Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 650 Are You Here To Provoke?

Lu Wanwan was taken aback by the "Ma'am", she stopped writing and looked at the person who came.

The visitor showed a standard eight-toothed smile: "It's me, ma'am!"

It turned out to be Li Jingchen's chief secretary.

Lu Wanwan said coldly, "Don't call me that!"

"Oh! Then call me Ms. Lu." In fact, it's okay to be called his wife, and he didn't say whose wife it was, the secretary thought to himself.

Lu Wanwan was afraid that the salesman would hear it, so she walked a little further away and asked, "Are you here for shopping?"

"No, I usually shop at Deepwater Harbor, where the variety is more complete." The secretary said proudly.

Lu Wanwan asked blankly: "Then you are here to provoke?"

"Your assistant said it."

"..." After going back, she had to explain to that little girl, don't tell anyone anything.

The secretary, who realized that he had said something wrong, quickly said: "No, no, I came here specially to find you."

"How did you know I was here?"

Lu Wanwan raised the notebook in her hand: "I'm busy with registration, so I can't go back to the office for now."

"Then there is no VIP room in this shopping mall? No matter how bad it is, where is the warehouse?"

"What did you come to see me for?"

The secretary lifted the safe at hand, and said mysteriously to her: "Mr. Li ordered me to send this to you, can you go back to the office and have a look?"

Lu Wanwan said unhappily: "How do I know whether the things he ordered you to send are worthy of me opening in the VIP room?"

The secretary affirmed: "Miss Lu, I dare to guarantee with my life, this is definitely worth your appreciation alone!"

The secretary's words seemed to reveal the meaning of "this place is so shabby", or he deliberately didn't let go of a chance to step on Fu Shi.

This clearly underestimated Fu Shuo's shopping mall!

"Okay." After placing the safe on the table, the secretary opened the buckle and lifted the silver cover.

I saw a set of jewelry neatly placed inside!There are earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings.

"Okay, come with me." Lu Wanwan wanted to send him away quickly, so she took him into an office where no one was there, and said, "You can open it now."

Let him go after reading it, Lu Wanwan thought to herself.

And the pendant on the necklace is like a drop of tear, which is about to fall, making people want to touch it and find out.

As for the bracelet, it is designed in the shape of spikes, as if the owner of the bracelet is trapped in a city of thorns, or as if someone stretched out his hand and tried to grab the owner of the bracelet!

Although it is similar to the set of 800 million jewelry just now, this jewelry is obviously much more "low-key".

It uses green and blue as the main colors, and the earrings are designed as flowing water, because the raw material used is sapphire, which has a shimmering feeling under the refraction of light.

"Probably?" Lu Wanwan put the ring back in its original place, and said inexplicably, "He's really confident."

Seeing her put it back, the secretary's eyes flashed, and he said, "Boss Li also said that no matter how much you like it, you will definitely refuse."

The shape of the final white ring is very simple, it is not as simple as the designed one, Lu Wanwan picked it up curiously and found "forever love" (eternal love) engraved on the ring.

The secretary saw that she was almost finished, and then said: "Mr. Li heard that you will attend the Tang family's banquet on Saturday, so he specially selected this set of jewelry and ordered me to send it. I think Miss Lu will definitely like it."

Lu Wanwan couldn't help but glared at him.

The secretary went on to say: "Since you want to refuse, why don't you call Mr. Li and refuse in person? I won't make it difficult."

Lu Wanwan pursed her lips: "He was wrong, I don't like this set."

The secretary nodded, and said: "President Li is right, as long as you are with him, you will always be duplicity."

"Yes." The secretary curled his lips invisibly, what did he tell President Li?If a woman says no, she means yes!If you say no, then you want to!Look, didn't the wife take the initiative to call President Li?

After a while, the call was connected.

Lu Wanwan opened her mouth, but she couldn't say "it's none of my business if you make it difficult", after all, he has no grievances with her.

After taking out her mobile phone, she said: "I'll call Li Jingchen now, and when I reject him, you can take the jewelry back."

"That's it, we have better ones in Fu's shopping mall." Lu Wanwan thought that the set of jewelry sent by the secretary was picked up in the deep water harbor, so she said with a sense of competition.

However, in her heart, she still likes the set sent by Li Jingchen. It is low-key and tasteful, which makes people want to study the design concept. It is not like the big fist-sized diamond that is full of nouveau riche atmosphere, which makes it clear at a glance. .

"Li Jingchen, it's me." Lu Wanwan was the first to speak out: "I've seen the set of jewelry you asked your secretary to send."

Li Jingchen asked softly: "Then do you like it?"

Maybe she can get Fu Shuo to scoop up this designer.

Li Jingchen played with taste: "You said you didn't like it, but asked me who the designer was?"

Moreover, this is a style that Lu Wanwan has never seen before, whether it is in magazines or elsewhere, she is naturally more interested in it.

She couldn't help asking, "Can you tell me who the designer is?"

"I would like to hear the details." This is exactly what Lu Wanwan wanted to know.

Li Jingchen said slowly: "The pair of blue earrings are in the shape of flowing water, like the sea six years ago, and the pendant on that necklace is in the shape of water droplets, just like your tears six years ago. The sharp thorn is the regret that Li Xiangchen trapped you six years ago, and I didn't have time to grab your hand, and that white ring represents..."

Lu Wanwan said: "My aesthetics do not represent the aesthetics of the public, maybe others like it?"

"Okay, late night." Li Qingling chuckled lightly, as if convinced by her: "Before knowing the designer, don't you want to know the design concept of this set of jewelry first?"

Lu Wanwan said displeasedly: "Are you deliberately using it to stimulate me?"

"Don't you want to know who the designer is?"

"Stop talking!" Lu Wanwan interrupted him abruptly, no wonder she felt that this jewelry was a little familiar, it turned out to be from her falling into the sea six years ago!

Li Jingchen said in a low voice: "Wan Wan, the inspiration for this jewelry design comes from you."

Lu Wanwan trembled: "...Sister Zhou?!"

Mayor Zhou's daughter!Her god-sister was also the mysterious designer who gave her the peacock brooch at a charity auction six years ago!

Lu Wanwan's face was full of displeasure: "Who else can there be besides you?"

"It's Zhou Mo."

Lu Wanwan subconsciously said, "Of course I know that!"

"Yes, this is specially designed for you by her. She originally wanted to give it to you on your birthday, but I begged for it. Wanwan, her original intention was to hope that you could get out of the haze of six years ago. I'm provoking you on purpose."

"It's actually her..."

Sister Zhou's personality, can she still not understand?

"So, you shouldn't have the heart to brush off Zhou Mo's kindness, right?"

"..." This man is really cunning!How can she refuse to give her the birthday gift that sister Zhou designed for her?

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