On the way, they met many villagers who went up the mountain to hunt wild vegetables, but they were all young people in the village.

Seeing Feng Huizhen, many people greeted her one after another.

"Huizhen, are you going to pick up wild vegetables?"


"There are quite a few on the mountainside."

"Don't you have a hatchet for chopping firewood? When it's over, you can ask the captain for two. Otherwise, the thin firewood you just cut won't be enough."


"Let me tell you, go to the back mountain, there are many good things in the back mountain, sometimes you can come across fungus and mushrooms after it rains."

"thanks, thanks."

"Thank you, thank you, why are you so polite! We are also our own people."

Those who knew each other and didn't know each other were kind and warm to Feng Huizhen like their own relatives.

The main reason for everyone to look at Feng Huizhen with admiration is that everyone knows that Feng Huizhen in the educated youth spot is actually a rural person like them.

Instinctively, Feng Huizhen was regarded as the same person as them.

Feng Huizhen smiled wryly, as an educated youth like this, I am afraid that she will be excluded by others.

But this is everyone's kindness. It is not easy to integrate into a new environment.

But fortunately, the enthusiasm belongs to the enthusiasm, and Feng Huizhen is not forced to stay with them.

The four of them, Feng Huizhen and Liu Xuemei, came to the back mountain.

There are many people looking for wild vegetables on the mountainside in front of the main place. There are too many people, so they want to find a place with few people.

Unexpectedly, the three male educated youths were still following behind them.

Realizing that Feng Huizhen looked back at them, the male educated youth's face became even more red.

"We... the three of us don't know wild vegetables."

The sound was as low as a mosquito's cry.

Feng Huizhen suddenly realized that she couldn't treat everyone as the same as her.

After all, she lived for dozens of years in her previous life.

Liu Xuemei said carelessly, "We don't know each other, but I don't have Feng Huizhen. I didn't expect Feng Huizhen that you are a treasure, and you can do everything. The most sensible thing for us is to be with you."

Satisfied, he stretched out his hand to stop Feng Huizhen's shoulder.

A good pair of brothers.

"I will teach you how to recognize wild vegetables. We have so little food, so we have to rely on these wild vegetables to supplement some. Otherwise, we will really starve. Now we are just weeding. After a while, it will be time for autumn harvest.

The work in the days when the field was harvested was particularly heavy.If you cook for yourself, if you can eat less recently, you can eat less food and save it for the last few days of autumn harvest, otherwise you will not be able to withstand it. "

Feng Huizhen is not stingy either, this is a talk from experience, every autumn harvest is the time when the coolies are the most.

After hearing this, the three educated youths glanced at each other, as if discussing something.

"Feng Huizhen, I know that the four of you female educated youths will have a meal together. We three male educated youths really don't know how to cook. And we don't know how to arrange these. We just want to ask if we can join you.

Let's all eat together, we can't cook, you can cook, but we can do other jobs.For example, we can go up the mountain to collect firewood, fetch water and so on. "

The male educated youth who spoke was called Wang Shun.

Wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, he looked refined and refined.

It can be seen that the three male educated youths should come from the same place.

Otherwise, Wang Shun couldn't be pushed to speak out, obviously they have unified their opinions.

Feng Huizhen smiled, "Your opinions are very good, but I will give you an answer after we go back and discuss it, okay? This matter is impossible, and I will make the decision alone."

This matter must be discussed.

From a distance, Feng Huizhen saw a large piece of wild vegetables on the ground.

"Quick! This one is too edible. Pick this kind. The tender ones and the old ones taste bitter and astringent. Although you can eat them, they are not bad for people, but they are not tasty. The tender ones are the best. "

Feng Huizhen instructed them to recognize wild vegetables, and everyone began to dig wild vegetables on the ground.

Feng Huizhen looked around, wondering if she could find some wild yam or something.

She thought that the wild plants growing here should be similar to those in their village and on the mountains.

Unfortunately, the wild yam was not found.

But to Feng Huizhen's surprise, she saw a lot of chestnut trees on the mountain. This mountain is densely forested, and many wild trees grow there, including pine trees, chestnut trees, apple trees, hawthorn trees and so on.

Obviously this was not planted in the village, because the trees grow from one to the other.

People at this moment have no awareness of greening.

But because the time is not up, the fruits on the tree are not yet ripe.

But Feng Huizhen had a plan in mind, after all, even after the autumn harvest, they distributed food.

The work points of their educated youths do not give them much food, and the production team leader provides them with food even in the first year.

It will not be treated equally with the village, and it must be less.

Otherwise, the members of the village will not allow it.

If you have a full stomach, don't think about it.

Every village in any village depends on the sky for food. Even in the harvest year of their village, one person can only get 260 catties of grain.

Don't get me wrong, these 260 catties of grain are skinned.

After removing the skin, I am afraid that the 260 catties of grain can leave 220 catties, which is considered a lot.

Not to mention that generally only 200 catties of this kind of grain will be distributed at most, and the remaining 60 catties are sweet potatoes, mung beans, soybeans, and all kinds of miscellaneous grains combined to make up 60 catties.

Generally speaking, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Lin to have a full stomach for a year.

What's more, they are all young now, and I haven't heard that half-children eat me to death.

The food in Feng Huizhen's space, because of the lack of energy, so far she has not encountered a source that can provide her with energy, so she can only live frugally.

Otherwise, she must be fed and drunk, otherwise, Feng Huizhen is a bit short at the age of 15.

But it's a bit difficult right now.

This is why Feng Huizhen is positive and wants to change the external environment.

"Huizhen, look there is a rabbit over there."

Feng Huizhen turned her head to see a fat hare that ran into the grass without a trace.

Alas, rabbits are meat, but unfortunately I don't know how to hunt.

If I know how to hunt, I am afraid that any worries can be solved.

The male educated youth chased after him and dug the grass for a long time, but there was nothing.

Everyone returned to the educated youth spot with wild vegetables from the baskets on their backs.

At this moment, the three male educated youths had become friends with Feng Huizhen and the others.

Feng Huizhen and the others went back to the educated youth, and the other educated youth seemed to have gone up the mountain as well.

When it was dark, everyone came back one after another.

Feng Huizhen called everyone to have a meeting.

They came out lazily one by one, obviously before they fully recognized Feng Huizhen as the captain.

They all seem to be unwilling.

"What kind of meeting are you having? You really treat yourself like an onion."

Li Min came out cursing, leaning against the door frame with an expression of dissatisfaction.

She felt like she stinks after picking up shit for a day.

It's a pity that there is no such condition for her to take a bath here.

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