Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 643 All His Anxiety and Fear

After looking at her for a while, Li Jingchen said, "Lan Qin, you have become more courageous."

Holding an umbrella, Lan Qin raised her head and smiled at him, "Perhaps, you have never understood me, but I understand you very well."

She knew all his uneasiness and fear, so she dared to be so confident.

Li Jingchen mentioned suddenly: "Do you know that you have lost the valuable professional ethics of a psychiatrist?"

Lan Qin was touched deep in her heart. From the day she got the certificate, she has always been a good doctor in the strict sense. This is the first time she grabbed the patient's handle and threatened him to do something he didn't want to do. .

After the silence, she quibbled: "I didn't leak your recordings and medical records."

Li Jingchen took a panoramic view of her tangled little movements, and then said: "Once you do this, I will send you to jail, Lan Qin, I hope you stop here."

Lan Qin's pretty face was shone by the rain-washed street lamps, making it difficult to understand.

Li Jingchen broke through her self-deception: "Not yet."

Lan Qin bit her lower lip. <.97 xiaoshuo. net

She tightened her hand holding the umbrella handle slightly, then slowly loosened it, and said, "We'll see you later, Mr. Li."

She couldn't help thinking that maybe Li Jingchen still had some feelings for her, so he persuaded her and wanted to give her a hand.

At this moment, she began to hope that Lu Wanwan was really dead.

Lan Qin always held an umbrella for him, with a smile on his lips.

After Li Jingchen's car disappeared into the rainy night, Lan Qin raised her head and looked at the opposite building. I believe she has provided a lot of interesting "materials" just now, right?

Lan Qin's answer meant that she would not give up.

Li Jingchen didn't say much anymore, turned around and got into the car.

Inside the studio.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Lan, I didn't hold my camera steady just now, and suddenly dropped it. I didn't take the photo you asked for."

Thinking of this, she hurried across the road and pushed open the door of the opposite building.


The photographer said smugly, "Really Miss Lan, I'm sorry."

Lan Qin frowned and asked, "Then you still have so many cameras here, can't you just replace it with one?"

The photographer's words froze the smile on Lan Qin's face.

She snatched the video camera from his hand and checked it in disbelief, and found that the entire screen was black. She couldn't help but asked anxiously: "Is it true that none of them were captured?!"

In the restaurant, she deliberately touched Li Jingchen's hand, and outside the restaurant, she thoughtfully helped him open the umbrella. As long as these pictures were taken and sent to Lu Wanwan, Li Jingchen would be unable to save her.

But now the photographer told her that he didn't take a single picture? !

The photographer said: "These cameras are all ordered by customers. If I take them apart casually, the customers will think they are second-hand and ask me to return them."

"I think you're out of your mind!" Lan Qin said with a pretty face, "Is the money I hired you for secretly taking pictures, not as good as the money for a video camera?!"

The photographer hurriedly said: "Don't miss Lan, in order to make up for your loss this time, next time I will take pictures for you for free, okay?"

But what if she can't date Li Jingchen next time?What a great opportunity tonight!

The photographer bowed and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But Miss Lan, since you and Mr. Li are boyfriend and girlfriend, it should be easy to ask him out again, right?"

After feeling guilty for a while, Lan Qin said: "You are so unreliable, I won't cooperate with you next time!"

"Okay, let's talk about it next time!"

After pushing the camera back to him, Lan Qin left with a calm face.

Lan Qin was furious, but she could only swallow this dumb loss. Who made her "Li Jingchen's girlfriend" now?

It's already very strange to find someone to secretly film her "dating" with Li Jingchen. If she continues to lose her composure, the photographer may think that she was dumped by Li Jingchen!

The photographer said with a shy smile, "It's literally."

"Are you threatening me?" Lan Qin didn't expect that the retribution would come so quickly, that she would be blackmailed?

The photographer followed behind her and said, "Miss Lan, I'm really sorry, next time you ask me to do this, I promise I won't disappoint you, and I promise I won't tell people everywhere that you let me secretly take pictures of President Li. "

Hearing this, Lan Qin paused, turned around and glared at him: "What do you mean by that?"

Lan Qin had no choice but to say: "As long as you take the picture I want next time, I will definitely not lose you a penny!"

The photographer immediately smiled and said, "Okay, with Miss Lan's words, I'm relieved!"

The photographer said: "Miss Lan, I don't care about the purpose of you asking me to secretly photograph Mr. Li, but if you want to hand over the business of secret photography to others, then I won't do it."

It's really hard for her to ask someone to secretly take pictures of Li Jingchen.

In front of the 100 million, Lan Qin's tens of thousands of dollars instantly became insignificant.


After Lan Qin left, the photographer took out a bank card from his pocket. That ghostly man just gave him a whole million!

As for the man's request, he asked him to delete the photos he took in secret, and then pestered Lan Qin to let her continue to cooperate with him.

Li Jingchen asked: "When I was eating with Lan Qin, was there anything unusual around me?"

The man said: "Sure enough, as you expected, in the building opposite where you dined, I found someone secretly taking pictures. I have followed your instructions, and he is very cooperative."

On the other side, enter the Rolls-Royce.

Li Jingchen's Bluetooth headset rang. After he raised his hand and pressed it, he heard a man's voice from the opposite side: "Master."

"Got it, keep watching."


After Li Jingchen said "um", he asked, "Let you find out who Lanqin has been in contact with recently. How did you find out?"

"She went back and forth between her home and the clinic, and all she came into contact with were patients, and she didn't see anything unusual for the time being."

The next day, Fu's company.

When Lu Wanwan passed by the tea room, she suddenly heard some employees discussing——

After Li Jingchen finished the call, he raised his hand to loosen his tie. Lan Qin wanted to play, and he played with him, but he would never allow her to make a big fuss in front of Wanwan with photos.


Employee a: "Hey! Do you still remember the woman who caused trouble with her friends at the Jinxi Beauty Salon? She was the one who caused our Fu's family to be cracked down! And the 'Patriarch of the Tang Family' I'm talking about is her husband."

Employee b: "Who is the owner of the Tang family? Why do you have to apologize to Manager Lu?"

Employee a: "Have you heard? The owner of the Tang family is going to hold a banquet to apologize to our Manager Lu!"

Employee c: "Looking at it this way, the Patriarch of the Tang family is quite a man. Knowing how to hold a banquet to apologize to Manager Lu is much better than his ignorant wife!"

Hearing this, Lu Wanwan couldn't help but walked in and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Several employees turned around and asked Lu Wanwan excitedly: "Manager Lu, is it true that the head of the Tang family said that he would host a banquet to apologize to you?"

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