"Help, help, my son killed me!"

"You still dare to run, you still dare to run, I will kill you today."

Hu Dewang carried a half-broken wine bottle in his hand, and chased Director Hu all over the yard.

"Okay, you father and son. Be dazzled by this vixen."

"Fox spirit, you can talk to anyone, this is my man! You fucking dare to hook up with a married man! I will tear your face apart and let you hook up with another man!"

Liu Guixiang joined the battle circle with her seven aunts and eight aunts.

He rushed forward with all his teeth and claws and tore Wu Xiangyu's hair.

All of a sudden, chickens and dogs jumped around in the yard.

On the wall, on the tree, in the yard, and outside the yard, men, women and children are all watching the fun.

Feng Huizhen saw that the police and the security department had all arrived, and escorted several people in the yard out.

"Stop beating, go to the police station and talk!"

"I'm going to tear her face apart! Let her seduce my man!"

"I don't, it has nothing to do with me! We're talking about work!"

"Fart! Who's talking about work and taking it off? Who are you fooling?"

Director Hu was only wearing boxer shorts, his upper body was bare, and he had a big gash on his head, bleeding profusely.

It can also be regarded as spring exposure.

Wu Xiangyu must have put on the clothes while the father and son were fighting, and the clothes are still neat.

The clothes were neat, but Liu Guixiang's hair was scratched like a chicken coop, and his face was scratched several times.

In a state of embarrassment, with red eyes, her pitiful appearance is still admirable under such circumstances.

It caused many onlookers to swallow their saliva.

Who doesn't envy Director Hu's good fortune.

Hu Dewang was furious, holding half a broken wine bottle in his hand. If the police hadn't stopped him, he would probably have to go up to fight his father.

Shouting all the way.

"Old bastard, you dare to snatch my woman! You wait, we are endless!"

"Look, I won't kill you!"

"Shut up! Who are you trying to kill? Watch your words and attitude!"

The voice of the police finally let everyone live in peace.

Feng Huizhen waited until she saw one of the policemen going out, and picked up the black notebook on the floor of the door.

Flipping over it, his expression changed drastically.

In a panic, he handed the notebook to the team leader.

Director Hu, Wu Xiangyu, and Hu Dewang's expressions changed drastically when they saw the notebook.

"Comrade, this notebook has nothing to do with this matter, can you give it to me? I am the director of the noodle factory, and here are some secrets of the noodle factory!"

Director Hu broke out in a cold sweat.

"Hmph! Director Hu, you really need to explain this thing carefully. Go back to the police station and explain! I think there are plenty of people who will listen to your explanation."

The captain closed the notebook and said expressionlessly.

Director Hu suddenly collapsed to the ground.

It's all over now.

Feng Huizhen breathed a sigh of relief.

Her mission is complete.

The onlookers asked curiously.

"Comrade Public Security, what is that?"

"Everyone is gone, gone, go back to sleep."

The police took people back.

The director talked a lot, and no one was not curious about the book that made Director Hu's face change drastically.

Feng Huizhen returned home and had a good night's sleep.

Wake up overnight.

Uncle and aunt are talking in the yard.

"It's outrageous! You don't know what happened yesterday!"

"What's going on? I saw the courtyard of Director Hu's house not far from our house today. It seemed that there were policemen coming in and out. Later, even the door was sealed. What's the matter?"

"What's the matter? That director Hu... oh! What is that thing called! I heard it's a moth that digs the corner of the collective property!"

"What? Director Hu can't see it! Usually the couple are quite simple! It's just that their Hu Dewang is not a thing, and the couple are not like that!"

"What kind of person is Director Hu and still write it on his forehead to let you know?"

"Why are you angry at me?"

"I'm so angry! This is a heinous crime, morally corrupt, not only messing around with men and women, but also embezzling property in the factory. It makes me feel ashamed."

Feng Huizhen pursed her lips and secretly laughed.

It looked as if the dust had settled.

Director Hu and Hu Dewang can't make a comeback.

"Uncle, what will happen to Director Hu?"

"The higher-ups attach great importance to it. I guess even if you don't die, you will be sentenced to life imprisonment! This life will be ruined!"

"Where's Hu Dewang?"

"Father and son work hand in hand, the end will not be good, it depends on whether the father or the son is willing to bear the responsibility. Otherwise..."

The uncle is not optimistic about the pair of shameless father and son.

People in this era are honest and selfless. Anyway, all kinds of unsightly phenomena and moral issues will be attacked here.

No one will stand on the side of the Hu family and his son.

In short, the Hu family's affairs not only involve the issue of men's and women's style of work, but also involve very serious issues of poaching and using power for personal gain.

This is not a question of which leader can suppress it.

Things fermented faster than Feng Huizhen expected.

When she was about to leave, she heard that the factory had sent a working team.

Specially investigate the problem this time, and at the same time, rectify the noodle factory.

In short, the matter of the Hu family and his son is already a certainty.

Feng Huizhen said goodbye to her uncle and aunt with a smile, and now she returned home refreshed, the matter was settled, and Director Feng, Secretary Liu, brothers and sisters could all live in peace.

The future is bright!

When this incident got to the Public Security Bureau, Director Hu couldn't handle it.

If the two big mountains, Director Hu and Hu Dewang, are removed, no one in the noodle factory will dare to make mistakes in a short period of time.

Everyone can have a good time in peace.

Feng Huizhen's older brothers and sisters can also stand firm.

Feng Huizhen guessed that when she really returned to the city from the farm, her brother and sister would be different.

What's more important is that this time there are two workers in their family. In this era, the workers who can create the fastest road to wealth for the family are the workers.

Believe that mother and brother, sister's life will become more and more different.

Feng Huizhen took the ticket and went home contentedly.

After spending three days in the county seat, and spending a few more days with my mother when I come back, she should leave.

Suddenly, I miss Liu Xuemei and Zhang Xiuyun.

At the same time, I don't know how Jiang Lei is far away.

That tall, calm, kind-hearted Officer Jiang should be devoting himself to his work.

At this moment, Jiang Lei was lying under the car with a wrench in his hand, but he sneezed twice.

"Team Leader Jiang, what's wrong with you? Did you catch a cold? Why don't you add another piece of clothing."

Li Mingyue greeted the team leader attentively.

Li Mingyue is Director Zhang's niece.

He was also the only relative transferred by Director Zhang through the back door.

The niece is a lesbian, and she was supposed to do clerical work, but after meeting Jiang Lei in Director Zhang's office, she devoted herself to Jiang Lei.

Desperate for life, she insisted on asking her uncle to transfer her to the maintenance team.

Like a dog skin plaster, he followed Jiang Lei all day long.

"I'm fine, Li Mingyue, hurry up and follow Xiao Liu to learn disassembly techniques, what are you doing behind me?"

Jiang Lei chased him away angrily.

Li Mingyue pursed her lips, with grievance in her eyes.

"Okay, I get it now."

How could he not warm this man's heart?

Jiang Lei suddenly missed Feng Huizhen who was thousands of miles away.

That girl will not be as ignorant as Li Mingyue, nor will she be sticky, and she will be so neat that he appreciates it.

No one doesn't like Feng Huizhen!

That is a girl who brings sunshine to everyone.

He didn't even know when the little girl left.

When he went to see Feng Huizhen at the educated youth spot, he realized that Feng Huizhen had left.

I don't know how Feng Huizhen's mother is doing. If something serious happened, Feng Huizhen would definitely not be able to go back.

The girl takes her family very seriously.

I heard that Feng Huizhen's mother is seriously ill, I hope that good people will be rewarded, and that girl should not be too sad.

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