Liu Cuihua was the last one to come in. As soon as she came in, she saw her sons and daughters.

Sitting neatly in front of the small table under the tree, he caught sight of his little girl at a glance.

I couldn't help but get red in my eyes, "You damn girl, you are back. Mother is so worried, there is no news at all."

Feng Huizhen hurriedly took the hoe from her mother's shoulder.

"Mom, how can I come back casually when I go to work? This is not today's rest, I came back early in the morning. I will stay at home tonight, and I will leave early tomorrow morning."

The grinning appearance provoked Liu Cuihua to reach out and pinch her daughter's shoulders to check her from head to toe.

"Looking at you, you don't seem to have suffered much."

Seriously, my daughter seems to have gained a little weight, and the food in the canteen of the noodle factory seems to be pretty good.

It's fine if you don't suffer.

"The food in the cafeteria of Niang Dried Noodle Factory is good. Don't worry, I eat well and sleep well. The work is not tiring."

After Liu Cuihua washed her hands, she was dragged by the girl to sit in front of the dining table.Seeing the big bowl of braised pork on the small table, his face changed color instantly.

"Where did you get the meat?"

The days that their country people eat meat all year round can be counted.

Their family can't afford task pigs, so every year when other people's homes hand in task pigs, if they can get a catty or two catties, that's considered good.

If it catches up with the low work points earned by the family and it is a disaster year, it is estimated that there will be no pork by the end of the year.

No one can give pork for nothing.

Can actually eat pork in the summer, can Liu Cuihua's face not change drastically.

The main reason is that I am afraid that my daughter will do something out of the ordinary in the city.

"Mother, don't worry, this pork is our welfare, don't tell me that our temporary workers' welfare is pretty good. Don't you know? Not only did I get back the pork, but I also took a bag of minced vermicelli from our warehouse. cleaned out.

The section chief said it's a pity to throw away this vain thing, so let us divide it up.I was given a bag, and the section chief said, others don’t get this kind of treatment, it’s because I’m good at work, obedient, and serious about my work. "

Pointing to the noodle soup prepared in the big pot, Liu Cuihua picked it up with chopsticks, and sure enough, the noodle was so broken that I couldn't bear to see it.

But I was also shocked. Besides, this is also white flour.

"I didn't expect that the noodle factory's treatment is so good."

There are workers in the city in their village, but those two are in the village, and they are considered wealthy.

Just watching other people's kid ride a bicycle to work in the city, and occasionally come back with a bunch of things in big bags.

At that time, everyone said that being a worker in the city was like a fairy day. I heard that everything was distributed in the city, even toilet paper for toilets in the factory.

But she didn't expect that her own daughter, a temporary worker, could also enjoy this treatment, so Liu Cuihua couldn't help but believe it.

"I'm saving things. I'll eat when you come back from work. You said you've made a family now, and you've eaten everything. What else can you eat?"

Liu Cuihua looked at the big bowl of braised pork, feeling distressed, how much meat was there?

"Mom, it's so hot, I have to go to work for at least another week, how can the meat be kept for a week? Let me tell you, I only did this little bit.

There is quite a lot of meat left, although the remaining meat has been salted, it has been put in the well to freeze.

But it won't last long, you and your brother and sister eat it as soon as possible, don't wait for the meat to stink when I come back. "

Feng Zhiyuan nodded repeatedly when he heard this, "Mother is right, the other meat will stink by then."

I have never encountered such a good thing in my life, being able to eat meat for several days in a row.

"Eat, eat, eat, this is what your sister earned so hard, you just know how to eat."

"Mom, don't lose your temper. I'm not thinking about my sister. It's really impossible. Let's save the fat left over from the oil. It can save my sister for a few more days."

It's not that Feng Zhiyuan doesn't miss his sister, but the weather is so hot that he really can't let it go.

Feng Huizhen smiled and picked up a large piece of meat with chopsticks, and put it in the empty bowl in front of her mother.

"When my mother is eating, I don't like to teach others."

Liu Cuihua smiled, "Okay, hurry up and eat, okay, okay, your mother will stop talking!"

The whole family started happily.

Everyone was satisfied with this meal, especially after hearing that Dabai steamed buns were also saved by Feng Huizhen from the cafeteria.

Liu Cuihua felt even more distressed, and she kept telling Feng Huizhen.

In the future, such frugality is not allowed, the family has enough food to eat.

She is not allowed to save it. When she is growing her body, if she does not eat well, she will not grow taller in the future.

Feng Huizhen promised very well, but she didn't take it to heart.

The family's belly is round, mainly today's meal, which is great.

On the one hand, I haven't eaten meat for a long time, and I haven't seen the smell of meat for more than half a year. It is extremely satisfying to eat large pieces of meat, and the yams that have absorbed the fat are soft and delicious.

Served with big white steamed buns and noodle soup, it has never been such a good day.

After the meal, Feng Huizhen was busy tidying up Feng Huiru, helping her younger sister to take the dishes and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash. The two sisters were chatting and tidying up.

Several people rested for a while, but they couldn't stay at home because they had to go to work in the afternoon.

Feng Huizhen wanted to go to work with a hoe in the afternoon, but was scolded by Liu Cuihua.

After finally taking a break, my daughter has to go to the field.

Feng Huizhen promised well and cleaned up the house at home.

After sending off her brother, sister and mother, she cleaned up the house inside and out.

In fact, the roof of their adobe house leaked long ago.

During the rainy season, it is windy and rainy, with heavy rain outside and light rain inside.

Feng Huizhen climbed to the roof with a ladder, and found the plastic sheet from her space.

Lay those plastic sheets on top of the roof, and then put a layer of linoleum on top of the plastic sheeting.

The linoleum is something left over from the early years, and it will be left for later generations. Basically, no one uses this thing.

Not only the linoleum was paved, but also the broken bricks from their yard were found on the linoleum to press the roof firmly.

After tidying up the roof, it was getting late when looking at the sky.

Guessing that my brother and sister should be back in a while, millet porridge was cooked in the pot.

Dinner is simple, with millet porridge served with steamed buns, shredded pickles, cucumber, and their most distinctive tiger dish, basically enough for the whole family.

After the things were packed, they were placed in the yard, and then a pile of wormwood was burned in the yard, so that the mosquitoes could be fumigated.

When eating, you will not suffer.

After finishing all the work, Feng Huizhen was busy tidying up the kang in her own room, but she wanted to sleep here at night.

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