Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 919 Is She Thinking He's Dead?

Lu Wanwan didn't expect Li Jingchen to act so quickly. After all, he had always regarded Fu Shuo as a thorn in his side, and it would be good if he didn't cause damage. He even took the initiative to find Chu Mo for her, and volunteered to rush for Fu Shuo's injury.

She couldn't help but said, "Thank you, shall we see you tomorrow afternoon?"

Hearing her asking him to meet, Li Jingchen seemed to have heard the most beautiful notes in the world, and the suffocation accumulated in his chest dissipated a lot: "Yes."

Lu Wanwan looked at the time and said, "Then let's go back? In case they think we're missing."

Li Jingchen nodded: "OK."

When the two of them came back one after the other, the female colleagues couldn't help being curious and asked softly, "Wan Wan, why did you come back with President Li?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head.

"Are you afraid of him too?" The female colleagues expressed their understanding.

Lu Wanwan's eyes narrowed slightly: "He also went to the bathroom just now."

The female colleagues asked again: "Oh, when you came back, did you talk?"

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But he was expressionless, as if this was just an action he made inadvertently.

Li Jingchen looked like no one should enter, just one glance makes people flustered, how can there be a way to talk to him?

While thinking about it, they looked at Li Jingchen cautiously.

Li Jingchen's eyes flashed coldly, they still want to drink?With him here, don't even think about it!

"Wei Yu, I drove here by myself, just give me a glass of plain water."

Wei Yu asked his subordinates to come over with a bottle of xo, and asked in a full-fledged manner: "Jingchen, would you like a drink?"

The female colleagues also asked at this time: "Wanwan, I'm a little thirsty, why don't we order a dozen beers?"

The female colleagues subconsciously checked whether the residual alcohol smell on their bodies would infect Li Jingchen?

As women, they didn't want to give Li Jingchen the impression of a drunk, so they changed their words and said, "It's enough for us to have a glass of lemonade each. How about you, Wanwan?"

Wei Yu quickly understood what he meant: "Okay, I'll have someone replace it with plain water for you, Miss Lu, how about you?"

Following Wei Yu's words, Li Jingchen turned his head to look at Lu Wanwan's female colleagues, his eyes were unclear.

Seeing them change their minds, a smile appeared on Li Jingchen's face.

Just like that, Li Jingchen sat with Lu Wanwan and his party until 11 o'clock, and the group of women finally broke up.

Lu Wanwan couldn't wait for it: "Well, I want a glass of lemonade too."

With that said, she took a quick look at Li Jingchen.

Not only was the owner of the Wei mansion personally accompanying him, but the president of the Li Group also came along the way!

Although Li Jingchen didn't like to talk, and only drank plain water the whole time, but his worth is here, with the two of them around, the other guests looked at them with respect in their eyes, which greatly satisfied their vanity.

Just as Lu Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief, she heard the female colleagues happily ask, "Wanwan, when shall we come back?"

Of course they enjoyed themselves.

Lu Wanwan reminded: "Sisters, don't forget, when you were eating at Xinmeiyuan Restaurant just now, you said that this month's KPI index will quadruple compared to last month."

After the female colleagues looked at each other, they asked: "Is it true that as long as we work hard, we can form a group and come again?"

Lu Wanwan replied: "That will have to wait until the company's KPI indicators for this month are completed."

"Ah?" When the female colleagues heard this, most of Meimeng woke up immediately.

The female colleagues were half-joking, and half-seriously said: "That's okay, we'll go all out!"

Lu Wanwan then looked at Wei Yu: "Boss Wei, thank you for your hospitality tonight."

Lu Wanwan said: "Well, I will treat you when the time comes."

Li Jingchen pinched his knuckles, did she think he was dead?

Unexpectedly, Li Jingchen, who was sitting beside her, suddenly put his long legs on the coffee table, blocking her way.

This scene instantly made everyone present tense up!

"You're welcome, here is my business card. Next time you come, you'd better call me first, there is a discount." Wei Yu said, and handed a business card to Lu Wanwan.

"Well, I see." After Lu Wanwan put away Wei Yu's business card, she wanted to get out of the booth.

Wei Yu ate melons silently beside him.

Just when the atmosphere suddenly became tense, Li Jingchen pointed to the sofa behind them and asked lazily, "Which of you lost your lipstick?"

The female colleagues were worried, did Lu Wanwan accidentally offend this legendary boss?

Lu Wanwan frowned slightly, did he know what he was doing now?

The others breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it would be better not to trouble them.

In the next second, Li Jingchen slowly put down his long legs, and gestured "please" to them.

Everyone looked back and saw that a piece of lipstick had indeed fallen on the sofa.

"It's mine, it's mine!" One of the female colleagues picked up the lipstick and said to everyone: "My husband bought it for me! If he loses it, he will have to quarrel with me."

After they left, Wei Yu suddenly gave a "puchi" smile: "Hey, why are you teasing her?"

Wanwan was stopped by him just now, and his whole body was so stiff that Wei Yu almost didn't laugh out loud.

With a casual posture and a glass between his slender fingers, he looked like a family man, and finally he was no longer so intimidating.

After Lu Wanwan nodded at him, she walked past him. Her expression remained the same, but her heart beat a little faster, for fear of another surprise attack from Li Jingchen.

Li Jingchen said to the dance floor: "Look at the hatred of you naked men."

Wei Yu was taken aback for a moment, then laughed and cursed: "You cheapskate!"

After Li Jingchen took a sip of water, he said lightly, "Revenge."

Wei Yu asked in bewilderment, "What kind of revenge?"

Li Jingchen opened his thin lips lightly: "It's a big deal."

It must be very serious for Jing Chen to use this word.

Li Jingchen put down his glass and said, "I'm going back."

Wei Yuwan stayed behind and said, "Hey, don't rush to leave! Just now my siblings told me that something happened to Fu Shuo, what happened?"

At 12 o'clock in the morning, the city's key hospital.

When Lu Wanwan came back, she saw Xia Zhi walking out of Fu Shuo's ward with a bag of garbage.

Wei Yu stopped joking: "Tell me, what's going on?"


In order not to scare the other party, Lu Wanwan called softly: "Xiao Xia."

Xia Zhi raised her head, and seeing that it was her, she immediately put on the tone of seeing her relatives: "Young Mistress, you are finally back!"

"Thank you for your hard work. I brought you a midnight snack. You can eat it." Lu Wanwan said, and handed one of the three snacks in her hand to Xia Zhi, and she gave the other two. Bought by two male nurses.

Xia Zhi's heart warmed up, and she forgot all the hard work: "Thank you young mistress, then I'll go and throw away the trash first."

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