Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 190 The Power of the Unlucky Talisman

Feng Gaihua returned to the dormitory humming a song.

That's it.

What she wants is these specious things.

Even if her identity is exposed one day, there is every reason to say that she has never said that she is a child of the Bai family.

How Bai Pengju decided it had nothing to do with Feng Gaihua.

The rest is to slowly manage the relationship between her and Bai Pengju.

In the past two years, they can't get too close, but they can't go too far, making Bai Pengju feel that she is very snobbish.

This measure must be handled well.

Anyway, their art team will show condolences everywhere from time to time.

The rest of the time is her acting moment.

Feng Gaihua checked her system silently, and found that the points in the system were not enough to exchange for a [-]% love pill.


It's a dog system that requires points for everything, and the points she gets for completing tasks are simply very few.

No, she needs points, especially for Bai Pengju to fully approve her.

Blindly admitting that she is a child of the Bai family, so simply getting along with her in daily life is not enough to win Bai Pengju's trust.

This 100% love pill is to make Bai Pengju love her [-]% as if he were his own niece.

But she lacks points.

Especially she had to find ways to deal with Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen is in the educated youth farm.

I'm afraid Feng Huizhen also guessed her own actions, at least Liu Cuihua and Feng Huizhen have the ability to save her.

Feng Gaihua couldn't figure out Feng Huizhen's abilities, but he knew that Feng Huizhen was definitely not reborn.

If it was rebirth, Feng Huizhen would know what to do in this life.

Obviously, all the current events proved that Feng Huizhen didn't understand her previous life at all.

If it wasn't rebirth, then Feng Huizhen possessed something unique and good, similar to the system she owns.

How can we deprive Feng Huizhen of this thing?

Feng Gaihua flipped through her system mall silently, and finally found an important item on the last page.

"Heavenly Tribulation Pill."

After taking this Heavenly Tribulation Pill, one will experience the twelve heavenly thunders that will ascend to the immortal.

Ordinary people will be wiped out, and all special talents they have will be deprived.

Even if ordinary people don't die, they will probably become stupid and even lose their memory.

Feng Gaihua smiled happily, this is what she needs.

Feng Huizhen is just an ordinary mortal, they are all mortals, there are no so-called immortals in this world.

But I looked at the points needed to redeem this pill.

Feng Gaihua kicked the table in front of him hard.

It actually needs 500 million points.

God, she can get up to five points each time she does a task.

A task sometimes takes seven or eight days, or more than ten days to complete.

It takes more than ten days to earn five points. If you want to earn 500 million points, it is simply as difficult as reaching the sky.

Even if you work diligently to do tasks in this life, you will not be able to earn these points.

Feng Gaihua sat on the bed sullenly.

Feng Huizhen absolutely cannot get what she has now like she did in her previous life.

The Bai family belongs to her.

The life full of luck and reaching the pinnacle of life should also be hers.

Feng Gaihua silently remembered that when she used the unlucky talisman, she would get more points than usual, and the more unlucky the person she used the unlucky talisman on, the more points she would get.

Compared with cooperative tasks, she is more willing to get something for nothing and get rich overnight.

More importantly, the more points she gets, the more things she can get.

There are those beautiful clothes in the mall, and there are things that she has never seen before.

As long as she has more points, she can have more things.

Unlucky Talismans aren't cheap though.

It takes 50 points to exchange one.

Feng Gaihua looked at the points in the system, and the current points are only enough to exchange for a bad luck charm.

I changed a bad luck charm and put it in my pocket.

Think about who is suitable for this unlucky ghost.

At this moment, Yao Xiaoyu, who lived in the same dormitory as her, walked in.

Yao Xiaoyu had long disliked Feng Gaihua.

Feng Gaihua's professional ability is not stronger than them.

Because Feng Gaihua has a pretty face, he was appreciated by the superiors.

She despises this kind of woman who uses flirtatious means to rise to power.


There were eight girls living in one dormitory, and the other girls were easy to bribe, but Yao Xiaoyu was the only one who tripped her up all day long.

Feng Gaihua frowned, thinking about it, then don't blame yourself for being rude.

The corner of his mouth curled up, took out the bad luck talisman, walked behind Yao Xiaoyu and gently patted Yao Xiaoyu's shoulder.

"Xiaoyu, if I have done anything wrong in the past, please forgive me, we are an art team after all, and we must live in harmony in the future."

Yao Xiaoyu shook her shoulders impatiently.

Feng Gaihua watched the unlucky talisman turn into a little starlight and fly directly into Yao Xiaoyu's body.

"Get along in harmony? You don't know what kind of person you are. If you hadn't hooked up with Director Wu, how could you have joined our art team?

People still have a little self-knowledge, don't mess with me, and I won't mess with you either. "

The face was full of sarcasm, but it didn't make Feng Gai look good at all.

At this moment, laughter came from outside the door, and several other girls in the dormitory walked in.

Seeing the frozen atmosphere between them and the restrained smiles of several people, everyone knew that Feng Gaihua and Yao Xiaoyu had conflicts.

"Captain Feng, let's go eat."

Several girls took Feng Gaihua away with their lunch boxes.

Wang Mei, who has the best relationship with Yao Xiaoyu, patted Yao Xiaoyu on the shoulder and persuaded her.

"No matter what, she's still the captain. Now that we're working under someone else's hands, why should you make yourself unhappy with that. Just deal with it in face."

"I want to deal with it too, but I can't see her smug face. I'm just a hundred times unconvinced.

But it's just relying on that face, how can you convince me? "

Yao Xiaoyu ruthlessly threw the comb in her hand on the table.

Unexpectedly, because of too much force, the comb hit the table and hit the mirror in front of him.

The shattered glass shards of the mirror flew up and hit Yao Xiaoyu's arm.

Immediately bleeding profusely.

Wang Mei was startled, and hurriedly took out her handkerchief, tied her wound first, supported Yao Xiaoyu, and walked out.

"Tell me, if you are angry, you can be angry. Why are you hurting yourself? Go and go to the health team."

Yao Xiaoyu was also taken aback, seeing the blood oozing out of her arm, she felt dizzy for a while.

When they came to the health team, it was Wang Mei who basically got Yao Xiaoyu into the health team half-heartedly.

The hygienist was also taken aback, and hurriedly checked Yao Xiaoyu.

Only then did he realize that the piece of glass had actually cut Yao Xiaoyu's artery.

If it hadn't been discovered early, Yao Xiaoyu's life would really be in danger.

Finally, Yao Xiaoyu saved his life after bandaging and giving first aid.

Lying there, pale, undergoing a blood transfusion.

Feng Gaihua in the cafeteria silently noticed that the points in the system had increased by 100 points, and a knowing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It still looks so fast.

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