Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 850 Only She Is Your Reliance

Lu Wanwan let out a soft breath, the child's words almost convinced her.

Maybe it was the late night that softened people's hearts, or maybe it was just a child not much older than An'an who was asking for help. Lu Wanwan felt compassion: "Why should I promise you?"

This is almost a tacit statement, which makes Yi Song's voice happy: "I can help you find out all the customers who have come here for consumption over the years, no matter if they are from other places or local, as long as I know them, I can tell you. !"

Lu Wanwan heard it, he wanted to use her hand to take revenge, to take revenge on those who bullied him and hurt him!

Yi Song went on to say: "I have been with Dong Yi for a long time, and the customers I have seen and contacted are enough for me to list several sheets of paper, but reporting such things is risky, so you have to protect me, not only let me I am living a normal life, but people cannot know that I told you, let alone ask me to testify in court."

Dong Yi is hateful, and those customers who go to consume are also hateful. They will not stop endangering children just because Dong Yi is arrested. Before they find the next "Dong Yi", she will also send them to prison .

"I see, let's get in touch again." After speaking, Lu Wanwan ended the call.

This cunning little fox obviously wanted to take revenge on her, but he still spoke so nicely.

Although Yisong is an egoist through and through, his words coincide with Lu Wanwan's thoughts.

The next day, Nankai Primary School.

During physical education class, Wei Nian, who was sitting with Li Xiuqi on the steps of the flag-raising platform in the playground, was holding a round apple face, looking at the figure running wildly in the football field, and said: "At the same table, you found Huh, An An seems to be happier today? I remember he was in a bad mood before."

After that, she carefully recalled the conversation with Yisong, and found that she didn't leave anything to say during the whole process, and it was all because Yisong talked to himself before falling asleep at ease.


"Beautiful, a goal!"

"Good kick! Fu Huai'an!"

Startled, Li Xiuqi raised his thin face from the textbook.

Just at this time, there was a burst of cheers in the football field——

Seeing An An shining on the field, Wei Nian suddenly said with emotion: "I can already imagine that An An will be promoted to junior high school, high school, and university in the future."

Li Xiuqi asked: "What does it look like?"

"As expected of the main force in our team!"


"No, stupid!" Wei Nian spat at him, and said, "They are all wandering around the football field, doing their own thing on the surface, but they are actually peeping at An An."

Li Xiuqi took a closer look and found that the two girls who were chatting under the tree had cramp at the corners of their eyes because of squinting at An'an, while the two girls passing arm in arm bumped into the tree trunk because of distraction. The girl who tied the shoelaces tied the bow into a knot...

"You look attractive to girls." Wei Nian said, grabbing Li Xiuqi's shoulders and moving his head from side to side: "Look at those two girls sitting under the tree chatting, and then look at those two armchair girls. The girl who started to pass by, and the girl who squatted on the ground to tie her shoelaces... did you find anything?"

After looking at it, Li Xiuqi choked out a sentence: "Just... are they all girls?"

Wei Nian sounded like a life mentor: "Because they are still young, they don't quite understand what the relationship between men and women is, and they are shy, so they dare not look at it openly. When they grow up, they will be different. In the future, An'an will have her own Every time he appears in a game, there will be countless girls cheering for him, handing him water, and wiping his sweat."

"Is that so..." Li Xiuqi said incredulously, "Nian Nian you really know a lot."

Why is this necessary?

Li Xiuqi couldn't understand and asked: "Why don't they look at it openly?"

While talking, Wei Nian's eyes came to Li Xiuqi: "Actually, your tablemate is also very good."

Although Li Xiuqi has a slender frame, pale skin, and often gets sick, this can arouse girls' desire to protect him, just like Wei Nian himself, who asked the teacher to let her and Li Xiuqi be on duty together so that he can take care of him.

"That's right, the competition among adults is brutal."

Wei Nian once saw male guests who were beaten to death in the "Wei Mansion" in order to compete for the beautiful lady who accompanied the wine. A woman like An An, tsk tsk, might cause a bloodbath in the future!

Li Xiuqi realized that he had said something wrong, so he couldn't help saying: "I'm sorry..."

"You don't have to say I'm sorry, tell me, is it because your mother is in a bad mood and took it out on you?" Wei Nian pinched his waist and asked fiercely.

"Me?" Li Xiuqi thought of something after staying for a while and said, "Nian Nian, stop joking, I'm just a sick person, and I will be a drag wherever I go."

Hearing this, Wei Nian's curly hair almost exploded, and his originally lazy eyes suddenly sank: "I, no, Xu, you, this, what, say, yourself!"

"Nian Nian..." Li Xiuqi was helpless by her impulsive temper, but also moved by her righteousness.

Wei Nian frowned, and said in displeasure, "Don't listen to your mother! She deliberately hurt you, hurt your self-confidence, and made you feel that everyone in the world despises you except her, and she is the only one. With your dependence, you will be more and more controlled by her! Deskmate, believe me, you are the best!"

Li Xiuqi pursed his pale lips, and said softly: "...No."

"If you hesitate, there is one!" Wei Nian clenched his small fists, and his voice became high-pitched with anger: "If she wasn't your mother, I would have beaten her long ago!"

Under Wei Nian's comfort, the corners of Li Xiuqi's mouth turned up a little: "Well, I won't be controlled by her."

In fact, the reason why Bai Qingluo took out his anger on him this time is very simple, that is, last weekend, Bai Qingluo asked him to call Li Jingchen to contact him.

Even though Li Xiuqi's health is so poor, he can always rank among the best in every exam. This is a very remarkable thing in the hearts of many children in his grade!

Also because of this, they were scolded miserably by their parents when they returned home, to the effect that - "Li Xiuqi is not in good health and can get such good grades in the exam. Are you so strong and kind enough to think about such a low score?"

Why is Bai Qingluo so confident?

The main reason is that the last trip to the amusement park was forced to end because of Li Xiuqi's stomachache. After Li Jingchen accompanied Lu Wanwan to send Li Xiuqi to the hospital, he took care of Li Xiuqi in front of Bai Qingluo.

This made Bai Qingluo start wishful thinking that he could use Li Xiuqi to catch up with Li Jingchen.

However, Li Xiuqi felt that Li Jingchen was busy with everything, and he didn't dare to disturb him, so he quietly rejected Bai Qingluo.

Then, Bai Qingluo exploded, pointed at Li Xiuqi's head, and called him a bookworm!Sick!He deserved to be ignored by the Li family to death! !

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