"I know that everyone has worked hard today and is tired all day, but I still have to tell you something clearly. lest everyone think that I deliberately watch people order food."

Feng Huizhen didn't care about Li Min's attitude, if she cared about Li Min.

If you argue with this woman, then she is not Feng Huizhen, who has lived for so many decades in vain.

"Say it, tell it, talk it out quickly. I'm exhausted, I want to go back and rest."

"It was the production captain who made you the captain, but we didn't let you be the captain."

"I really take myself as the captain and start to control others."

"Let me make a long story short. Whether you like to listen to it or not, you should listen to it anyway. Otherwise, don't wait to say that I, the captain, don't care about you."

"Whether you like me as the captain, I am the captain now. Currently, we have four kitchens here. My opinion is that everyone eat together. This can save food and time.

The four of us educated youths have already started eating together, and so far we think the effect is pretty good.This is just an opinion for everyone. Whether you want to partner or who you want to partner with is up to you.

Also, don't look at it is summer, I hope everyone is ready for winter.In the winter here, everyone can also see that they sleep on earthen kangs, which proves that in winter, they have to rely on burning earthen kangs to keep warm.

So prepare enough firewood to survive the winter.Now that I'm talking, whether you like to do it or not is up to you. If you don't have firewood in winter and it's freezing to death, don't blame me for not reminding you. "

"I'm young, and it doesn't matter if everyone thinks I'm not convinced as the captain. In our educated youth spot, I hope that those who are capable will live in it. If one day everyone thinks that they find a more suitable captain than me, I can completely resign."

Feng Huizhen is also unwilling to be the leader, and it is not a good thing to manage a bunch of educated youths.

After hearing this, the others finally felt a little better.

The perception of Feng Huizhen also changed instantly.

"Hmph, you're a little bit self-aware."

Li Min dropped the next sentence and went in.

Liu Xuemei glared, "Who is it? Do you want to hear it or not! Who of you can do better than Huizhen in field work. Captain Wang even made Huizhen the captain. If you are not happy, go to Captain Wang go.

Showing face here, who will see it? "

Feng Huizhen dragged Liu Xuemei and the four of them into the kitchen.

"Let's discuss it. Today, Wang Shun and the others proposed to join us. I think it is acceptable. Let's see your opinions. After all, there is strength in numbers, and Wang Shun and the others are right.

They can't cook.Complement each other, let's cook, and they will do the physical work, which can also save time. "

Liu Xuemei, Zhang Xiuyun and Li Xiaoyu all looked at Feng Huizhen.

"We don't have the final say, you can do what you say, we don't understand anything."

Looking at these three people, who regarded her as the backbone, Feng Huizhen sighed.

She never thought that others would be her responsibility, but it was inappropriate to ignore it.

Psychologically speaking, her mental age is already an adult in the tens of years, and the three eldest in front of her are girls who are only 18 years old.

She is like a big patriarch now, no matter what is really unreasonable.

"Well, since you all said to listen to me, if there are any problems in the future, don't blame each other, after all, I respect everyone's opinions."

Group life was relatively easy at the beginning, but I was afraid that there would be quarrels and conflicts because you eat more and I eat less.

"Don't worry, we all listen to you, and we can listen to whatever you say."

The three girls nodded hastily, they were afraid that Feng Huizhen would ignore them.

Others can't care about it, but they now understand that only by hugging Feng Huizhen's thigh can they live a good life.

It would be no wonder if Feng Huizhen and the others could comfortably arrange everything since they came to the Educated Youth Point.

"That's fine, then you inform Wang Shun and the others that the seven of us eat together. Let's put the food together and settle it."

When Wang Shun and the others heard that the female educated youth was willing to partner with them, they were so excited that they quickly carried the food back.

Since they came to the educated youth spot, they haven't eaten well, and the black batter they made by themselves was sticky on the bottom of the pot after a meal.

Feng Huizhen assigned some tasks according to Wang Shun's suggestion. Four female educated youths were in charge of cooking, and they worked in groups of two, so that they would not be very tired.

The remaining male educated youths are responsible for washing dishes, fetching water, collecting firewood and so on.

After everyone listened, they all agreed.

Feng Huizhen and the others picked, washed, and dried the wild vegetables they picked up today, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief. At least when they eat it tomorrow morning, it won't be a clear soup with little water.

Having nothing to say all night, Feng Huizhen lay on the kang and entered the space.

The things in the space cannot be taken out, not because they cannot be taken, but because they are reluctant to take them.

Feng Huizhen looked at the Lingquan water with soreness all over her body and pondered for a while.

I am going to have a drink. Drinking this glass of spiritual spring water can at least change the strength of the body. Although it cannot be said that a glass of spiritual spring water can cleanse the essence, but the function of spring water has been deeply understood in the previous life.

Feng Huizhen drank a glass of spiritual spring water and wandered around, suddenly remembered something was wrong!

Does she have to consume energy to drink the spiritual spring water?

That would be a big loss.

I hurriedly looked at the screen, but saw that the energy on the screen was still [-]%.

Feng Huizhen wondered secretly, could it be that she consumes the things in the space without consuming energy?

Feng Huizhen tried to take a pack of cakes. There are quite a few of these individually packaged cakes here.

I liked to eat sweets in my previous life, and I have all kinds of cakes in storage.

Especially this chiffon cake.

She tore open the package and ate it in two or three bites, but Feng Huizhen's eyes were fixed on the screen. Sure enough, the energy was not consumed.

Feng Huizhen was overjoyed.

It turned out to be the case.

I patted my head, stupid!

Why didn't she think that all the things she consumes in the space will not affect the space, that is to say, she will only consume this energy when she takes it out of the space.

In this case, it will be much more convenient.

Haha, it is convenient to eat alone.

Feng Huizhen slept refreshed that night.

But she didn't know that Jiang Lei was sitting in his uncle's office at this time.

The uncle and nephew faced each other with very serious expressions.

"Uncle, let me leave early. If I don't leave early, it will be more troublesome to be caught by others. If you take the initiative, you can have a good reputation."

"Hey. I didn't expect that the current situation would be so serious."

"Uncle, as long as my father and my mother are still in good condition, I can replace them and go to the countryside to receive labor education. That's not a very good thing. It's better than going to my father and mother."

"I wanted to protect you, but I never thought they would move so fast."

"Uncle, you have already protected me very much. Now you protect yourself well, which is the greatest protection for me."

"Okay. I know you made your own decision, and you won't change it. Otherwise, I'll find you a place in my comrade's machinery factory, and someone will take care of you, so that I can take care of you."

Jiang Lei was deeply moved, with a smile on his face, he knew that his uncle wanted to protect him.

"Forget it, uncle, those people are staring at us now, trying to find fault with us. Don't make a fuss over this matter so that you do good things and end up with no good results.

If I worked around here, they might have something to say. "

"Just let me go to the Northwest, where talents are needed."

Director Feng looked up at his nephew with puzzled eyes.

"Why go so far?"

"Uncle, if you stay far away, they won't notice, desperately looking for various reasons to punish my parents."

The two were speechless.

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