"Li Mingyuan, how dare you borrow such money? You dare to borrow any money. Are you trying to force your brother-in-law to death?"

Li Fang didn't expect that her younger brother would actually make a huge mess, and the money would never be repaid.

This is not harming my own man.

"Sister, I didn't expect it either. They didn't make it clear at the beginning. I didn't know that the interest would be so much."

"By the time I knew it, I already owed so much money."

"Then why did you borrow it?"

"Isn't it just because my family is poor and I don't have a proper job, you said I don't want to get rich overnight, what else do I want to do?

I know a little bit of this in my life, and nothing else. You let me go to work, the little work I do in the field, the food I grow will not be enough to eat.

Besides, I can't do the work in the fields. "

Li Mingyuan still felt that he was quite reasonable.

"Li Mingyuan, do you know that you have made our family suffer, you have killed your brother-in-law?"

Li Fang didn't know what to do now, with such a huge debt.

This is not something that she and her husband can afford, but if these people really go to find their parents, it is estimated that their parents will only hang themselves.

One step forward is death, and one step backward is a dead end.

"Sister, let brother-in-law work for them to earn money and pay off their debts."

Li Mingyuan didn't care.

"Okay, you two sisters don't need to quarrel here. What we're talking about today is repaying the money. Old Zhang, how are you going to repay the money?"

Brother Fang laughed.

"If you pay 1 yuan today, it's over, right?"

Old Zhang asked in a deep voice.

"That's right, you only need to pay me 1 yuan from morning to noon to dark. I'll give you the IOU, and forget about it."

The second brother Fang looked at Lao Zhang in surprise. Could it be that this Lao Zhang wants to take a break?

But of course what he said had to be counted. He was quite well-known in Kunming City.

It is because he is righteous, speaks and acts according to the rules.

Others recognize him as Fang's second brother, naturally because he is loyal and keeps his promises.

This time his elder brother asked him to intervene in this matter, he still felt incredible.

Logically speaking, what they did was not kind.

The eldest brother said that it is only right and proper to take money to do things after receiving other people's money.

But Second Brother Fang will never violate his own principles.

"Okay, Brother Fang, since you said that, let me take it easy. Come and collect the money at 8 o'clock in the evening. If you can't get the money, I will go directly with you."

For the sake of Lao Zhang's words, Second Brother Fang would naturally not refuse.

"Okay, old Zhang keeps his word, since you say so, we will leave immediately."

Brother Fang looked meaningfully at Lao Zhang and left with the others.

The people outside the yard dispersed in a hurry. This kind of bustle is nothing to watch, because stone betting and bankrupt things happen all the year round in the streets and alleys.

Today is just a debt, and there is no death.

This kind of joys and sorrows seems to be commonplace for everyone, and no one will sympathize.

Li Mingyuan saw that second brother Fang had left, and said to his brother-in-law anxiously.

"Brother-in-law, why did you let someone go? You just agree to him, and it's over with him. The other party offered 300 yuan, which is a lot of salary for a month."

Lao Zhang was still the same as usual, with a dull expression on his face, and said to Li Mingyuan in a gentle voice.

"Mingyuan, come to me, and I'll say a few words to you."

Li Mingyuan walked up to his brother-in-law unceremoniously.

Complaining while walking.

"Brother-in-law is a matter of time, why delay? Go to work one day earlier, earn money and pay off debts one day earlier. Let me tell you brother-in-law, you are not paying my debts for me, you are paying my parents' debts. This is what you owe Theirs, you should give them back."

"Aiyo...Aiyo...Brother-in-law, you...Aiyo...I killed someone!"

"Sister, help!"

No one thought of the sudden accident.

I saw that Lao Zhang took out a stick with a thick bowl mouth from nowhere, and smashed it on Li Mingyuan's leg.

Li Mingyuan was unprepared, this stick directly broke Li Mingyuan's leg.

Li Mingyuan fell to the ground, and Lao Zhang's stick continued to rain on his legs without any politeness.

The level of force makes people have no doubt that Lao Zhang's every move is a deadly hand.

And the sound of the stick falling down made people feel pain in the flesh.

Li Fang was taken aback, and at first she was stunned for a while, but when she saw her brother howling, she wanted to dissuade her.

But just two steps forward, I only saw my husband looking over with a cold look.

When she saw her husband for the first time, her eyes were so cold that she was so frightened that she stood there, not daring to move.

After a few sticks, Li Mingyuan was lying on the ground, unable to move, sweating profusely from the pain.

As far as everyone could see, Li Mingyuan's legs could be seen deformed, and it was obvious that the legs had been discounted.

Old Zhang dropped the stick.

"I beat you to let you learn the lesson. I would rather let you be disabled and have nothing to do at home like me. I can't let you continue to harm the two old people."

He turned to his wife and said.

"You and your son take him back to his parents, and tell them what happened today. This kind of thing must not happen to him again.

As long as Li Mingyuan's legs are in good shape, he will continue to go out and do this without fear.

With the first time, there will be the second time, and the third time.

Our family can't stand his tossing like this.Do you ask your parents to think about whether to show him his legs or not to show him his legs? "

Terrified, Li Fang took the children and carried Li Mingyuan away in a hurry.

It was the first time she saw her husband's aura, and that aura could definitely shock everyone.

Lao Zhang turned his head and saw two people standing at the gate of the yard.

"Let you two watch a joke, come in quickly."

Lao Zhang took out the pair of artificial limbs from yesterday and tied the straps on his legs.

He repaired the damaged prosthesis last night and it still works.

Jiang Lei pressed the captain's hand.

"Captain, I'll help you pay back the money."

Old Zhang smiled and shook his head.

Seriously opened Jiang Lei's fingers one by one.

"We have been brothers for so many years, comrades-in-arms, and friends. I can't use your money for this matter."

This is a matter of dignity.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Feng Huizhen stepped forward and gently pulled Jiang Lei aside.

Old Zhang smiled,

"Before I joined the army, I was actually cutting stones for others in my local area. I have been doing it for more than ten years.

I have been working for my master since I was 12 years old, helping my master cut stones, and worked for 12 years until I left as a soldier.

Don't dare to say anything else, at least they still have a bit of vision, they came to me because they fell in love with the reputation of my master Liu Yidao. "

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