Having figured this out, Feng Huizhen showed a smug smile.

In her previous life, she really didn't know her own life experience. She seriously offended her brother and sister enough, but she was blind and had no relationship with her brother or sister at all.

When the truth of the matter was known, the elder brother and sister almost died.

Feng Huizhen suddenly put away her smile, no!

Brother and sister had bad luck in their previous lives. Seriously speaking, even if one person is unlucky, the whole family can't be unlucky.

I have never seen a family die badly.

She is not really a young girl with little knowledge, and when she thinks about this matter seriously, she suddenly becomes terrified.

If there is a black hand behind this situation, trying to cover up a certain truth.

If it really has something to do with his life experience, could it be Feng Gaihua?

Feng Gaihua didn't want others to find out about her life experience, so she did some tricks, otherwise, her brother and sister would not end well.

This is too unconvincing. Any coincidence cannot be called a coincidence, it can only be said to be artificial.

Feng Huizhen thought about the matter and found that she had nothing to do with the Feng family.

Later, my chances were not good, and it was also very difficult to struggle all the way to start a business.

She encountered crises several times, and faced bankruptcy several times. In her previous life, she walked a much more difficult path than others.

Also after the reform and opening up, everyone invigorated the economy, but it was too easy for others to make money, and it was even more difficult for her to make the first pot of gold.

If it wasn't for later, her blood inspired the space of the jade pendant, giving herself a chance to breathe.

Otherwise, it is estimated that I would not have such a development in the future.

She inexplicably suspected that Feng Gaihua'er might be the hand behind the scenes trying to prevent her from being successful.

After all, at present, Feng Gaihua looks like a reborn person.

She knows the follow-up development, maybe knows her own life experience, so she will have such an operation.

Feng Huizhen shook her head, it seemed that Feng Gaihua had to tidy up herself.

I had to ask something of value out of her, but I was a little hesitant.

In terms of physical strength, if I fight with others with my physique, I really can't do it!

She had suffered in her previous life, but no matter how much she suffered, she was not strong enough to overwhelm others.

What he suffered in his previous life was not military training.

Coming from the bottom of the society, she knows a few simple tricks, but they are all indiscriminate efforts.

Really do not have this technology for torture and interrogation, and do not understand psychology.

Feng Huizhen sighed, not to mention that she forced others to come to her door like this, Feng Gaihua couldn't admit it.

Such an important matter, if she had been Feng Gaihua, she wouldn't be able to say it.

It's the kind of thing that can't be said even if you kill it.

Ask or forget.

It seems that we have to figure it out slowly.

Thinking of this, Feng Huizhen restrained her emotions.

Organize the things at home, and then cut half of the piece of meat.

If her mother was in front of her, she would poke her forehead and call her a prodigal.

Seeing that the autumn harvest is about to come, the bodies of my brother, sister and mother have to be raised for a while.

No matter what her mother said, she had to do it anyway.

In two weeks, she will definitely go to the countryside and leave, and the time is tight for two weeks.

If you scold, just scold.

In fact, the piece of pork belly that was taken out weighed at least five catties.

It was said to be half, but when she cut it, she only cut half of it. She didn't dare to cut it all. Her mother would probably break her leg if she cut it all.

About a catty and a half was cut off, and the rest couldn't hold the weather.

She found a basin, salted the meat, and then directly hung the basin into the well to freeze it.

I added some fine salt to the salt shaker at home.

Wash the pork belly.

Clean the skin and cut the pork belly into two halves.

Ready to make meatballs.

Forget about taro.

But we still have yams in our hands.

Find other seasonings from your own space.

Of course, I tried to refine a little lard.

Otherwise, I can't explain where she got the oil for the braised pork.

Of course, there must be a little vegetable oil in the lard.

I got half a pot of lard and put it there.

The fragrant braised pork is ready to be steamed directly in the basket.

It is most suitable to eat braised pork and rice.

It's a pity that rice is a precious thing these days, and their place produces mostly wheat.

The production team really doesn't produce much rice, at least they don't have any.

Rice is also a special supply in the county.

She could only take out the steamed buns from her own space, and Dabai steamed buns could say that she had saved them from the rations in the cafeteria.

I went to the field of my own yard to pick cucumbers and eggplants, and came back with a cold cucumber and an eggplant with garlic.

Make another hot and sour potato shreds.

The portions are absolutely full, who makes their family a strong labor force, and everyone has a big appetite.

No amount is enough to eat.

Looking at the sky, it's almost time to get off work.

Put all the steamed buns and braised meat in the pot on the table, then clean out the big pot, boil water for a while and then make some noodle soup.

This meal is also considered complete.

The vermicelli on her side is almost cooked, so she pulled two cilantro from the ground, washed it and sprinkled it in the pot, and it was ready to be cooked.

The voices of my brother, sister and mother have been heard in the yard over there.

"Huh? Why is the door open in the yard? You didn't close the door when you went out this morning?"

Feng Zhiyuan pushed open the door and came in, putting the hoe in his hand against the wall.

Surprised, he asked the eldest brother who was following behind him, every time he went out first, he must not be the one who closed the door.

Feng Zhiqiang was stunned for a moment, "It seems our mother came out last today, did mother forget to close the door?"

"No, our family has the smell of food, and there are people at home."

Feng Huiru had already smelled the fragrance, and looking around, she saw food on the table under their jujube tree at a glance.

"Oh my god, is there a snail girl in our house?"

Feng Zhiyuan rushed to the door of the kitchen with one stride, and ended up facing his sister who was putting out the fire in the kitchen.

"Second brother, I am the snail girl. Brother and sister wash their faces and hands, and my rice is out of the pot."

Use their large porcelain basin to fill all the noodle soup, put a large spoon in it, and serve it directly outside.

After a while, it was almost eaten, and the noodle soup was almost dry.

Feng Zhiyuan said, "Oh my god! The fifth child is back."

As soon as they heard that the fifth child was back, several brothers and sisters all crowded over.

"Old Fifth, you went to the county seat by yourself last time without saying a word, and you haven't settled accounts with you yet."

When the fifth child left, neither the older brother nor the older sister knew about it.

"Okay, okay, it's okay to ask me to settle accounts, but I did pickle meat today."

Feng Huizhen pointed to the big bowl on the table with a smile.

Feng Zhiyuan had already rushed over with a snarl, and lifted the plate from the bowl, and he saw the fat and oily yam buckle meat.

The tangy fragrance spread all over the yard.

The family frantically rushed to the washbasin to wash their faces and hands.

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