Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 891 She Can't Control the Overall Situation

in a hotel suite.

When Fu Shuoyi landed Wanwan, he found a piece of A4 paper in her luggage bag, which was a divorce agreement.

He slumped into the wicker chair, his knuckles turning white as he pinched the divorce agreement, it turned out that Wan Wan had come prepared.

Just when he was in a daze, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"Daddy, Mommy and I are back!"

Hearing this, Fu Shuo hurriedly stuffed the divorce agreement under the quilt, and went forward to open the door for An An and the others.

The door opened, An An's cheerful expression changed, and she asked worriedly: "Daddy, you look so bad!"

"...Is there?" Fu Shuo's pupils trembled slightly, and he found an excuse and said, "Maybe Daddy didn't sleep well last night."

By the way, Fu Shuo thought in a daze that the purpose of her agreeing to An An's trip was to let the child spend more time with him.

An An barely needed to push Fu Shuo to sit on the edge of the bed, and said with a concerned look: "Daddy, let's go back after you have rested." <.97xiaoshuo. net

"That shouldn't be so bad, right?" An An said, pulling Fu Shuo towards the big bed.

During the period, Fu Shuo briefly exchanged glances with Lu Wanwan.

She didn't stop it.

Lu Wanwan's eyes fell on him quietly, and said softly: "If you think there is anything unreasonable, you can tell me."

Unreasonable place?

She wants to leave the house without wanting anything, what's unreasonable?

An An immediately took off her hat, revealing some wet forehead hair, and said, "It's so hot, I'm going to wash my face."

After the little guy walked into the bathroom, Fu Shuo looked at Lu Wanwan, with obvious fragility in his eyes.

"Wanwan, I read the divorce agreement."

Because there are servants in the family, she entrusts all the household expenses he usually gives to Wanwan to the servants she trusts, and she doesn't even get a penny.

Now that I think about it carefully, in the past six years, she has only received wages from his company, and this is all her labor income.

She is so clear-cut, she only takes what she deserves.

Fu Shuo felt pain in his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys: "Do you want to leave the house?"

Lu Wanwan gave a soft "hmm".

Fu Shuo said solemnly, "However, you have never taken a cent from the Fu family in the past six years."

As for Lu Wanwan, they also took An An down the mountain by car. They all suffered from the sequelae of climbing the mountain, that is, sore waist and leg pain, so they all chose to go down the mountain by scooter.

"Daddy, Mommy, when are we going to play in the wild again?" An'an asked unsatisfactorily.

Lu Wanwan narrowed her eyes and said, "When there is a meteor shower next time?"

On the contrary, it was him who gradually blurred the boundaries because he developed feelings for her.


On the way back, Fu Shuo chose to go down the mountain by car, and his heart no longer had the joy of coming.

Thinking of this, Fu Shuo's energy was like a flood, and even breathing became difficult.


In the afternoon, Mingyuan.

"Okay!" An An agreed.

Silly An'an, meteor showers are rare in a hundred years.

Wanwan's subtext is that there is no possibility in this life.

Lu Wanwan saw that his complexion was not very good, so she understood his mood and said, "Let me do it."

In the end, instead of letting go, Fu Shuo gripped even tighter: "Do you not see me as a man at all?"

Lu Wanwan was taken aback, and he snatched the luggage bag from her hand.

After the driver parked the car, he turned around and said, "Sir, young mistress, and young master, we are home."

After getting off the car, Lu Wanwan walked to the trunk, ready to take off the luggage bag.

Fu Shuo suddenly grabbed the other end of the bag and said, "I'll do it."

Xia Zhi couldn't help but look back at Fu Shuo, muttering in her heart, why is he so hot?Almost knocked her down!

The next second, An An's little milk voice came: "Sister Xia, we are back."

Still the young master is cute.

Carrying two bags of luggage by himself, he turned around and entered the yard.

"Here we come!" Xia Zhi, who heard the doorbell, hurried over to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Fu Shuo walked past Xia Zhi with a big stride, and the two luggage bags in his hand passed by her feet.

"Not only the meteor shower, I also saw fireflies and the sunrise." When talking about this, An An felt a little guilty: "But I saw the sunrise on Mommy's mobile phone. I got up late."

After Xia Zhi chuckled, she looked at Lu Wanwan behind An An, and said respectfully, "Young Mistress."

After Lu Wanwan nodded, she asked, "Didn't anyone come to the house these two days?"

Xia Zhi bent down, smiled at him, and said, "Young master, isn't Zhoushan fun?"

"It's fun, I saw a lot of interesting sights!"

"Young master, do you mean the meteor shower? I saw it in the yard last night. It was really spectacular."

Lu Wanwan said: "My bag is at Fu Shuo's, but no need, I can just wash it myself."

Her divorce settlement is still in the bag.

"Okay." After Xia Zhi answered, she bravely walked towards Fu Shuo and asked, "Sir, do you have any laundry to wash?"

Xia Zhi shook her head: "No."

Lu Wanwan was mainly worried that Bai Qingluo would make trouble, and after hearing Xia Zhi's words, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

Xia Zhi immediately asked: "By the way, young mistress, do you have any laundry to wash? Leave it to me."

what is this?

Xia Zhi subconsciously took it out to have a look, and was immediately taken aback!

divorce agreement? !

Fu Shuo said absent-mindedly, "The ones on the ground are."

Xia Zhi looked at the ground and saw two luggage bags, one black and one blue. She remembered that the blue one belonged to the young mistress, so she picked up the black one and walked towards the laundry room.

When she opened the zipper and was about to put the clothes inside into the washing machine, she saw an A4 paper inside.

As for why this divorce agreement was in Fu Shuo's pocket, we have to start with his hotel in Buzhou Mountain.

At that time, after he took out the divorce agreement from Wanwan's bag, he heard An An's knock on the door. In a hurry, he stuffed the divorce agreement into the quilt, and then put it in his luggage bag in a trance. .

At this time, a curious voice came from Xia Zhi's side: "Sister Xia, what are you squatting on the ground looking at?"

Is she right?

Xia Zhi rubbed her eyes vigorously, but the word remained unchanged.

The content of the divorce agreement is very simple, to the effect that the young mistress doesn't want anything but the young master, but the husband still has the right to visit the young master.

"Then trouble sister Xia." After finishing speaking, An An walked away.

Xia Zhi sat down on the ground, and in just a few seconds, a thin layer of sweat broke out on her palms.

Judging by the young master's expression, it's clear that he still doesn't know about it.

Xia Zhi shoved the divorce agreement back into her bag in shock, turned her head and said to An An: "No, it's nothing, what's the matter, young master?"

An An held a peaked cap in her hand and said, "My hat is full of sweat, can sister Xia wash it together?"

Xia Zhi nodded: "Yes, yes!"

If he knew...

Xia Zhi bit her lower lip. Although she felt sorry for the young master, she was only a servant after all and could not control the overall situation.

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