Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 849 Are You Playing Stupid?Or really ignorant?

In the middle of the night, when Lu Wanwan was sleeping soundly, the mobile phone placed beside the bed suddenly rang.

She touched it intuitively, and the dazzling light made her eyes narrow.

Seeing that it was an unfamiliar call, Lu Wanwan thought it was a wrong call, so she hung up.

How can there be calls in the middle of the night to disturb people's dreams?It must have been the harassing phone calls.

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan squinted her eyes again and put the phone back in place, and fell asleep with her head on the pillow.

Not long after, the strange call came again.

Seeing how persistent the other party was, Lu Wanwan thought it was the client's father, so she took it.

"Hello..." Because of sleepiness, Lu Wanwan's head was a little confused.

Her beautiful eyes suddenly opened, and the drowsiness inside was quickly dissipating.

The voice of the other party chased after him again: "Why didn't you speak? Did I hit the mark?"

Lu Wanwan listened carefully and found that it was a child's voice.

Immediately afterwards, a voice sounded quickly: "Did you do the sealing of Dong Yi Orphanage?"


Lu Wanwan almost blurted out "yes".

"Oh, I remember."

Lu Wanwan still remembered that Dong Yi sent two beautiful children over that day, and Yisong was that boy.

At that time, his coquettish and cute voice while hugging her made her heart almost melt, making it impossible for her to associate him with the cold voice at this moment.

In other words, the opposite is a child?

"Are you a child from Dong Yi Orphanage?" Lu Wanwan asked tentatively.

The other party said coldly: "My name is Yisong. I was sent to your treatment center by Dong Yi before, and I was an exchange student for a day."

Lu Wanwan gradually straightened up, leaned on the pillow and asked, "Then why did you call me in the middle of the night?"

Yi Song said coldly: "Are you pretending to be stupid? Or do you really know nothing?"

Lu Wanwan was really pretending to be stupid. This child deliberately waited until late at night when she was drowsy before calling, and the first thing she said was to ask her whether she was responsible for the closure of Dong Yi Orphanage. How cunning.

However, who let her smash into other people's lair?It's normal to hate her.

"Yi Song, why do you have my phone?"

"Before I left last time, I took one of your business cards with your mobile phone number on it."

Lu Wanwan saw that the other party did not hesitate to resort to aggressive tactics in order to trick her. Although the methods were immature, he was only a child of about 10 years old after all, so it was already very good to be able to do this.

Although it is shameful to lie to a child, Lu Wanwan is now dealing with him more: "Child, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Yi Song said: "Okay, then I'll tell you, today a group of policemen suddenly rushed in, searched our orphanage, and then arrested all the adults including Dong Yi, and took over us children."

You must know that when a person is asleep, he is not on guard. She almost slipped her mouth just now.

"Miss Lu, it's immoral to lie to children, especially a self-proclaimed philanthropist like you."

There is a mockery in Yi Song's words, in his heart, "philanthropist" is just a joke!Just like Dong Yi, he is a beast who has done all kinds of evil deeds with a layer of skin on his head that can save all sentient beings!

After listening to his words happily, Lu Wanwan asked, "So, you called me because you suspected that I reported your orphanage?"

Yi Song said: "Yes."

Lu Wanwan pretended to be surprised and asked, "Why do you think it's me?"

Lu Wanwan said softly "Oh?", as if wondering why the police did this, but she said in her heart, "Nice job!"

Yi Song continued: "Afterwards, the police found those children who were locked up in the basement and released them. These are children who disobeyed discipline, so they spoke bad things about Dong Yi in front of the police.

Because the police blocked the news, people outside didn't know that our orphanage had been sealed up. At 10 o'clock in the evening, a customer came to us to spend money, but was arrested by the police guarding the door. Dong Yi was afraid that it was over. . "

Because the confinement room is not open to guests, even if Lu Wanwan visited it, he would not be able to know about this place.

Seeing that the child was blocked, Lu Wanwan continued to pretend to be innocent and told the intelligence: "So, did you make a mistake? I know, you want to find the person who reported him for Dong Yi, so that you can take revenge when Dong Yi comes out. ,but……"

"I'm not for Dong Yi." Yi Song interrupted Lu Wanwan and said, "He's not my boss anymore."

Yi Song said: "Because Dong Yi and his wife went to your psychotherapy center to buy a child before, and you didn't sell them. When they came back, they became very angry and said that you are the most difficult person in charge of so many institutions. And you have also visited here, so you are very suspicious."

Lu Wanwan asked slowly: "But, I don't know where Dong Yi's confinement room is, are you right?"

"..." After hearing this, Yi Song choked.

Lu Wanwan was not in a hurry to fall into his tricks: "Then he has been arrested now, isn't it what you wished?"

"Not enough, I still want to find a home for myself." Yi Song said firmly, "I hope you adopt me."

"What did you say?" Lu Wanwan never expected such a development.

This time it was Lu Wanwan's turn to be silent.

"For so many years, Dong Yi has turned us into child prostitutes for people's pleasure. I have long wished that he would be executed on the spot, no, he would be ashamed!"

When it comes to this, Yi Song's calm voice has ups and downs.

After a short meal, Yisong continued to break the news: "Dong Yi's ambitions swelled because of this, and he began to set his sights on the most developed city S. He used old customers to develop new customers in city S.

Among these new customers, there are more wealthy people. In order to satisfy their own desires and hide their perverted hobbies, instead of reporting Dong Yi, they would even help him with the management. As a result, he fell down today! "

Because in his client base, apart from many bosses, there are also high-ranking officials, so Dong Yi has lived a good life as a philanthropist no matter how unsightly his private life has been over the years. He also collected all his money. "

Yi Song said: "If Dong Yi's orphanage was closed down, it was really you who did it, then it means you have far more strength than Dong Yi,

I am one of the children who followed Dong Yi from other places. I know his ability to overwhelm the sky in other places. No one can restrain him there.

After listening to it, Lu Wanwan asked, "So, you want to find a strong backer so that you can completely get rid of Dong Yi and get rid of the past?"

"It's not just that." Yisong knew very well in his heart that going around in circles with Lu Wanwan would be his own death, so why not say something: "You report Dong Yi, which means that you are a good person, and you can't bear to watch us children suffer, and then Combined with your strength, I beg you, adopt me! Let me become a normal child."

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