"What's wrong, comrade?"

The middle-aged woman was followed by her son and daughter, and the three of them came out in a hurry. The husband had bad legs and it was not convenient for him to come out. Usually, she brought her children to solve any problems.

When the man saw the three people, his expression became more fierce, and he put the bowl in front of them with a snap,

"Look for yourself, what is this?"

The attitude is more arrogant.

When the middle-aged woman looked into the bowl and saw the blowfly, her face turned pale all of a sudden.

"This...comrade, everything in our house is clean, it is absolutely impossible..."

"What do you mean? Your house is clean. Where did that fly come from? You don't mean that I put the fly in the soup myself?"

The man immediately rolled up his sleeves, revealing his strong muscles.

The other two men who were at the same table with him also stood up.

"What do you mean? You mean my brother blackmailed you?"

The man reached out to grab the woman's collar, but was blocked by the tall boy next to him with his body.

"If you have something to say, don't do it."

The 18-year-old boy used his immature body to keep his sister and mother behind him.

Although strong and strong, it is a pity that it is still a little thin.

The contrast between the three strong men is obvious.

"Don't do it, we're all eaten up. My friend's stomach hurts if I don't see it. And what are the flies? You can eat flies in your food, so how do you make your food?"

"This is not selling food to eat, it's simply murder for money."

"Oh, my stomach hurts, my stomach hurts to death."

The man who said the fly just now fell to the ground clutching his stomach.

The expressions of the other two men immediately changed drastically.

"Look at the present. If you spoil my friend, you will have to pay. If you don't pay, we will never end. Let's go to the police, the police station, and the health bureau."

The two men rolled up their sleeves extremely arrogantly.

The family in front of them was immediately terrified. The 18-year-old boy had never seen such a battle.

The middle-aged woman hurriedly stood up and pushed her son behind her. The child was too young to see the world.

With a smiling face, he squatted in front of the man lying on the ground.

"Brother, there are absolutely no flies in our rice noodles. Our kitchen is absolutely hygienic and clean. If I don't believe you, go and have a look in the kitchen."

A few dry words obviously couldn't convince the person in front of him at all, and the other two men pushed the woman to the ground as soon as they heard this.

"What did you say? What do you mean? Could it be that we brought the flies in?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that."

Although the woman was pushed to the ground, she hurriedly waved her hands to explain, and the boy rushed over to help the woman up.

But the two burly men have already overwhelmed others in terms of momentum.

"You don't mean that, so what do you mean? I told you that my friend was eaten up, and his stomach is now going to the hospital. You have to pay me."

"It's my friend, it must be gastroenteritis, and it may even cause dysentery. This is fatal."

The boy supported his mother but was blocked by two people. The menacing expression made the boy a little at a loss. He didn't know how to deal with this situation, but he also knew that these two people were talking nonsense.

"You guys, you're talking nonsense. My dad makes the cleanest stuff. All the flies in our restaurant have been wiped out. My younger brother and sister have nothing to do, so they just kill the flies. It's impossible for any flies to fall into the pot. inside."

"Why should we lose money? You are talking nonsense."

When the two men heard this, they were furious from the bottom of their hearts.

How could two people let this boy continue to talk nonsense.

"What the hell are you talking about? Do you think I'm blackmailing you? Let me tell you that we don't have 2000 yuan today and we can't finish it."

In this era, 2000 yuan is not something that anyone can afford.

The boy turned pale with fright when he heard this.

After a month of hard work, my parents only earn 600 yuan.

Moreover, I have to deal with all the expenses of the family. In the end, the only thing left is two or three hundred yuan.

It costs two to three thousand yuan a year, and these people pay 3000 yuan for a mouthful.

Wouldn't they have to take away their annual income?

"You, you are extorting people."

These words obviously made the two men in front of them furious immediately. They knew that they would encounter resistance, but they didn't expect that this brat would dare to blatantly shout such a thing.

A man's fist waved immediately.

"Stinky boy, you dare to talk nonsense, I tell you, my friend had diarrhea in your restaurant today.

Let me tell you, if you don't pay my friend, we will never end, and I will smash your store. "

"You dare to slander us for 2000 yuan and tell you that it costs [-] yuan now."

The other man showed a ferocious look, and overturned the table in front of him.

The other customers in the store were startled when they saw this scene. If they didn't understand just now, they now understand that these three people are obviously looking for trouble.

The customers rushed out of the store, and there was no one in the store for a while.

Do not!

There were two other people sitting in the corner of the store, completely unmoved.

Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen were watching all of this. They didn't intervene now, they wanted to see what the other was going to do.

Obviously the other party came prepared, and the purpose was very clear, either for money, or to ruin the reputation of this store.

Hear this.

The middle-aged woman hurriedly got up from the ground, keeping her son and daughter behind her.

"Big brothers, please, please! We really don't have any money. You ask for too much money, and our husband and wife only earn such a little money all year round. This is hard-earned money, hard-earned money."

"The children are young and ignorant. I will give you 200 yuan for the big brothers. Let's forget about it."

Women want to calm things down. In the past, there were also these bullying people who came here to show their prestige.

They can't afford it.

After being provoked, things in the store were smashed, and the money for buying things was much more expensive than this money.

Since their store was smashed several times, women have learned to be smart, and they can't let their own men show up. These people will demand more ruthlessly.

If he said he wasn't going to use his man's stubborn temper, he would have to be beaten up.

The child's father's legs are already not very good. If he is beaten and cannot get off the ground for three to five months, what will the family do?

"200 yuan, you are begging for food when I am an old man."

The man breathed a sigh of relief. They came this time to inquire about it, and they knew that the owner of this shop was a lame man.

It's the best bully around.

They just want to extort some money.

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