"Yes! Let's take a look and join in the fun."

Feng Huizhen saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy coming over shyly to take away the bowls and chopsticks from the table.

"Sister, is this your son?"

The middle-aged woman smiled, "Yes, this is my son."

"What do you want to eat?"

Although he didn't say anything more, he could see his love for his son.

"Give us some specialties in your store."

Feng Huizhen didn't know why middle-aged women didn't know Jiang Lei.

"Okay, we are here for the local characteristics. The most famous thing in our shop is the Chuanjun Rice Noodles made by ourselves. In fact, they are authentic Guoqiao Rice Noodles."

"Then give us two."

Jiang Lei ordered with a smile.

The two got off the plane and arrived at the hotel. They haven't settled down to eat yet, and their stomachs are empty right now.

Smelling the aroma inside the store, both of them were grumbling in their stomachs.

"Okay, take a seat, both of you."

The middle-aged woman turned and left.

Feng Huizhen quietly asked Jiang Lei,

"Is this your comrade's wife?"

Jiang Lei smiled and nodded.

"Do you think I don't know them well?"

"Didn't you tell me that you often come to see your comrade-in-arms, why doesn't your comrade-in-arms' wife know you?"

Feng Huizhen didn't disbelieve Jiang Lei's words, she just found it strange.

"Zhang Jun was discharged from the army because of a leg injury. In order not to hurt his feelings, he met with us alone every time we met. It was the first time I came to their store."

When Jiang Lei mentioned his comrades-in-arms, he was also full of sadness.

"Then you will not embarrass your comrades in arms if you go directly to the store this time?"

"Probably not, this time we will borrow to live in their house."

Jiang Lei looked at the kitchen. The curtain separated the inside and the outside. He knew that Lao Zhang was always in the kitchen and would not come out so that people would not see his disabled leg.

All the busy people outside are my sister-in-law.

It is actually his captain, who has been trained under Zhang Jun since the day he joined the army.

The captain is down-to-earth and honest.

So each of them takes good care of each newcomer.

The training is very strict, but they take special care of them in life.

Like a big brother.

Seriously speaking, the captain injured his leg in training because there was a problem in training with their team.

Each of their players felt heavy in their hearts.

is a guilt.

It is more a responsibility.

If it wasn't for the captain trying to save them, then the captain would not be disabled in his legs now.

The captain can stay in the army, maybe he is now at the rank of regimental leader.

But it all ended in the summer of that year.

In recent years, each of them has not forgotten that Lao Zhang will come to see Lao Zhang every time he passes by, and send Lao Zhang some souvenirs every month from time to time.

Just to make up for their inner guilt.

Offer help without harming your comrades.

The hot rice noodles are on the table quickly.

"This is our chicken soup rice noodle, the most traditional and original rice noodle. But the taste is also the best."

The enthusiastic middle-aged woman made a brief introduction, then retreated to the back.

The bridge noodle in front of me is the most basic kind of noodle.

Of course, it is the simplest rice noodles that show the most skills.

Whether it is authentic or not depends on how the chicken soup is boiled.

The chicken soup should be oily but not greasy. The soup is usually made of bone broth that has been boiled for more than ten hours, which is very delicious.

The broth that condenses the essence of bone broth is used as a base.

The rice noodle bowl is huge.

According to the price, the side dishes are different, but like them, it is generally a basic ten dishes of fresh side dishes.

While the soup was hot, I began to put ten kinds of vegetables into the tumbling tender white soup.

Quail eggs, sliced ​​meat, mushrooms, vegetables... Finally put rice noodles.

This homemade special rice noodle is even more juicy and chewy, with an outstanding taste.

Without adding any seasoning, just taste the soup base, which is extremely delicious and full of characteristics.

There is a very good sense of ceremony.

Of course, when the taste is not enough, there are many seasonings on the table that can be added.

The taste is outstanding, and it is endless aftertaste.

Even Feng Huizhen, who was born as a chef, couldn't help nodding after tasting it.

"The skill of your comrade-in-arms is really amazing. It's simply a masterpiece."

For the first time, Jiang Lei showed a hint of complacency on his face.

"Our captain is a very serious person. As long as he does it, he will do it well, otherwise he will not do it. Such a first-line craft is also something he started to learn after returning home.

Lao Zhang said that his legs are disabled, but he is not disabled. Since he is not disabled, he has to find a way to learn a skill.He has no other skills, but he can keep improving. If he can't learn something ten times or 100 times, then he will do it 1000 times.

Doing business pays attention to honesty, and everything he has is genuine, so although it is a very well-known store nearby, the economy in their place is not good, and consumption is not high. Relatively speaking, people are not willing to spend much. "

"However, the couple are very satisfied. They feel that with this store, as long as they can raise all five children in the family and take care of their parents! They are already satisfied."

Both of them were satisfied with what they ate, and Feng Huizhen praised it repeatedly. There is no way for this kind of craftsmanship in a small shop, especially this kind of back-to-basics craftsmanship.

It may not be tasted for many years.

You must know that after many years, many restaurants will use chicken essence and monosodium glutamate as the soup base. Although the aroma is strong, the sweetness is definitely not as good as the original taste now.

Moreover, the current food is relatively pure, with less chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and belongs to pure natural plants.

The taste of various ingredients will definitely make you linger.

And this kind of homemade rice noodles obviously took a lot of effort.

The rice noodles are white and chewy.

The soup base, side dishes and rice noodles are all perfect to the extreme.

It definitely proves that the person who cooks puts his heart into it.

The two of them ate and drank enough, Feng Huizhen touched her stomach, and couldn't help sighing that this was the most satisfying meal in recent times.

It is simply a pleasure to eat such delicious food without her hands.

At this time, the customers in the store had left two tables.

I was just about to sit here and chat, waiting for the guests to leave, and then meet the couple again.

But at this moment, a man at the next table slapped the table.

All the guests in the room turned their heads instantly.

"Boss, what's the matter with asking the boss to come out? Look at your food, why are there flies in it? I ate half of the bowl, but I ate a fly. Do you think it's disgusting?"

"I want to vomit now. It's not your food that made me sick."

All the guests were startled when they heard this, and they probed to check.

The man held the bowl in his hand for everyone to see, and sure enough there was a big blowfly floating in the soup.

Many people covered their mouths and hurriedly checked their rice noodles, and they were relieved when they saw that there was no problem.

But everyone couldn't help but feel sick when they thought of that blowfly.

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