Feng Huizhen felt the trembling and excitement in Wang Shun's voice, and she was a little confused.

Seeing her is not meeting the national leader, so why are you so excited?

But out of politeness, he shook Wang Shun's hand.

"I'm so happy that you are all back. It's been a long time."

"Sit down for a while, and I'll pour you some water."

Feng Huizhen patted the dirt on her body briskly, turned around and walked out.

He hung up the door curtain conveniently. In this weather, there were six people sitting in the room.

The air is not much better.

Jiang Lei didn't know what was going on, his eyes fell on the hands held by Wang Shun and Feng Huizhen just now, and he seemed to have no energy in his heart.

It was as if Wang Shun had snatched away his precious things.

"I'm going to help Huizhen in the kitchen."

Ever since Wang Huizhen shook hands with him just now, Wang Shun couldn't stop smiling, as if he was stepping on cotton under his feet, and he was in a state of excitement.

Immediately turned around and followed Feng Huizhen to the kitchen.

Feng Huizhen poured water for them from a thermos in the kitchen.

They don't have tea here, so they add a little sugar, which is a characteristic of this era.

She is naturally not exempt.

Before she finished her work, she saw Wang Shun walking in suddenly.

"Feng Huizhen, let me help you."

In the past, Wang Shun and Zhai Wei often helped the three female educated youths.

This kind of cooperative work has become commonplace, but Feng Huizhen doesn't care.

"Okay, I've already poured these three bowls of water, you can bring them over."

"By the way, how did you come so far away?"

Feng Huizhen knew that they had been active in the countryside near the county recently, but the trajectory of their movements should be far away from them.

"We are working on the construction site near you now. We are on vacation today, so we agreed to let the maintenance team's car take us to the intersection, and we came here specially.

By the way, we brought you a lot of good things when we came. "

"Although I went to Power Construction No. [-] Company. I don't have to do such heavy farm work, and my life is good, but what I miss most is Feng Huizhen, the food you cook.

The food you cook is so delicious, it makes me think about it day and night no matter where I go. "

What Wang Shun didn't dare to say, he also misses you day and night.

Feng Huizhen laughed heartily.

Her laughter was bold and unrestrained, which is rare for women, but it also had the softness unique to girls.

Like a string of silver bells falling on my heart.

Wang Shun stood behind Feng Huizhen, dumbfounded.

Feng Huizhen is still a little different from when they first came to the educated youth point.

At that time, Feng Huizhen was dark and thin, like a small bean sprouts.

But his body is full of vitality and passion, and that little head is full of all kinds of whimsical ideas.

Those eyes that were rolling around were bright and frightening.

But the current Feng Huizhen has only been seen for half a year, and Feng Huizhen has grown a lot taller.

His dark skin gradually became fair, and his withered and yellow hair became bright and smooth.

Those eyes are still so sneaky, full of flexibility and vitality.

Especially when she suddenly discovered that when Feng Huizhen smiled, two shallow dimples appeared at the corners of her mouth.

When she smiled, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, as if the smile could fall into people's hearts, and the whole person seemed to be soaked in a hot spring.

Warm and soft, there is only one feeling in the whole body, which is comfort.

Limbs and bones seemed to be penetrated by some kind of numbing electric current.

"Why are you in a daze?"

Feng Huizhen looked at Wang Shun staring blankly at herself, and asked with a smile.

"No, nothing! Feng Huizhen, you seem to have become a lot more beautiful."

After Wang Shun said this sentence, he really wanted to give himself a mouthful, what did he say?Doesn't this offend people?

Feng Huizhen touched her cheek and said with a smile.

"I also think that I am much more beautiful, and I have grown taller. You don't think I am over your ears now."

Feng Huizhen deliberately stood beside Wang Shun, and used her hand to draw the height between her and Wang Shun.

The sudden hand touched Wang Shun's ear, and a faint fragrance came to his nostrils.

Wang Shun's ears turned red as if he had been electrocuted.

"You see, you have to work hard, Wang Zhiqing, otherwise I will pass you soon."

Feng Huizhen's giggling laughter was so sweet.

When Jiang Lei walked in with a few other educated youths, he happened to see this dazzling scene.

The two stood close together, Feng Huizhen was gesticulating something with her hands, with a peaceful smile on her face, and her eyes were looking at Wang Shun tenderly.

Wang Shun'er's face was covered with red clouds, and his eyes were full of sweetness, staring at Feng Huizhen motionlessly.

From the perspective of the door, it looks like a pair of young couples admiring each other.

Zhai Wei immediately blew a whistle indecently.

"I said, Wang Shun, you don't like so many beautiful girls out there, so you miss us Feng Huizhen!"

"You boy has enough vision."

Zhai Wei came over and patted Wang Shun's shoulder lightly, and Wang Shun's face was burning hot.

His eyes flustered and he didn't know where to put it.Hastily argued.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

He was afraid that Feng Huizhen would directly reject him because of this joke.

That's a worrisome worry.

Wang Shun has always been soberly aware that he is not good enough for Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen smiled and patted Zhai Wei's hand, "Don't make jokes about honest people, I treat Wang Shun like an older brother, and I treat you all like an older brother."

This sentence splashed on Wang Shun's head like cold water, and the redness on his face gradually faded away.

Jiang Lei showed a smile in his eyes.

Hastily stepped forward.

"All of us came to help together. It's a little hot in the cave, so I just sat here with the door open and the windows open to keep it cool."

He took the thermos bottle from Feng Huizhen's hand and poured water for the other three people.

Feng Huizhen's attitude pleased him.

He said that this silly girl is so kind to everyone.

I don't have any special feelings for Wang Shun, it's just Wang Shun's wishful thinking.

But for some reason, when he heard what Feng Huizhen said just now, Jiang Lei was filled with incomparable joy.

At the same time, she was secretly worried, could it be that Feng Huizhen also regarded him as a big brother?

Jiang Lei froze suddenly, does he still want to be Feng Huizhen's someone?

Realizing the danger of his idea, Jiang Lei suddenly stood there dumbfounded.

Feng Huizhen looked back and saw Jiang Lei who was dumbfounded again and couldn't help being secretly surprised.

What happened to the few people who came here?

Why do they keep looking at her in a daze?

And it's fine for Wang Shun to be dumb, why is Brother Jiang also dumb?

Couldn't Brother Jiang spend so much brainpower for the development of science and technology that his IQ has also dropped?

Feng Huizhen secretly felt guilty. Could it be that she led Officer Jiang from the Sunshine Avenue in her previous life to the single-plank bridge?

Did she kill someone?

Jiang Lei suddenly came to his senses, but he saw the pity and guilt in Feng Huizhen's eyes, and couldn't figure out why Feng Huizhen had such an expression.

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