Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 651 You Don't Forgive Him

Seeing Lu Wanwan holding the phone, not knowing how to refuse, Li Jingchen's secretary showed a "Huanhuatong" smile on the side.

In the next second, Lu Wanwan said, "If it's a gift from Sister Zhou, then of course I won't refuse."

Li Jingchen said softly: "It is indeed a gift from her, I just borrow flowers to present Buddha."

Lu Wanwan snorted softly, but she couldn't tell how angry she was: "But I just accepted it, but I didn't say I would wear it on Saturday."

The more expensive the gift, the more reluctant she was to squander it.

Li Jingchen laughed, and said dotingly: "It's up to you."

Lu Wanwan caught a glimpse of the secretary who was eavesdropping nearby, and said uncomfortably, "I still have to work, so I'll hang up first."

Lu Wanwan looked at the safe in front of her and said, "Well, you can put the gift here."

The secretary breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, Ms. Lu, for understanding my hard work as a worker. If you refuse again, I don't know how to go back to work."

Li Jingchen responded softly: "OK."

After Lu Wanwan put down the phone, the secretary immediately asked: "It seems that Miss Lu has already reached an agreement with our President Li?"

The secretary smiled and said: "So far, Ms. Lu is the only woman who has made President Li go to such great lengths to please her."

"Should I be honored?"

"Come on, stop acting, I don't know that this is a collusion between you two?"

The secretary asked her to call Li Jingchen personally to reject Li Jingchen just now, didn't she just want to give Li Jingchen a chance to explain himself?

"Yes." The secretary accepts it as soon as he sees it, so as not to annoy Lu Wanwan, but the gain outweighs the loss.

After Lu Wanwan watched him leave, she turned to look at the jewelry set. After thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone and called Zhou Mo.

The secretary shook his head, his expression changed from a smile to a serious one: "I just hope Miss Lu can occasionally understand Mr. Li's painstaking efforts and regrets."

After Lu Wanwan was silent for a while, she changed the subject and said, "You can go back and deal with business."

Zhou Mo sighed: "It's all my dad's fault. He ordered me to hand over the jewelry to Li Jingchen! I disagree, so my dad let my brother grab it. Can my strength compare to my brother's? He is a soldier!"

The corner of Lu Wanwan's mouth twitched: "...Godfather again?"

Not long after, Zhou Mo's voice sounded: "Wanwan, you called me, do you want to ask about jewelry?"

After Lu Wanwan said "Yes", she asked wonderingly: "Sister Zhou, don't you want to see Li Jingchen? Why did you give him the jewelry you designed yourself?"

Zhou Mo cursed and said: "That damned Li Jingchen! At first his secretary called me and asked me if I had the latest design. I shouldn't have leaked it to him just to vent your anger on you. Now I regret it so much. !"

It turned out that after Zhou Mo received a phone call from Secretary Li Jingchen yesterday, he wanted to be eccentric, so he said that he had designed a set of jewelry inspired by the incident of her falling into the sea six years ago, but the secretary turned around and told Li Jingchen.

Zhou Mo couldn't help asking: "Wan Wan, why did you say 'again'? What good things did my dad do?"

Lu Wanwan remembered that it was Mayor Zhou who leaked her whereabouts to Li Jingchen when she went to the mountainous area in the north, so she couldn't help rubbing her temples: "Forget it, it's all over."

Lu Wanwan hurriedly comforted: "Okay, sister Zhou, don't be angry."

"How can I not be angry? Li Jingchen's gangster style, you can't forgive him at night!"

Li Jingchen then contacted Mayor Zhou, and Mayor Zhou snatched this set of jewelry from Zhou Mo in the capacity of "your father is still your father".

"That's the surprise I wanted to give you on your birthday! It was to celebrate your new life, but they just snatched it away!" Zhou Mo smashed the mouse on the opposite side angrily.

"Okay, I'll help you get revenge."

After Zhou Mo vented, he asked, " you like my design?"

"Well, I don't forgive him."

"Next time we meet, you must avenge me!"

For a designer like Zhou Mo who is not short of money and status, money is secondary, and the important thing is whether the designed works can resonate with people.

Six years ago, Zhou Mo auctioned off the peacock brooch as a "mysterious designer", which is enough to show that she did not want to rely on the status of "the mayor's daughter" to gild her design.

Lu Wanwan was not stingy with her praise: "To be honest, I fell in love with it at first sight."

"Really? You are still as discerning as you were six years ago!" Zhou Mo said happily.

Therefore, today, six years later, when countless celebrities and gentlemen are vying to ask her to design jewelry, Zhou Mo, who has already achieved fame, depends on his mood whether he is happy or not, but on countless nights when inspiration bursts out, he designs such a jewelry for Lu Wanwan. A unique set of jewelry.


The result of not relying on the father is that the peacock brooch was left unattended at the charity auction. After all, Zhou Mo was not well-known at that time, and the starting price of the brooch was only 1 yuan. Those rich people thought it was a bargain. .

As for Lu Wanwan, ever since she fell in love with the peacock brooch, she fell into Zhou Mo's eyes and made her feel friendly.

Yesterday he took the initiative to invite Ying in front of President Li, saying that he would give Lu Wanwan a set of jewelry as he wished, but in fact he was very uncertain, after all, his wife hated President Li so much, how could he easily accept the gift from President Li?

After thinking about it for a while, the secretary thought of Zhou Mo, she is his wife's god-sister, and she is also the most famous designer in S city!

On the other hand, the secretary went to see Li Jingchen immediately after returning to the Li Group.

"Mr. Li! Good news, my wife has accepted your gift!"

The secretary was so happy to be scolded for listening to Mr. Li for the first time.

He turned around and told President Li about it.

Maybe Zhou Mo has some unique inventory in his hand?More importantly, the wife must not be able to refuse the jewelry made by Zhou Mo, after all, the wife has always been a gentle person.

After the secretary finished the calculation, he called Zhou Mo immediately. He basically didn't need to probe, Zhou Mo told himself about designing a set of jewelry for his wife, and scolded President Li bloody by the way.

Just when the secretary felt that he could get promoted and raise his salary again, he only heard Li Jingchen say lightly: "Do you still have to rely on me in the end?"

If he hadn't talked to Mayor Zhou on the phone, it would have been impossible to hand over the jewelry because of Zhou Mo's resentment towards him.

After President Li smiled slightly, he called Mayor Zhou and asked him to snatch Zhou Mo's gift "in the name of his father".

Everything is going smooth.


Fu's Mall.

The secretary's face fell, and he said pitifully, "Mr. Li, you can't be so unkind!"

After Li Jingchen raised his handsome eyebrows, he went to deal with business with peace of mind.

As Fu Shuo walked over, he asked, "Wanwan, have you picked the right one?" Otherwise, why would you be so happy?

Lu Wanwan raised her eyes and said to him: "Well, Sister Zhou asked someone to give me a set of jewelry. I thought it was very beautiful, so I accepted it."

After 40 minutes, Fu Shuo went back and forth, only to see Lu Wanwan continuing to register in front of the display cabinet with a notebook.

He couldn't help frowning, didn't he tell her to pick out the jewelry?But there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, which made her delicate side face softer.

Fu Shuo looked confused: "Which sister Zhou?"

Lu Wanwan explained: "It's Zhou Mo, Mayor Zhou's daughter, whom you met."

It was only then that Fu Shuo remembered that when he first came to S City, he went to Mayor Zhou's mansion to pick up Wanwan.

At that time, he met Zhou Mo briefly, but he didn't know what Zhou Mo did.

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