Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 189 I Didn't Find One Shadow

The eloquent Xiao Liu finally took his clothes and left, while Bai Pengju sat silently in front of the desk.

This dormitory is a dormitory for eight people, and the other workers have not come back yet.

There was a sudden movement in his heart just now.

Comrade Feng Gaihua of this art troupe was actually in the village where his niece and daughter whom he hadn't seen for many years, and her surname was also Feng.

The age is also suitable. Could it be that this is my own niece?

But he shook his head, impossible!

Remember when the Feng family said that the child's name wasn't that?

He remembered that his name was Huizhen.

But since he knew that Feng Gaihua belonged to that village, he could take the opportunity to find out.

How is your niece doing now?

The child and they have been separated for so many years, and they don't know how the child is now.

How are the Feng family couple doing now?

In order to fear that the Bai family would bring the Feng family into trouble, he never sent another letter to the Feng family.

The main reason is that their letters will also be supervised, so there is no need to bring any unwarranted disaster to the Feng family.

Feng Gaihua washed the clothes cleanly, and even ironed them with hot water in the tea mug, and put the neatly folded clothes in the handbag.

Came to Bai Pengju's dormitory.

She had specifically inquired that Bai Pengju was off today.

He went up and knocked on the door, unexpectedly it was Bai Pengju who opened the door.

Seeing Feng Gaihua, Bai Pengju's memory is still fresh.

"Comrade Xiao Feng, why are you here?"

There were other workers in the room, and Bai Pengju couldn't let the girl in.

I had to close the door and walk out.

"Comrade Bai, these are soiled clothes. I have already cleaned them for you. I found out that you are off today, so I came here to return the clothes."

Feng Gaihua hurriedly took out the dress from the bag and handed it to Bai Pengju.

Bai Pengju looked at the folded clothes and couldn't help smiling.

"You're really interesting, girl. You can just wash it, why bother? I'm a little flattered to make it so neat."

"Comrade Bai, I don't know why I felt very friendly from the first time I saw you. In short, I just want to do something for you within my ability."

If Feng Huizhen was beside her, she would probably have vomited.

Feng Gaihua is really brazen.

Isn't this the tea in the tea?

"Comrade Xiao Feng, wait a moment, I'll put the clothes in first, and I'll take you back. I want to ask you something by the way."

Bai Pengju actually regarded the girl in front of him as his niece.

The girl was about the same age as his niece, so he wouldn't take the girl's words to him as if the girl was interested in him.

He, a miserable miner and a girl from an art troupe who might die at any time, knew that this was impossible, and besides, he couldn't possibly hurt anyone.

"Okay, just ask."

Bai Pengju accompanied Feng Gaihua to the art team, asking questions as he walked.

"Comrade Xiao Feng, I heard that you are from a certain village."

"Yes! Comrade Bai, how do you know?"

"By the way, there is a couple named Liu Cuihua in your village, do you know each other?"

"Of course I do, Liu Cuihua is my aunt."

"Oh, you are relatives?"

Bai Pengju never expected that Comrade Xiao Feng in front of him was actually related to Liu Cuihua and his family.

"Yeah, we are relatives. My parents said that it was my aunt who helped me when I was young, otherwise I would have lost it. I heard that I was less than a month old at that time, and it was my aunt who took me from the cliff. It was rescued.

Otherwise, I would have died a long time ago. Speaking of which, I chose to have the grace to save my life, but I don’t know why I chose these years, and there are very few contacts with our family. "

When Bai Pengju heard this, he was taken aback and stood there motionless.

Feng Gaihua had long been aware of Bai Pengju's behavior, and she made up these words on purpose.

Anyway, Liu Cuihua has buried Feng Huizhen's life experience deeply in the village all these years.

No one knew that Feng Huizhen was picked up from outside.

When she said that, she put Feng Huizhen's life experience on herself.

"Son, how old are you this year?"

"Comrade Bai, I am 17 years old, and my birthday is in May. My mother said that my birthday is the time when I was rescued from the cliff. They changed it specially so that I can grow up safely.

I heard that that time was particularly dangerous. If my aunt and uncle hadn't rescued me, I might have lost my life.

But good people don’t live long. My uncle has been dead for so many years. It’s not easy for my aunt to raise the children alone.

My mother said that I had the same name as my aunt's little girl, but she changed it when I grew up. "

Feng Gaihua has already thought of all kinds of loopholes, all of which must be plugged.

Bai Pengju felt sore eyes, could it be that this is his niece?

"Could it be that your name was Feng Huizhen before?"

"That's right, I used to be called Feng Huizhen, but my aunt's little girl is also named Feng Huizhen. No one knows who she is by this name. When I grew up, my mother changed my name.

Feng Huizhen from my aunt's family is one year older than me.

My mother said that I was a younger sister, so naturally I should give my sister a little bit. "

Bai Pengju hastily turned his head away, afraid that the girl would see the tears in his eyes.

The girl couldn't explain it when she asked.

No matter which clues can be combined, it proves that the girl in front of him is his niece.

"Comrade Bai, what's wrong with you? Do you know my aunt and the others?"

Feng Gaihua asked this on purpose.

Seeing Bai Pengju's slightly trembling shoulders, she knew that Bai Pengju had definitely misunderstood her as his own niece.

"I don't know! How could I know your aunt and uncle. You child, I feel very kind when I see you, just like the younger generations in my family. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to Uncle Bai."

Bai Pengju tried his best to calm the excitement in his chest, and also calmed down his desire to recognize his relatives just around the corner.

The current situation cannot recognize this child. Recognizing this child will only bring disaster to this child.

Didn't you hear that the kid is fine now?

As the captain of the art team, the future is bright.

If it had something to do with their family arrangement, the child might have problems in the political trial.

The child did not enjoy the warm care and care of the Bai family for a day.

Why should you be dragged down by the Bai family?

"Okay, Uncle Bai, I also feel that you are as kind as an elder in our family."

Feng Gaihua showed a bright smile.

Bai Pengju turned his head hastily, "Xiao Feng, I'll go back first, if you have something to do in the future, you can ask someone to send a message, or you can come to me.

If there is anything I can do to help you, I will definitely help. "

Seeing the bright smile on Feng Gai's face, he couldn't help but think of his sister-in-law and elder brother.

This smile is really like my sister-in-law's smile.

The only regret is that the child did not inherit any genes from his parents' facial features.

Not a single shadow was found.

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