Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 178 Long time no see

This time, even Captain Wu couldn't help but change his eyes.

The few technicians in the hydrographic team probably don't have this ability. Where did they find such capable people? <. <.

If the accuracy is not certain, dare to say so?

What does this mean?Absolutely rich experience representing the other side.

Since the hydrographic team changed its dynasty, these nominal technicians of the hydrographic team are all stunned.

No less let their well-drilling team waste their efforts.

How many bits are broken?

How much human and financial resources were wasted?

They worked so hard to dig that well two days ago, but in the end, not a drop of water came out.

Seeing the captain of the production team and the villagers crying and falling to the ground, they were also heartbroken.

Now water saves lives.

But the 1000 yuan that was pooled to dig the well was the entire production team's fortune.

Ordinary people would rather hire people to dig wells when they are hungry, just to survive the drought and let their families have a bite to eat.

Although they have seen this kind of scene a lot, they still feel sad.

Question Wang Dazhuang is so capable here, if such a person is included in the technical staff of the hydrology team?

How many technical talents should be cultivated?

Captain Wu immediately put his arms around Wang Dazhuang's shoulders, "Brother, Captain Wang! With such a good talent, you can't hide it in your hands, or you will leave it to brother.

Brother's well-drilling and construction team lacks such people. What can those few melon eggs that the hydrology team often send over do?

That is a day-to-day disaster for people.What's going on outside right now, don't you know?Being able to help others determine the water level of the well is to save a life, and it is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

This is a matter of merit. "

That earnest look made Wang Dazhuang immediately vigilant.

He didn't mean that he couldn't give Mr. Li and the others to Captain Wu, but the identities of Mr. Li and the others were sensitive.

Put it on his farm, people can call it labor reform, put it in the well-drilling construction team, what is it called?

That's making the best use of everything.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the tricks inside, and it is of no benefit to the old man and the others.

That would be harmful.

"Old Wu, don't ask me any more. I'm sure I can't give it to you. This is the precious wealth of our production team. You should do whatever you want! We can't handle this kind of thing, and we shouldn't."

Wang Dazhuang directly pushed Captain Wu's hand away, held the bong indifferently, turned around and left.

Captain Wu jumped and chased after him and scolded him.

"Captain Wang, why are you so dark and cruel? What is the outside world like? A little help can give people more hope of surviving this year. In the year of severe drought, you are so selfish.

Wang Dazhuang, stop for me. "

"Captain Wang, I beg you, we have a total of three well-drilling and construction teams, but we lack such talents.

Then let the gang of hydrology team continue to harm them.How many people have no access to water and have to be hungry? "

"They're all common people, you can't patronize yourself and disregard others."

"Wang Dazhuang, I beg you. I beg you, can you?"

Captain Wu chased Wang Dazhuang all the way, and followed him back to Wang Dazhuang's house.

Wang Dazhuang was annoyed at first and wanted to push him out, but unfortunately that was no match for Captain Wu's thick skin.

He just squeezed in through the crack of his door.

"Captain Wu, what are you going to do? It's so dark, is it right for you to come to my house? Go back to bed quickly."

Wang Dazhuang was upset by Captain Wu's words.

Who has no sympathy?

But there are some things they can't do.

"Captain Wang, just let me meet people."

"Captain Wu, if you don't leave, don't blame me for kicking you out."

Wang Dazhuang was so cruel that he pushed Captain Wu out of the door.

Captain Wu looked at the door that was closing in front of him with a bang, and stamped his feet angrily.

But there was no way, Wang Dazhuang didn't speak out, and he didn't know who it was.

Captain Wu turned his head back and didn't close his eyes all night.

He thought about asking the members of the village early in the morning, someone would know who this experienced veteran was.

Unfortunately, early the next morning, Wang Dazhuang gathered all the members of the village to dig the canal.

All the people who usually surrounded their engineering team seemed to have disappeared in an instant.

Captain Wu was furious, this Wang Dazhuang was really selfish.

But Wang Dazhuang was selfish, and the third well dug by Captain Wu and the others had already been dug.

Looking at the well with plenty of water again, Captain Wu was envious and jealous.

Think about the situation of other production teams, and then think about how many times their well-drilling and construction teams suffered because they were in the wrong position.How many times have you returned without success?

But no matter how much he said good things around Wang Dazhuang, Wang Dazhuang refused to tell him.

Captain Wu had no choice but to leave with his people.

At the same time, Jiang Lei brought Wang Shun, Zhai Wei and others to the educated youth spot to visit Feng Huizhen and the others.

Feng Huizhen was working in the field when she heard Huzi, a half-grown kid from the village, running over.

"Sister Huizhen, someone is looking for you at the educated youth spot. The captain told you to take a look."

Feng Huizhen was taken aback for a moment, for the past two days, she didn't care about going up the mountain to hunt pigweed, and was busy repairing canals in the field.

The project has almost been carried out, but she did not expect someone to come to her.

"Huzi, who is looking for me?"

"Sister Huizhen, it's your fellow townsman, and those male educated youths who left earlier. I heard that they brought a lot of good things, including fruit candies.

I sent you a message and they gave me a handful of fruit candies. "

Huzi proudly took out fruit candies wrapped in shiny sugar wrappers from his pocket.

Feng Huizhen touched his head.

"Then I have to go and see, everyone likes fruit candies."

It was Jiang Lei and the others who came.

I haven't seen them for some days, and I really miss them all of a sudden.

Feng Huizhen is living a comfortable life now, and the reason why she doesn't think about Jiang Lei too much is naturally because her relationship with Jiang Lei has progressed beyond the friendship of revolutionary comrades in arms.

The energy consumed in the space is constantly being filled.

Fully automatic.

Jiang Lei is like an automatic charger.

It is very powerful, even though thousands of mountains and rivers are separated, everything in Feng Huizhen's space is consumed very little and replenished quickly.

It is also the place Feng Huizhen is most proud of now.

Elites are hard to find, but finding one is the king.

Feng Huizhen rushed back to the educated youth spot.

But just in time to see Li Min crying and leaving their cave.

Feng Huizhen opened the curtain and went in.

It's going to be June right now.

The weather is getting hot.

At a glance, I saw Jiang Lei, Zhai Wei, and Wang Shun sitting on the kang.

"How did you get in? Who gave you the key to our cave?"

Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun were not seen in the room.

Zhai Wei raised the key in Yang's hand with a smile.

"Feng Huizhen, we first met Liu Xuemei and asked for the key from her."

Wang Shun hurriedly stood up, tugged at the hem of his clothes involuntarily, and smoothed his hair with his hands.

Looking at Feng Huizhen with a smile on his face, "Feng Huizhen, long time no see."

[The author has something to say]

The Chinese New Year is here, I wish everyone good luck in the Year of the Tiger, and the author is also celebrating the New Year!

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