Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 13 There's a problem with space

Feng Huizhen rushed home in a hurry.

When she was about to enter the village, Feng Huizhen thought about bringing something in her basket, too much, at least to improve the life of her family.

She thought about the fish in the spiritual spring in her own space.

Get two live fish out, and say that you passed the fish caught by the river beside their village.

Anyway, no one can verify it.

As a result, Feng Huizhen used her mind to work hard in the space for a long time, but none of the fish in the Lingquan came out.

The angry Feng Huizhen is a little autistic. Could it be that the fish in Lingquan can only be kept and not eaten?

No, the fish in my spiritual spring in my previous life were all treasures. One can imagine eating the fish nourished by the spiritual spring.

Not only the taste, but also the effect is extraordinary.

She wanted to take advantage of her presence to make up for her family physically.

I didn't expect this to work!

Could it be that after rebirth, something went wrong with the space...?


Feng Huizhen remembered instantly.

A pat on the head.

She forgot one big thing.

It's all her fault. When she came back, she was busy with this and that, but forgot the very important things.

She has space, but this space has an extremely pissy quality.

It's also a limitation.

Space needs energy to support its operation, and if there is not enough energy, it will go on strike.

Looks like it's a strike.

Don't try it.

After repeated attempts, Feng Huizhen squatted down on the side of the road and scratched her hair.

It's over, the space is out of order.

There is simply not enough energy to use.

There are so many materials piled up in the space, and I can't get them out now.

God, isn't this killing people?

It is agreed to make a fortune, and it is agreed to let the family eat and drink spicy food.

What else do you eat?

But it's no use even if she scratches her hair bald.

Feng Huizhen walked back to the village with a disheartened face, and no one in the village greeted her when they saw her.

"Little girl of the Feng family, what's the matter, I went to the county, why is this expression?"

"It's like dead parents."

"Liu Dabangzi, you can keep your virtues in your mouth. His father is gone, and there is only such a mother left."

"Bah, bah, that's what I said, and I don't have any evil intentions."

Feng Huizhen returned home.

The people who went to the ground are all back now, and they are tidying up in the yard.

Liu Cuihua'er couldn't help asking with a smile when she heard the voice of the little girl coming back.

"What did you go to the county town for today? Did you buy something good?"

"Mom, I have a headache, I want to lie down for a while."

Feng Huizhen turned around and went into her room, closed the door, drew the curtains, and went directly to the kang.

Liu Cuihua was stunned when she heard the silence in her daughter's room, her daughter's expression was not good just now.

When he came to the county seat, could it be that he was taught by his aunt and uncle?

Regardless of Liu Cuihua's kind temper, she has a good reputation in the village.

He treats his own children very well.

I felt distressed and wanted to comfort my daughter, but her door was locked, and it seemed impossible to open the door.

She had no choice but to wink at her brother and sister.

"You save some food for your sister. She is probably told by your aunt and uncle. She is not happy for a while, wait for her to relax and find a way to persuade your sister to eat some food."

As soon as Feng Zhiyuan heard this, he rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward. The younger sister in their family has been protecting her since she was a child, and she has never been angry.

"No, I have to persuade my younger sister. Uncle and aunt are also true. My younger sister has already agreed to go to the countryside for Brother Jianguo. Why don't you just let me go?"

The boss, Feng Zhiqiang, grabbed his younger brother by the collar of his shirt and threw him into the kitchen.

"What are you doing nonsense? You don't know what's going on, so you roll up your sleeves and rush up. What if the aunt and uncle scolded her? Besides, it should be done. You said it's a good girl to jump into the river. No It won't be too long to teach her a lesson.

You also know that she is going to the countryside soon, can we still protect her after she goes to the countryside? "

When Feng Zhiyuan heard this, he must have fainted.

"Otherwise, if I talk to my uncle or my aunt, I can also go to the countryside, so let me follow along. At least someone has to protect my sister. It's really worrying that she is alone.

This girl is very serious, she keeps something in her heart all the time, and she doesn't say it out loud.We will be bullied by others at that time, and we don't know. "

"Please don't add a little more confusion. Can you just stay there honestly? Anyone who wants to go to the countryside can go to the countryside? If you want to go to the countryside, you have to have the qualifications. You are already in the countryside, you Still thinking about where to go to the countryside.”

What Feng Zhiqiang hates is that iron cannot be made into steel, and this younger brother will think wildly all day long.

Feng Huizhen was on the kang at the moment, a thought entered the space.

Above the gray sky in the space, a subtitle similar to an electronic screen appeared.

A horizontal subtitle flashed.

"Insufficient energy, please replenish energy before extracting items from the space."

Not enough energy?

What kind of energy do you want?

She had a smooth life in her previous life, surrounded by elites, so she forgot about it.

Her space needs someone with luck, and extract the luck from him. These luck can be exchanged for energy replenishment, which can help to get the items in the space, and any item needs energy extraction.

The energy is like charging a cell phone and she forgot to charge it.

The so-called lucky people are all social elites and industry leaders.

And only by becoming friends with such elites, or by cooperating with them for a win-win situation, can one obtain the luck of the other party, which can be converted into energy.

Feng Huizhen was completely speechless, the problem is that the world is big, where can I find this lucky person now?

Elite talent is also everywhere.

Just say they are a small village, where can they find elites?

The most outstanding talents in their village are the production team leader, branch secretary, and accountant.

However, according to the space requirements, they are really not elites. She has practiced in her previous life. Elites refer to talents with special potential.

It's not that you can be called an elite just by hanging a name on your head.

In her previous life, she had eight of the best apprentices, they were definitely the elite among the elite, that's why she forgot about charging.

Too easy to get and not to care.

What should we do now?

Feng Huizhen spread out on the kang.

There is no goal, you can only use your brain.

Now that the policy is not open, the movement of talents with potential must be unclear.

Otherwise, try it at their home first, maybe the older brothers and sisters also have the possibility.

In case there is one or two, send it.

Why bother to hit a wall outside.

Elite talents don't rely on words, they have to touch each other in real ways to feel it.

When Feng Huizhen thought of this, a carp stood up.

Lying down can't solve the problem, you need to find energy as soon as possible.

The family is the first step, if possible!

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