Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 12 The Difficult Sister-in-Law

"You child is at your own house, how can I let you eat your own steamed buns? You didn't mean to slap your uncle and aunt in the face. The aunt steamed the rice at noon, and it's rare for you to eat rice once."

If I said this just now, it would definitely be a polite word, but now it is from the bottom of my heart.

Their children are very sensible, and when they come, they don't cause them any trouble at all. They also want to have more relatives like this.

As long as there is no autumn wind in this year, the relatives are still very close.

Feng Huizhen didn't care about Sanqi 21. She put the steamed buns on the rice pot for steaming rice, covered the pot and stuffed it for a while, and it became hot after a while.

"Auntie, look at what you said. It's my own family who can't be polite to you. You have helped our family a lot. If I come to your house and act like a poor relative hitting the autumn wind, it will be unreasonable."

"You don't know who my mother is. She's trying to save face and suffer. If I rub you against you for a meal, my mother will have to break my leg when you go back."

He rolled up his sleeves with a smile and really took pictures of the cucumbers.

Although the cucumber cold salad is not necessarily delicious, but after all, I have cooking skills in my previous life.

It's easy to make a cucumber salad.

Wu Yufen looked at this girl, raised the knife in her hand, and she was really neat, especially the cucumber cold salad, which was also cold salad, but it seemed to be more delicious than the one she made herself.

"Girl, you really have such a refreshing energy. If your mother is like you, your family's life can't be like this."

Wu Yufen sighed, logically speaking, Liu Cuihua's life should not be like this.

Liu Cuihua's biological father was the manager of the county water company.

This can be regarded as a relative of the emperor, how could it be possible to live like this?

But Liu Cuihua's mother passed away early.

The stepmother came in, and then gave birth to younger brothers and younger sisters, so the three sisters in front of them became the thorn in the stepmother's eyes.

Because of their three sisters, their stepmother often quarreled with their father, so Liu Cuihua married early in order not to hurt her father.

Logically speaking, it's okay for her father to get a job, but Liu Cuihua didn't want her stepmother to stop making trouble. If they wanted her father to help her find a job, the stepmother would probably turn the house upside down.

In addition, Liu Cuihua is indeed a person with backbone, and because of this backbone all these years, she has been farming in the countryside alone with her children.

Feng Huizhen knew what her aunt said.

But everyone has their own choice. Mother has such a choice, so she naturally has her considerations. She cannot make any changes on behalf of her mother.

The family sits at the dinner table.

The addition of Feng Huizhen obviously upset some people at the dinner table.

The aunt's family has three sons, two of whom are married.

Even if you get married in this day and age, you can't live separately. There are so many people in a family, and they are squeezed into this small three rooms.

It looks very crowded.

Jiang Jianshe's daughter-in-law is Liu Mei, a female worker in a textile factory. The couple have been married for three years and have a son.

Liu Mei has a big belly now, and it looks like she is giving birth to her second child.

This Liu Mei does a lot of work on weekdays.

Obviously, Liu Mei couldn't see the fact that the family was willing to spend ten yuan a month to hire someone else to go to the countryside in order to prevent the third child from going to the countryside. That ten yuan was a lot.

If the third child really went to the countryside and jumped in line to go home, he would be able to free up the old man and the old lady's place. The two of them lived in that room with their children and it was too crowded.

If a room can be vacated, at least the children can live with the old lady and the old man, and the couple can relax a bit.

This is related to their own interests, so it is not pleasing to the eye.

As soon as she heard that Feng Huizhen was the country cousin who went to the countryside instead of Jiang Jianguo, Liu Mei immediately became angry.

"Mom! Ten yuan is not enough for this month. Why did you come to our house to eat and drink before going to the countryside? Auntie really knows how to save money!"

As soon as Wu Yufen heard what her daughter-in-law said, she knew that she was about to make trouble again.

"Hurry up and eat, it's not your turn to talk here. Huizhen brought a lot of vegetables. The cucumber you ate was made by Huizhen. Your father's."

If it weren't for seeing her daughter-in-law with a big belly, she wouldn't be so tolerant.

Feng Huizhen swallowed her anger and ate her own food.

After eating, Liu Mei immediately left the bowl and chopsticks, "Mom, I feel sick to my stomach, take a break!"

Wu Yufen looked at this daughter-in-law very angry.

If it wasn't for the grandson in her belly, Wu Yufen would have been angry long ago.

All her life she hadn't been a bullied woman.

The second daughter-in-law, Fan Erxiu, silently cleaned up the dishes.

It can be seen that he is honest and honest.

Feng Huizhen hurriedly helped to clean up together.

"Sister-in-law, let me help you."

Fan Erxiu pursed her lips, "Sister, you can talk to Mom, I'll do it!"

She is like an invisible person in this family.

Feng Huizhen smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, I have quick hands and feet, and I can talk after cleaning up. Auntie, wait for me for a while."

After tidying up the dishes neatly, Fan Erxiu actually had a good impression of this cousin who had heard the name several times.

Liu Mei sneered, she was quite sensible.

Feng Huizhen finished packing and ran to Wu Yufen.

"Auntie, this time I actually have something to ask you, old man."

Wu Yufen stroked Feng Huizhen's hair. The child's family environment was not good, and her hair was withered and yellow. Looking at her, she gave a little discount.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Auntie, I've found a temporary worker in the noodle factory for only ten days. I want to save some money for my mother to help the family before I leave, but I don't have a place to live. I just want to..."

Feng Huizhen knew that her aunt was not stingy.

When Wu Yufen heard this, the look of pity in her eyes became even more pity.

Children are too sensible.

In fact, Wu Yufen also knew about Feng Huizhen's life experience. Liu Cuihua and his wife brought the child back that year, and they all complained about Liu Cuihua's bad intentions.

I can't even eat enough for my family, and I still have to support a child.

But the couple did not listen.

After so many years, I didn't expect that children would really have filial piety when they grow up.

It's not in vain that the couple spent so much effort.

"You live in your aunt's house, and you also eat here. Needless to say, go back and tell your mother! I said it."

Wu Yufen immediately took care of everything.

Feng Huizhen immediately put her arms around Wu Yufen's shoulders like a brown sugar, twisting and turning.

"Auntie, you are so kind. There is no such good person as my aunt in the world. Don't worry, Auntie. The cafeteria will take care of the food, so that my brother and sister-in-law will not be embarrassed. I will definitely not disturb my brother and sister-in-law."

Ugly things have to be said before.

Although Fang's aunt agrees that there are other people in the family, just by looking at the appearance of the lady in the lobby, she can tell that she is not an easy person to get along with.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who do you take your auntie for? Let me tell you, if you say this again, don't enter my house. "

Wu Yufen was comforted by Feng Huizhen's words.

The children are well-behaved, sensible and obedient, how much can they trouble them in a total of half a month?

Anyway, other people's children also go to the countryside for their own sons to jump in the queue.

Logically speaking, it's not like they couldn't afford it for half a month.

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