Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 130 The Secret of Life Experience

Just as I was about to put the notebook back, two letters suddenly fell out of the notebook.

Feng Huizhen picked up the envelope, but saw the familiar handwriting on it.

what! ?

Feng Gaihua?

Why did Feng Gaihua write a letter to her mother?

Of course she recognized Feng Gaihua's notes, the two of them were not much different, they went to school together when they were in school.

How could Feng Huizhen not recognize Feng Gaihua's handwriting.

The problem is that Feng Gaihua lives in the same village as them, and the two families are not far away. Why did Feng Gaihua write to his mother?

Look at the address on the envelope.

Is it Shangjing?


There are evil ways everywhere, because Feng Huizhen saw the postmark on the stamp, which was not the address of Shangjing.

The postmark is the postmark of the county post office near the farm where she went to the countryside to jump the queue.

This doesn't fit at all.

The envelope had been opened, and it was opened very carefully.

Feng Huizhen took out the letter from inside.

The moment his hand touched the letter paper, he suddenly felt an inexplicable force rushing up from the direction of the finger along the finger.

It was an evil force that she could not name.

The power was so strong that she felt palpitations.

Feng Huizhen noticed that her eyes were darkened, her consciousness began to blur, and her hands and feet were a little uncontrollably stiff.

Frightened, he quickly ran into the space and drank a few mouthfuls of spiritual spring water.

Swallowing the water from the spiritual spring in big gulps, he finally regained his composure.

The penetrating power was expelled from her body.

Feng Huizhen carefully saw the letter that fell on the notebook.

All doubts in my heart rose.

Needless to say, one can guess that this letter carries some kind of unpredictable power.

And it was this kind of power that made the mother unconscious.

That is to say, if someone else touched the envelope, she would be unconscious like a mother.

Even if he didn't fall into a coma immediately, he probably wouldn't be much better.

Feng Huizhen took out a pair of rubber gloves from the space, picked up the letter through the gloves, and tested it.

Sure enough, after putting on the gloves, that feeling disappeared.

Read carefully what was written on the letter.

"Xiao Liu, we haven't contacted each other for so many years. We are deeply saddened to know that Lao Feng passed away. The child's parents have passed away, and the child is your child. We will not contact you again in the future."

The inscription below is Bai Pengju.

Feng Huizhen's heart skipped a beat. This letter was not a good thing. It was because of this letter that her mother fell into a coma.

Mother didn't know Feng Gaihua's handwriting, but she did.

Then the problem is that this letter was written by Feng Gaihua to his mother, but the content was written in the name of another person. Who is this Bai Pengju?

Who is the child mentioned in the envelope?Could it be Feng Huizhen?

Feng Huizhen put the letter carefully into the envelope, and then threw the letter into the space.

No matter what, whether the letter was drugged or cursed with some kind of special power that she didn't know, anyway, mother should not let this kind of vicious thing come into contact with.

He took off his gloves and tried to get another letter.

When I touched the envelope, I felt nothing.

The handwriting on the letter was strong and strong, and it looked like it was written by a man.

The signature is Shangjing, and the postmark matches the address.

The letter in the opened envelope should be very old, and the letter paper has turned slightly yellow.

"Xiao Liu, Xiao Feng, our current situation is quite difficult, and I hope the child can be entrusted to take care of you for a while. The child's mother is not in good health. If our condition is better, we will pick up the child.

With the letter, I will offer 100 yuan and 50 catties of food stamps, please Xiao Liu with kindness, Xiao Feng must accept it, even if it is not for others, it is our heart for the children. "

Signed by Bai Pengju.

Feng Huizhen put the letter in the envelope, and there was no fluctuation in the letter from beginning to end.

Prove that there is nothing wrong with this letter.

Put the letter back in the envelope, put it in the notebook, and flipped through the notebook again.

There is nothing else of value in it.

Tuck the notebook neatly into the place where my mother had placed it.

Feng Huizhen jumped off the kang and washed her hands with soap. Although the feeling disappeared, she still had lingering fears.

Thanks to her coming back this time, if she hadn't come back, no one would know how her mother died.

Based on the clues at hand, Feng Gaihua pretended to be a member of the Bai family and wrote a letter. The mother thought it was a letter from the Bai family.

When I was happy, I opened the envelope, so I was stained by the things on the letter paper inside, so I fell into a coma.

She had a hunch, only the envelope had those dirty things on it.

Feng Gaihua would definitely not get these things on the envelope, lest she would touch the hands of many people along the way.

When something goes wrong, Gaihua will definitely not be able to take the responsibility. What is Feng Gaihua's purpose in writing this letter?

Feng Huizhen hasn't figured it out yet.

But based on the above, she was able to guess that the Bai family should have something to do with her background.

Even if her father is not this Bai Pengju, he still has a lot to do with this Bai family, and the address left on the envelope is a certain street in a certain district of Shangjing.

Feng Gaihua must know her background.

Then her life was miserable in her previous life, that means Feng Gaihua was deliberately misleading her.

She carefully recalled that Feng Gaihua had been living smoothly in her previous life, and even had noble people to help her.

If I remember correctly, the nobleman who helped Feng Gaihua was the nobleman from Shangjing.

Could it be that Feng Gai had known these things in his previous life, so he knew her background?

Because of Liu Cuihua's death, she didn't know her own life experience at all, she only knew that she was not born by her mother, but she had no memory or clue about her biological parents.

Feng Gaihua changed her life against the sky, stole some opportunities from her, and gained enough benefits.

That being said, it's really possible.

But obviously because of her rebirth, things have changed, Feng Gaihua's desired destiny was snatched away by her.

Feng Gaihua felt that her mother was not dead, so she killed her.

Then there shouldn't be anything evil on the envelope, maybe it's poison.

But whatever it was, she had to pull herself together.

Feng Gaihua can do it the second time if he can do it the first time.

And the mother was obviously defenseless against the letter from Shangjing.

She didn't want to reveal the inside story of her life experience, but she had to. Otherwise, wouldn't her mother be the most innocent.

I don't know how to die.

Feng Huizhen thought for a while, took the letter in the notebook, turned around and went directly to the kitchen.

Liu Cuihua is making buns.

A basket of buns has been steamed on the fire.

Seeing his daughter coming in, he smiled and said, "You little greedy cat, you must have smelled it. In 5 minutes, the buns will be ready."

But he didn't wait for her daughter's coquettish and teasing voice as in the past.

Unable to be surprised, he put down the bun in his hand and looked up at his daughter.

"What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

The child looked a little pale, could it be that he was sick?

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