Feng Huizhen lay on the single bed and pondered a plan.

She flipped through the notebook in her hand, and the timeline can be extended for a long time.

It looks like this Director Hu and this accountant have been in collusion for many years.

At least within three years.

No wonder the accountant is an accountant, the accounts are clearly done.

For three years no one was aware of any omissions.

For three years, Director Hu took advantage of his position to report false accounts with various documents, but it was still a small problem in the end.

He took advantage of the gap between the actual incoming materials and the outgoing products in the workshop.

Buckle up some dried noodle products and secretly sell them on the black market outside.

He is really brave. His son Hu Dewang is in the same workshop with him, and his son is in charge of warehouse management.

The three of them cooperated tacitly.

Accountant Wu made fake accounts here to smooth out their accounts, and the father and son dumped these dried noodles to sell outside.

Adding up the three years, the three people actually hacked more than 8 yuan from the factory.

It's not even 70 years yet.

Ordinary people can break their heads for five yuan.

8 yuan is a huge sum of money.

What audacity.

Feng Huizhen wanted to hand over the notebook directly to Director Feng, but how could she explain where the notebook came from?

You can't tell others that she jumped into someone's house in the middle of the night and stole the account book.

The important thing is that she took out this account book, and no one would believe it!

The brothers and sisters of the Feng family just had a conflict with the Hu family.

Everyone knew that they had offended Hu Dewang, and now they took out this thing, Hu Dewang bit back, saying that they were framed.

Even if the accounts are checked now, Wu Xiangyu's method may have made the accounts very flat, and there will be absolutely no trace of problems.

Otherwise, it would not have been discovered for so many years.

From Secretary Liu, I heard that someone was protecting Director Hu.

Director Feng is being suppressed.

If this matter breaks out, it will instead become Feng Changchang framing Director Hu.

This kind of backlash can definitely be done with the scoundrel behavior of Hu Dewang and Director Hu.

Maybe one bad thing will bring down Director Feng instead.

Feng Huizhen crushed her first thought.

not ideal!

Even if Factory Director Feng really investigates thoroughly with this method, he may not be able to catch the real clue.

If this method breaks out, the Hu family and his son will not get the punishment they deserve.

The direction of the matter did not go to the result she wanted, and in the end there were many victims.

When doing things, you must definitely not leave behind.

And in the mouths of outsiders, if the names of the Feng family are left, it will easily arouse hatred from others.

Director Hu is not the only one who embezzles the collective property. Director Hu is just a big tiger, and there are many rats under him.

Because of this incident, the Feng family caused a storm, and there might be a bloodbath in the factory.

After the downfall of so many people, not to mention how many people hated her brother, sister and Director Feng to death.

She didn't want to push her family to the forefront.

After much deliberation, Feng Huizhen finally came up with an idea.

I went to inquire again specifically.

Hu Dewang is on the night shift tonight.

Feng Zhiqiang was taken aback when he saw his sister.

"Huizhen, why didn't you go back to the village?"

He hadn't seen his sister these days, so he thought she had returned to the village.

"Brother, here is five yuan. You can buy some peanuts, pork head meat, and a few bottles of wine later. Ask your colleagues in the dormitory to drink together. Tonight, no matter what, you have to drink everyone down." , including yourself."

Feng Zhiqiang was a little dazed.

"What are you talking about?"

Feng Huizhen quietly went to her brother's ear and said something, Feng Zhiqiang didn't know why but still nodded in agreement.

it's dark.

Feng Zhiqiang bought peanuts and carried four bottles of Erguotou plus a pack of pork head meat, feeling very distressed.

Five dollars was a clean slate.

Soon there was the sound of everyone pushing glasses and changing glasses in their dormitory.

Hu Dexin was blocked by Feng Huizhen at the entrance of the alley.

The aggrieved Hu Dexin didn't dare to do anything, he still vividly remembered how the girl broke the brick into two pieces yesterday.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't you hate your stepmother and Hu Dewang?"

"What's the point of hating? My father loves Hu Dewang the most. It's useless to hate, why bother to hate."

"Give you a chance to make a comeback, it depends on whether you are willing or not."

Hu Dexin stared suspiciously at Feng Huizhen, "What do you want to gain from me? Let me tell you that my father doesn't want to see me. He is also Director Hu's son. You won't get any benefits from me."

"What do I want to gain? I just want Hu Dewang to fall. Hu Dewang and my family have a grievance. Your enemy is my enemy. Is this reason enough?

If Hu Dewang is unlucky, of course I am very happy. "

Hu Dexin heaved a sigh of relief. He also hoped that Hu Dewang would be unlucky and never wish to have such a disgraceful younger brother.

The Hu family has no place for him to stand on, and he is heartbroken.

What else is he afraid of losing?

"What do you want me to do for you? Tell me."

Feng Huizhen let him listen to him.

Hu Dexin looked surprised, but left silently after listening.

Outside the courtyard of the Hu family.

"You read that right? Director Hu drilled into the yard of the widow Wu Xiangyu?"

"I see it for real. Director Hu is still holding Wu Xiangyu up and down. I really didn't expect that Wu Xiangyu has always behaved pure and pure, and she doesn't pay attention to anyone who pursues her. So it turned out that she was hooking up with Director Hu in private?"

"Director Hu has a family!"

"Hush! Director Hu said that the yellow-faced woman in their family is a tigress. It would be great if Director Hu's wife found out."

"How can it be?"

"If I were Director Hu's daughter-in-law, I would have to bring my natal family to kill her. I can't spare that vixen!"

"Stop talking too much! Director Hu heard that there are good fruits for you!"

"Let's go! Go!"

Liu Guixiang was so angry that her seven orifices smoked.

The washed clothes were thrown directly on the ground, and the sleeves were rolled up to find someone at her mother's house.

At the same time, Feng Huizhen confirmed with her own eyes that Director Hu sneaked into Wu Xiangyu's yard at night.

Feng Huizhen just picked up the phone.

"Hey, please inform Hu Dewang, the person at No. [-] Heliu Lane is very sick, let him come quickly!"

Hang up.

Feng Huizhen turned into Wu Xiangyu's yard and opened the door.

Not long after, Hu Dewang arrived on a bicycle.

It seems that Hu Dewang has some genuine affection for Wu Xiangyu.

Sweating profusely and panting, after entering the door, he rushed directly into the house.

"Xiangyu, Xiangyu, what's wrong with you?"


"You...you...you a pair of dogs and men!"


Feng Huizhen took out the account book and put it on the ground at the door. The door opened, and she hurriedly got out and waited outside.

Immediately there were punches and kicks in the room.

"You...you bastard, you old man actually did such a shameless thing."

"You said, you stinky woman, when did you hook up with him?"

"Dare to cuckold me."

"You bastard, ouch, you dare to hit me, I'm your father."

"Dewang, listen to me, I didn't like it, he forced me."

"You stinky woman, you talk nonsense."

"I am going to kill you."

"Ouch, help! Killed someone!"

A scream broke the calm of the night.

The neighbors who were already lying down rushed out with their clothes on and the guy in their hands.

The whole courtyard was full of people.

The widow has a lot of trouble in front of her door.

It was full of melon-eaters who came to watch the excitement.

Especially for this kind of pornographic news, they are simply flocking to it.

At the same time, Hu Dewang's mother Liu Guixiang ran over.

Not only did she come, but the seven aunts and eight aunts of the Liu family followed behind her.

He overheard someone saying that Director Hu was hiding in a golden house outside, and he was already furious.

This is to kill with the Detachment of Women.

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