"I guessed it a long time ago. I can see that the child's character along the way is very good. Our family owes him such a big favor, what should we do?

You have to have a number in your heart. "

The old lady was full of praise for Feng Huizhen along the way.

Director Feng hesitated for a moment.

"Should I discuss this matter with my sister and brother-in-law?"

"What are you discussing with your sister and brother-in-law? It's not that you don't know them. Those two are nerds. They read a lot, and their brains are rigid. When doing things, they are stick to the rules and don't know how to change them at all.

If they knew how to be flexible, how could Xiaolei suffer this crime instead of them.It is also thanks to Jiang Lei that there is such a pair of hard-headed parents at the stall.

Let's repay someone's kindness, don't tell his parents about this matter, let Jiang Lei talk to his parents in the future. "

The old lady knows her daughter and son-in-law.

"Okay, mother, I'll do what you say. Also, at this time, my sister and brother-in-law's conditions are not good. I'm afraid they will suffer no less than Jiang Lei, even though they are in the city.

But in the city, I am afraid life is more difficult.A while ago, I also heard that my sister asked me to clean the toilet, and my brother-in-law went to the boiler room to shovel coal cinders all day long. "

When this matter was mentioned, they were also very helpless.

Many times I want to lend a helping hand, but there is nothing I can do.

The more you manage, the more eye-catching it is, and it is easy to attract people's attention.

It will be suppressed more and more in the future.

It's better not to move.

"Don't worry about them, no matter how hard or tired they are, is it rare for them to beat Xiaolei?"

The old lady also knew that it was useless to say anything at the moment.

They were not implicated because their old man was on top.

No one dared to move if it wasn't the old man's position. I'm afraid their family's life will not be much easier for a while.

"Mom, I came up with an idea. Our factory is going to recruit workers in the past two days. We will recruit a group of workers a year ago, and another group in the next year. Although there are not many people recruited, this is an opportunity.

Feng Huizhen has already gone to the countryside, so there is definitely no way to help this child, but I see that there are four older brothers and sisters in her family. "

"I also saw that Huizhen's family is indeed a difficult family. You can see that her mother is not in good health. The family relies on wages and supports four unmarried children. They may not be able to eat enough.

I see, the house is leaky, and the house is not even warm in the winter.For the meal for us at noon, they should entertain us with the best things in the house.

Since we can reach out, we must help.Feng Huizhen helped our family Xiaolei, and we helped Feng Huizhen's brothers and sisters is also a reward. "

The old lady nodded, agreeing with her son's idea. In this day and age, there is nothing more reassuring than having a solid salary.

The real help is not to give others how much money, but to enable others to have the skills to survive.

Director Feng thought for a moment.

"The noodle factory doesn't need any skilled workers. I, the factory manager, can still talk about it. It's definitely no problem to give them two places directly. If there are two more workers in the family, at least they can earn wages, and the food stamps can also subsidize the family. .

But now some people have been paying attention to the troubles on my side, trying to find some faults from me from time to time.If I go to the personnel department to say this, I'm afraid I will be targeted.

It doesn't do them any good. "

His situation is not much better now, but the old man is there to support others not to catch him.

This was also the reason why he was cautious in doing things, Jiang Lei wanted to leave, but he couldn't persuade his nephew to stay.

"You can't, isn't Feng Huizhen's godmother who we went with today also okay? I heard that Feng Huizhen's godfather is the secretary of your factory."

The old lady immediately thought of Liu's mother who had a good talk with them today.

Factory Manager Feng slapped his thigh when he heard this, "Oh, how did I forget Lao Liu!"

"Old Liu Xing, Lao Liu's background is clean, and the roots of Lao Liu's family are straight and young. If Lao Liu comes forward, the matter will be settled."

This is overjoyed for Director Feng, and worried that he will implicate the Feng family.

Don't do bad things to others with good intentions.

"Okay? I won't stay anymore. I'll be back in two days. Otherwise, your father should be worried. It will be even more troublesome if the old man comes in two days. You must take care of this matter. We owe it to the Feng family." Favor."

The old lady exhorted thousands of times.

The next day, the old lady boarded the return train.

On the way back, the grandson personally sent her back.

Feng Huizhen didn't know that the old lady was gone.

Feng Huizhen took care of her mother carefully these two days.

I'm afraid that if she leaves, my mother will have another just in case.

This time it can be regarded as a coincidence, the right time, place and people get together.

Only in her first year can she go to the countryside as an educated youth, and then she can come back to visit relatives.

She has done meritorious service on the construction site, and they don't have much work there in winter, otherwise, who would be treated like this?

She couldn't figure out why her mother was so weak.

But take care of it, it's always right.

Liu Cuihua recovered and was busy steaming buns for her daughter in the kitchen.

My daughter likes her steamed pork buns the most.

Let my son go to the county town to buy two catties of meat and come back.

The meat ticket and money were brought back by the daughter.

She doesn't let others help, and works alone in the kitchen.

Feng Huizhen was opening the mother's mahogany box.

These two boxes were the mother's dowry when she got married, and there are usually many good things hidden in them.

Liu Cuihua gave the key to the box to her daughter, and asked her to take out the good things she had accumulated from the box.

I want my daughter to satisfy her hunger.

Feng Huizhen was picking and picking, picking and picking, and replacing some things in the box along the way.

Mother these things are old.

As soon as the box was opened, there was a strong aroma of apples, as well as the aroma of various foods.

But this is a unique characteristic of every household in this era.

I can't bear to eat anything, so I have to save it.

Look at this glutinous rice noodles, at least from the year before last.

The glutinous rice sticks are so hard that they can be used as sticks, and the slotted cakes are as hard as a rock.

It should be the moon cakes saved on August 8, and they are as hard as stones.

Feng Huizhen sighed, and hurriedly changed things in.

For other people, these things are good things, but for her, they are really not that rare.

Pity the parents of the world.

Suddenly, I saw a green notebook that I had never seen before.

Such a thick and large notebook should usually be won by an award.

Feng Huizhen opened it unintentionally, and sure enough, on the title page of the notebook it was written to reward Comrade Feng Dawang as an advanced individual.

This is left behind by her father who won the award that year.

I can't help but remember my father very vaguely.

Her father passed away early, and it was her mother who brought them up with feces and urine, so Feng Huizhen basically doesn't remember her father's impression.

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