Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 199 We Will Be Saved

It should take a few hours for the body to recover.

Feng Huizhen got out of the space.

But I heard someone shouting anxiously.

"Girl, girl, how are you? Girl, have you passed out?"

"What should I do? It looks like something happened to the girl."

"There is nothing we can do, there are so many rocks between us, we can't get through."

These are the voices of three people, and they all seem anxious.

"Girl girl, are you still awake?"

"I'm still awake."

Feng Huizhen answered hastily, for fear that the other party might be in a hurry.

The three of them must be in a bad situation. At this moment, they are still worried about her, which makes people feel admirable.

"Girl, how are you doing now?"

"Brother, thank you. I fell down just now and suffered a slight injury. I didn't recover all of a sudden, so I passed out, but I'm much better now."

Feng Huizhen took out another lamp in the dark.

Seeing the light for a long time in the dark, the dazzling light made Feng Huizhen close her eyes.

It took a long time to get used to it before I was finally able to open my eyes.

The brightness of the lights allowed her to look around clearly.

It's a tight space.

There is no way to get up, but lying flat, the space above is still very rich.

It should be that the surrounding pillars formed such a narrow space after the gravel that was smashed by myself fell down.

Otherwise, given how unconscious she was when she fell down, she would probably have been buried.

With the light above her head, she finally saw a stone wall in the distance, and there was a very narrow gap in the stone wall.

The gap is not big, at most only one hand can be stretched out.

And the voices of those three people came from that place.

"There is light, there is light. Lao Bai, there is light ahead."

"Yeah, how long has it been since we saw the light?"

"Girl, have you found your miner's lamp?"

The excited voices of the three were a little choked up, obviously they hadn't seen the light for a long time.

"Hello, you call me Xiao Feng."

"Xiao Feng, I'm Lao Bai, and the two of them are Lao Li and Lao Jin."

"Don't worry, the leaders of the mine are trying to find a way to rescue. When the second collapse occurred, the entire mine was blocked. In order to prevent you from having difficulty breathing, the rescue team and I opened up this passage together.

I think they must be trying to save you now, so please persevere and be patient. "

Feng Huizhen comforted the emotions of several people. Under such circumstances, if the three of them want to persevere and wait for rescue, they must rely on emotional stability and hope for life.

"Don't try to persuade us. Originally, we would die if we died, but now you have to implicate your flower-like girl to die with us. Speaking of which, we are not at a loss."

A few people laughed out loud, and they were able to laugh, which proved that their emotions were still stable.

"Lao Bai, Lao Li, Lao Jin, how are the others doing now?"

Feng Huizhen was lying there.

Unless she goes into space now, she can stretch her arms and legs here too.

If you want to sit up, it's impossible.

But she was afraid of causing misunderstanding by Lao Bai and the others, so she could only lie here.

Feng Huizhen couldn't help but think of Jiang Lei, and she didn't know what Jiang Lei was doing now.

Just from the injured maintenance workers, Jiang Lei fell into the water below.

Who knows what's going on now?

But at this moment, she couldn't even save herself.

Where did she enter this space, it must be this place when she comes out.

"At that time, there was a collapse at the bottom of the mine, and we wanted to escape by taking the elevator, but we didn't expect that the water flow was faster than we thought, and part of the support was washed away.

Some people were blocked in the innermost part, and we were washed to this place along the water.

The only fortunate thing is that the terrain here is high, and the water flow has not yet flooded this place. "

"Then you are really lucky to be able to persist for so long. Let's wait a little longer. I think they will come down soon."

Feng Huizhen sighed slightly.

"There is a maintenance elevator on it. Someone fell into the water. Did you meet him?"

"In the beginning we did hear someone fall into the water, but the current was too strong at that time. We are at a high place here again. As you can see, we can only extend one hand at most in this position.

The man was silent afterwards, and he didn't know where he was rushed. "

Lao Bai also sighed, and Feng Huizhen's heart rose.

It looks like she's in trouble now.

The stone above the head had to be broken, but breaking it ran the risk of being buried.

Thinking about the consequences of her falling from the top just now, she gave up the idea of ​​breaking the stone.

Honestly wait here for help.

Feng Huizhen lay down slowly.

"Old Bai, Old Bai, what's wrong with you?"

There was an exclamation from the opposite side.

Feng Huizhen hurriedly turned her head to one side.

The space allows turning over, but certainly not sitting up.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Hearing that the opposite side seemed to be in chaos for a while, someone finally answered.

"It's okay, it's okay, we've been stuck here for the past few days. It's okay to not drink water, although the water here is a bit dirty, it's better than no water to drink.

It's been two days and two nights without food, and I really can't hold on.

Lao Bai himself has hypoglycemia, and the situation has been a bit bad for the past two days. "

The person who answered only spoke a few words and was out of breath.

Feng Huizhen silently entered the space again.

If the hypoglycemia is not relieved, Lao Bai may be in serious condition.

Don't think that hypoglycemia won't kill you.

But what is the most suitable thing to take out in this environment?

There are a lot of things to eat, and there may be almost nothing to take out.

There is a lot of bread and milk, and it can't be explained by taking this thing out.

Steamed buns are white flour steamed buns.

At this point, taking out white flour steamed buns is too much fun.

Feng Huizhen could only take out a few fruit candies in the end.

Opened two packs of beef jerky.

When you take this thing out, you can say that you carry it with you.

It does not take up space and can provide enough heat.

It's easy to explain.

After Feng Huizhen came out, she knocked on the stone wall.

"Old Bai, what a coincidence, I also have a little hypoglycemia, so I brought some food with me, some candy and beef jerky. Here are a few for you, each of you can eat a candy for a while.

Everyone gets a piece of beef jerky, too.I don't know when I will be saved. "

Feng Huizhen stuffed a few candies in her hand, and someone over there took the candies and beef jerky from her palm.

"Thank you, thank you."

Hearing the choking voice on the other side, Feng Huizhen laughed.

"Thank you? We are in the same situation now, and we need to support each other hand in hand. Without you, I am trapped in this dark place alone, and I am afraid I can't hold on.

Now that we have reached this point, let's stick together.

I believe we will be saved. "

"Yes, we will be saved."

The three men next door suddenly felt that their hearts were still warm in the dark.

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