Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 198 1 Life for 58 Lives

Feng Huizhen pulled the safety rope on her waist, and the end of the safety rope no longer felt fixed.

The person above should not feel her weight.

Looking at the stones under his feet, these stones have tightly blocked the cave of the mine.

The place was so narrow that Feng Huizhen had difficulty even turning around.

Feng Huizhen untied the safety rope on her body.

The safety rope was in the way, so she could only remove the oxygen tank and the safety rope.

He tied the oxygen tank to the safety rope and pulled the safety rope a few times.

Not long after, there was finally movement from above, and the safety rope was slowly rising, which was a signal that they were ready.

The miner's lamp above Feng Huizhen's head flickered several times, and the light suddenly went out.

Sighing deeply, she had to dodge into the space.

According to her theory, if this blocked gravel is opened up, the bottom should be unimpeded.

The tools she carried were useless at all.

At present, I can only go to the space and find some usable materials in the supplies.

Feng Huizhen put on a new miner's lamp on top of her head.

This is a professional lamp specially used for rescue. This kind of lamp can be used for about ten hours on a single charge.

And there are spare replacement batteries.

With the shovel in her hand, the gravel underneath could not be opened no matter what.

The only way is to use an electric drill.

Fortunately, this place belongs to the place where there is no place to go up and down, and no one can know what she is doing down there.

Even if some movement is heard, it is estimated that the mine collapse will be blamed.

Feng Huizhen's only worry is that these stones are really drilled by her, can they get through?

The passage from above is regarded as nine bends and 18 bends.

It's not a vertical descending passage, but instead, it twists and turns inside.

The only disadvantage of this is that if the vibration caused by the electric drill loosens the stone above, it is very likely that the space where she is located will be buried.

But no matter who gets here, there is no way out.

The only good thing is that she is here.

If it were anyone else, they would probably have to go back the same way they came here now.

Feng Huizhen reappeared in the cave.

A brand new electric drill has appeared in my hand, and this electric drill is a rechargeable electric drill.

If it's plugged in, tell her to find an outlet here!

It's also thanks to her rich supplies here, otherwise I really couldn't find this kind of tool.

Feng Huizhen knocked hard on the gravel and shouted there.

"Anyone? Can anyone hear me?"

I tried more than a dozen times, but there was no response. It must be a long distance from the elevator shaft below.

There was no sound, but it made her feel a little relieved.

After all, it is an electric drill. If it is really heard, there is no way to explain it.

Feng Huizhen turned on the drill bit of the electric drill, and with a deafening sound, it got into the rocks on the ground.

Feng Huizhen's feet were fixed on the raised stones on both sides.

This makes it easier for her to use her arms.

But after a while, I felt my arms go numb.

However, soon the rocks underneath showed signs of loosening.

She drilled the largest stone, which now showed signs of falling apart.

Suddenly, Feng Huizhen lightened her hand.

Probably because of inertia, the gravel underneath suddenly collapsed.

So much so that the electric drill in Feng Huizhen's hand still maintained the forceful posture when drilling.

The whole person fell headfirst.

The moment Feng Huizhen wanted to dodge into the space of space, she suddenly hit her head on a stone.


Sometimes people are not as good as God.

By accident, Feng Huizhen's head hit the raised stone she stepped on just now, and she passed out all of a sudden.

It was too late to return to the space, and the whole body fell directly along the cave.

Fortunately, the gravel underneath seemed to have a chain reaction, like a collapse.

Feng Huizhen just fell down.

As for the captain standing on the stone surface, they had already felt the unusual tremor under their feet.

This is a phenomenon that the bottom of the mine may collapse. They were also taken aback and hurriedly climbed onto the surrounding scaffolding.

As a result, they climbed onto the scaffolding, and within a short while, the rocks underneath collapsed.

The mine, which had been tightly blocked, was suddenly filled with smoke and dust.

Several people stuck tightly to the stone wall.

Everyone in Inoue was also taken aback.

"Feng Huizhen!"

"Xiao Feng!"

Ten minutes later, the smoke dissipated, and the captain coughed with tears in his eyes.

The collapse of the rocks in the mine proved that the girl was likely buried together in the ground.

The girl was in the middle of the mine, falling with the stones, there was no chance of her surviving.

A young life, in order to save the 58 lives below, gave his life.

The captain wiped away his tears, this is not the time for them to cry, they should replace the girl to rescue 58 people.

I don't know how long it took before Feng Huizhen woke up.

In the darkness, she could only feel that she should have fallen into the water.

The sound of gurgling water can be felt around the body.

A slight movement of one side of the body caused severe pain, and the whole person could hardly move.

She thought she was badly hurt.

In the pitch-black environment, apart from the water flow, no other sounds were heard.

"anyone there?"

A hollow voice echoed.

"Someone, who are you?"

Suddenly, from a long distance, Feng Huizhen heard a weak voice.

"My name is Feng Huizhen. Who are you?"

"Is it the workers in the mine?"

Feng Huizhen struggled to prop herself up with her only moving hand.

The surroundings were dark and sloppy, and his head hit the stone in front because of the posture he raised. It was obvious that this was a small space.

Because she fell into the water, she was only seriously injured, not dead.

"Yes! The three of us are miners, and we've been stuck here for two days."

"Why are you a girl here?"

Hearing the weak questioning voice of the other party, Feng Huizhen could guess that their situation must not be much better.

"I came to save you, but I fell down unexpectedly."

Feng Huizhen sighed silently.

Dodged into the space.

This body didn't seem to be hers, it was as heavy as a stone, after entering the space, he drank a few mouthfuls of spiritual spring water first.

Finally, I felt the pain in my body eased.

At least the body is not like a rock, unable to be manipulated by oneself.

He picked another peach from the tree and ate it. This peach has the effect of bringing the dead back to life.

Feng Huizhen drank enough Lingquan on weekdays, but now her whole body hurts to the point of death. Although drinking the Lingquan has relieved it, Feng Huizhen still ate a peach in a wasteful way.

After a while, I faintly felt a heat flow in my body, and my body was finally recovering slowly.

Feng Huizhen lay there and recovered slowly.

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