Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 920 Is It Interesting To Bully The Weak?

Lu Wanwan glanced at the garbage bag that Xia Zhi was carrying, it was bulging, and couldn't help asking, "It's only been a day, and there's so much household garbage?"

After Xia Zhi's complexion changed slightly, she covered it up and said, "Yes, yes, I cleaned it."

Lu Wanwan didn't doubt it: "Well, then you go, I put the supper on the chair for you."

After finishing speaking, Lu Wanwan turned her head and unscrewed the doorknob, pushed the door lightly and entered.

There was a light inside, but it wasn't very bright.

As Lu Wanwan was walking, she suddenly stepped on something and made a cracking sound.

After moving her foot away, she looked down and found that what she stepped on was a piece of broken glass.

She picked it up and looked at it, then looked at Fu Shuo's bedside table, only to see that there was a cup missing from it.

At this moment, a slightly depressed voice sounded: "Why did you come back so late?"

Before Lu Wanwan could answer, the man on the bed continued to ask: "Where have you been?"

And the fruit basket when she came back at noon was gone.

She couldn't help but think of the bag of garbage that Xia Zhi was carrying just now, no wonder it was so bulging, it turned out to be like this.

As they got closer, Fu Shuo smelled the smell of alcohol on her body, and his brows furrowed even tighter: "Not only did you go to sing K with them, you also drank?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Drinking is always inevitable when socializing."

Lu Wanwan looked at him, seeing that Fu Shuo was still up, he must have been waiting for her to come back.

She went up and explained to him: "I'm sorry, I came back late, I made you worry, after Vice President Qiao and I went to Xinmeiyuan Restaurant for dinner, they still wanted to sing K, so until now just came back."

After she took out a set of clothes from the closet, she went into the bathroom.

After she finished taking a bath, Fu Shuo was still awake with his eyes open, so Lu Wanwan had a heart-to-heart talk with him.

Fu Shuo said a little irritably, "Go and wash off the smell on your body!"

After Lu Wanwan was stunned, she replied without saying anything: "Okay."

"Congratulations to us." Lu Wanwan said softly.

"What do I have to congratulate?"

"Tonight's gathering went well. Everyone is full of confidence in the future of the branch. I think we have temporarily stabilized people's hearts."

"Really? Congratulations." Fu Shuo said without emotion.

He looked at Lu Wanwan, and with a long-lost impulse and long-awaited resentment, he asked, "If one day I announce to you that I don't want the market in City S, what will you think?"

Lu Wanwan's pupils shrank slightly.

He is just a useless person now, he can only lie here every day, waiting for his beloved woman, and he is always worried, lest she run away.

The arrival of late night aggravated his negative emotions, and even made him think "this branch doesn't matter"!

What he said before was that even if he returned to the head office in city y, the branch office in city s would be entrusted to trustworthy senior management to continue to operate.

But now, he says he wants to give up!

If Fu Shuo said one day that he didn't want the market in City S, it meant that he would close the branch.

This is completely different from what he thought before!

Fu Shuo suddenly said, "I think you are the one who regrets it!"

Lu Wanwan asked, "What do I regret?"

So what are her efforts tonight and the blueprint drawn by everyone together?

Lu Wanwan didn't want him to lose confidence in the future like this, and persuaded: "I hope you can think clearly, and don't regret it one day."

"Then why did you come back so late? Because you know this, I'm already asleep, so you don't have to deal with me, right?"

The problem came back again.

Fu Shuo clenched his fists and said, "You regret not divorcing me before I got into a car accident!"

Lu Wanwan said: "I never thought about it that way."

Then, in front of Fu Shuo, she pressed the PA button.

"What are you doing?" Fu Shuo looked at her puzzled.

Fu Shuo vented to her the dark emotions accumulated all day, even to the point of being unreasonable: "I can only stay here now, I can't go anywhere, how do I know where you went?"

Lu Wanwan simply took out her cell phone and made a call.

Vice President Qiao said: "Just arrived, how about you, Manager Lu?"

Lu Wanwan said, "I just arrived too."

Soon, Vice President Qiao's voice came from the opposite side: "Manager Lu?"

Lu Wanwan said: "Vice President Qiao, I'm sorry to bother you, I want to ask, are you home yet?"

These words fell into Fu Shuo's ears and became a great irony to him.

"Okay, Vice President Qiao, see you tomorrow."

"That's good." Vice President Qiao said: "By the way, everyone got together a little late tonight, and we dragged you to the nightclub. If Mr. Fu knew, he wouldn't be angry, would he?"

Lu Wanwan said: "He will understand."

Lu Wanwan said with a good temper: "Okay."

Fu Shuo's expression changed several times, and finally returned to normal: "I'm fine, you go to sleep."

After finishing the call, Lu Wanwan looked at Fu Shuo: "Vice President Qiao should be the elder you trust the most in the branch, right? Can you believe what he said?"

With the facts in front of him, no matter how reluctant Fu Shuo was, he could only say, "Next time, can you not come back so late?"

He seemed a little dazed and a little lonely.

Lu Wanwan crossed her hands, put them lightly on her lower abdomen, found a comfortable position, and said, "I told you, you might be angry again."

"Hmm." Seeing that he had nothing to ask, Lu Wanwan got up and walked towards the sofa.

After she lifted the thin quilt, she lay down and was about to close her eyes when she heard Fu Shuo ask, "Wanwan, don't you get angry when I question you like this?"

Lu Wanwan then said: "Before, when I first married Li Jingchen, he also smashed cups and food. Do you know what I thought at that time?"

She didn't expect Fu Shuo to answer her, so she said, "I think this person is really annoying, obviously I didn't cause him to be blind, why did he vent all his anger on me, is it interesting to bully the weak?"


Fu Shuo stared at the ceiling and said, "Tell me, I want to hear it."

"In order to avoid being picked on by him, I made a lot of efforts. At the beginning, he kept picking on me. It's not that I didn't think about giving up.

But I made a deal with my dad. Only if I marry Li Jingchen can I get a sum of money to protect the psychological treatment center of the dean's mother. "

After hearing this, Fu Shuo suddenly thought of himself, and felt inexplicably panicked.

He didn't want to become like Li Jingchen, who didn't recognize his relatives and couldn't stay behind closed doors!

After a chuckle, Lu Wanwan said: "Similarly, Fu Shuo, in order to repay your kindness for saving An'an, no matter what you say or do, I will accept it as it is, and I will not be angry with you."

Fu Shuo could tell that what she said was not only to give him a promise, but also to draw a line with him.

She stayed for gratitude.

While Fu Shuo was in a daze, Lu Wanwan said calmly, "Tomorrow morning, if the doctor allows, I will push you downstairs to relax."

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