Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 892 Failed to keep people, it's really ridiculous

Xia Zhi silently took the divorce agreement upstairs and knocked on Fu Shuo's closed door: "Sir, you left something behind."

Fu Shuo's tense voice came: "Leave it outside."

Xia Zhi said cryptically, "It's not easy to put this thing outside."

I don't know how long it took, but the door finally opened.

Seeing that Fu Shuo's gloomy eyebrows were about to storm, Xia Zhi quickly handed him the divorce agreement.

When he saw the divorce agreement, Fu Shuo's gloomy aura reached an unprecedented peak!

Xia Zhi was afraid of harming Chi Yu, so she hurriedly said: "Sir, you forgot it in the luggage bag, I was afraid that the young master would see it, so I brought it here for you!"

"You have seen all the content above." Fu Shuo used an affirmative sentence.

An alarm sounded in Xia Zhi's heart: "I didn't!"

Fu Shuo didn't believe her words, and said, "I, Fu Shuo, spent six years and failed to keep people. It's really ridiculous."

Xia Zhi's scalp was numb from his stare, but this A4 paper was not packaged, so she naturally saw it.

After Fu Shuo got the divorce agreement, he suddenly sneered, "You must be laughing at me, right?"

According to Fu Shuo's conditions, he should have scored 100 points in the test, but when the test papers were handed out, he couldn't even pass the test.


Before she could respond, Fu Shuo closed the door.

Xia Zhi somehow sympathized with him.

"Miss Lu, I happen to have a duplex vacant in my hand, with a total of 400 square meters, with a small garden and a swimming pool. The monthly rent is 1 yuan. Do you want to rent it?"

Lu Wanwan was surprised and said, "For a 400-square-meter duplex, it only costs more than 1 yuan a month? How is this possible?"

At this time, in the living room.

Lu Wanwan received a call from He Ping.

He Ping tried hard to persuade: "You really don't want it? No matter the internal environment or the geographical location of this duplex building, it's all first-class. I reserved it specially for you!"

Lu Wanwan said: "Thank you, but I still like what I told you before."

He Pingdao: " tell the truth, because people died in this duplex building, the owner set the rent very low, but you don't have to worry, I have several groups of guests living in it, and no supernatural events happened. .”

After pondering for a few seconds, Lu Wanwan said, "It's still not necessary."

Lu Wanwan thought about it, although Jiuxi Tiandi is a bit far from Nankai Primary School, but she has a car, so it is not difficult to take An'an to and from school.

In addition, the monthly rent of Jiuxi Tiandi is 1 yuan, which is within her acceptable range and the best house.

After pondering for a while, He Ping said, "You mean the set of 'Jiuxi Tiandi'?"


"Okay, Miss Lu, I will try my best to keep it for you."

"Thank you."

He Ping reluctantly said, "Okay, when are you going to sign the agreement with me?"

Lu Wanwan looked up at Fu Shuo's room, and said, "I'll tell you about this later, Xiao He, can you try to help me keep this house? I'm willing to pay a late fee."

"Hi, I'm Xiao He!" The moment the phone was connected, He Ping said quickly, "Well... about the duplex building, I've already mentioned it to Ms. Lu, but she doesn't want it."

Li Jingchen's secretary asked in a deep voice, "How did you tell her?"

After finishing the call, He Ping, who was in the agency company, immediately called Li Jingchen's secretary.

Although He Ping didn't know the origin of the other party, but the generous attitude of the other party when he asked him to do things, immediately conquered him!

He Ping said: "Yes, Ms. Lu still insists on Jiuxi Tiandi's set, and I can't help it."

"Okay, I get it."

He Pingdao: "I'm following your point of view. People died in the duplex building. The owner set the price very low in order to rent it out."

"But she still doesn't want it?"

After putting down the phone, the secretary turned around and reported the matter to Li Jingchen.

I don't know what stimulated Mr. Li today, but he came to the company to work overtime after a good weekend.


Li Group.

Hearing this, Li Jingchen raised his head from his desk: "What failed?"

The secretary reminded: "It's your plan to rent that duplex to Ms. Lu cheaply."

As soon as he received the news, he quickly left his wife and came to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.

"Boss Li, your plan has failed."

Li Jingchen's eyes were heavy, and if Wan Wan decided to rely on himself, it would be useless if he thought of eight hundred ways!

The secretary said softly: "Why don't you just tell Lu Hongye and his son to persuade Miss Lu to go home? It's better to have someone to take care of you at Lu's house than outside."

After hearing this, Li Jingchen put the pen heavily on the report.

The secretary became more cautious and said: "Mr. Li, I feel that Ms. Lu doesn't really believe in such things as pie in the sky, why don't you think of another way?"

He would not do such a thing that was not worth the candle.

But soon, Li Jingchen stretched his eyebrows and said, "You don't have to think about it, I have a solution."

Li Jingchen frowned, and said: "In this way, you will know at night, have I heard about her going to rent a house?"

She originally wanted to take An An to live the life of idle clouds and wild cranes. If he intervenes forcibly, it will only arouse her disgust.

Before Lu Wanwan got off work, she received a call from Li Qingling.

The little girl who was about to get married was debating which wedding dress to choose, so she asked Lu Wanwan when she would have time to help her out.


In the evening of the next day, Fu's company.

Li Qingling said coquettishly: "Sister-in-law... Oh no, Miss Wan Wan, just see which night you are free, come out and meet me."

Lu Wanwan said: "Then you come out too, let's find a place to meet?"

Lu Wanwan used to plan the engagement banquet for Li Xiangchen and Bai Qingluo when she was working in Shen Qiran's company, so she was quite experienced in these, so she said, "Wait until the weekend, okay?"

"It's only Monday, and it's still a long time before the weekend."

Li Qingling immediately said: "Sister Wanwan, I only have a female friend like you, if you don't come to help me, I really don't know who else I can turn to."

Lu Wanwan was so tempered by her that she had no choice but to say: "Little ancestor, you are the oldest when you get married, okay?"

Li Qingling muttered: "No, Lin Yue is afraid that it will be unsafe for me to go out, so he insists on me staying at home."

Lu Wanwan: "..."

After picking up the car keys, Lu Wanwan walked to the door of the office. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Fu Shuo raising her hand, as if she was about to knock on the door.

Both were stunned.

"I know that sister-in-law loves me the most!" After leaving these words, Li Qingling happily hung up the phone.

Lu Wanwan then looked at the time, it was time to pick up An'an.

Lu Wanwan came back to her senses, and asked with her normal expression, "Fu Shuo, when did you come?"

Fu Shuo lowered his hands and said hoarsely, "I just arrived."

"What's the matter, do you want to tell me?"

Fu Shuo shook his head and said, "Let me pick up An'an today."

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan nodded without the slightest hesitation and said, "Okay, then you go, be careful on the road."

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