wanted the two of them to gamble on stones.

"There are rules here. I can enter those jade markets and jade shops, but I can't open my mouth to help others identify stones."

Lao Zhang was very helpless, it wasn't that he was desperate, he didn't want to do such a thing, but he asked his old comrades in arms to help him pay for the 1 yuan.

This is not an approach. These people are obviously prepared, and if there is a first time, there will be a second time.

He is simply a bottomless pit here.

"I want you to help me gamble on stones. Take me to those jade markets to pick a stone, as long as it is enough for 1 yuan, I don't want to expect to get rich by gambling on stones."

Lao Zhang also made this bad move out of desperation.

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