Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 642 He Was Trying In The Wrong Direction

"So...she is really dangerous, isn't she!" The foreman said gloomily, "Wanwan, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Lu Wanwan complained: "Do you want me to publicize her identity with a loudspeaker? I told you last time, stay away from her, what happened?"

"Okay, okay, I blame myself for not living up to expectations." The foreman sighed: "Now my face is also ruined, and I put myself in a dangerous situation, miserable."

"Don't worry, I have filed a report with the city government about you being beaten by Paul. If anything happens to you, Paul will be directly pointed at."

Thanks to Mayor Zhou's relationship, Lu Wanwan was able to file directly with the city government.

After finishing the call, Lu Wanwan couldn't help thinking that Wendy's attitude was indeed intriguing.

In the eyes of a person like her, what's wrong with being a hotel foreman?She's the daughter of the Mafia.

When the foreman heard this, he felt that he was even more dangerous: "Ah? Ah! Why can't I be happy at all!"

Listening to his energetic voice, Lu Wanwan raised her eyebrows and said, "Stop thinking about it, get some rest, you won't be handsome if you stay up late."

A daughter of a mafia, but afraid of being known to have a hidden weapon, is like a butcher hiding a butcher's knife behind someone's back, which makes people shudder even more! <.97 xiaoshuo. net

Besides, if Wendy really wanted to apologize, she should take Paul with her to apologize and compensate in front of the foreman.

The only explanation is that Wendy went to sniff out the news tonight, fearing that the hidden weapons would be leaked.

In the past six years, the place where they often met was her psychological clinic.

She sometimes fantasizes about how Li Jingchen would look like when he was alone with her in a different scene-whether a gentleman would help her move the chair, pour red wine, or even cut the steak.

At the same time, inside a French restaurant.

Looking at Li Jingchen's handsome face across the table, Lan Qin couldn't help but smile ripplingly: "Thank you, Mr. Li, for letting me have a taste of my long-cherished wish."

After looking at his watch, Li Jingchen asked blankly, "It's half past nine, should you be full?"

After Lan Qin raised her head and took a sip of the fine wine, she pushed forward and said, "I would like to have another dessert after dinner, I believe Mr. Li can satisfy me, right?"

It all seemed to come true tonight.

Although the process was a bit disgraceful, Shi Yu was right, he should play tricks on a difficult man like Li Jingchen.

But Li Jingchen said: "No need, as long as it's sweet."

Hearing this, Lan Qin asked sadly, "Are you so impatient to eat with me?"

Li Jingchen then said to the passing waiter, "Have a dessert."

The waiter said: "Sir, please wait a moment, I'll get the menu."

Li Jingchen didn't give face and said: "You are not even qualified to be her substitute."

Lan Qin was used to his sarcastic remarks, so after shrugging his shoulders, he continued to taste the fine wine.

Li Jingchen said coldly "Yes".

Lan Qin said: "Why don't you treat me as Lu Wanwan, wouldn't it make you feel better?"

Lan Qin couldn't help but reminded: "This is a candlelight dinner, not pig feeding. Boss Li is so impatient, but he can't get what he wants."

In the past six years, the recordings and medical records related to his hypnosis are all in her hands.

After a while, an exquisite dessert arrived.

Li Jingchen urged: "Eat quickly."

"You look like me?"

"That's right, you intervene between Lu Wanwan and Fu Shuo, and I intervene between you and Lu Wanwan. The former is married. From this point of view, you are much meaner than me."

Li Jingchen narrowed his eyes.

Lan Qin began to taste the dessert, and he did not forget to say: "Actually, you don't have to be so disgusted with me. I'm just like you, competing for love for myself."

Li Jingchen still didn't speak.

"Jingchen, you've tried in the wrong direction." Lan Qin looked at his left hand on the table, slowly stretched out his hand, and gently put it on: "Listen to me, give up."

Li Jingchen was noncommittal.

Lan Qin took the opportunity to say: "In my opinion, you can't get her. She has a happy family. Her husband and son love her very much. How could she betray their father and son for you?"

Afterwards, the photographer checked the photos and muttered to himself, "Should we be able to do business with Miss Lan?"

In the next second, someone tapped his shoulder from behind.

At this time, the opposite building of the French restaurant.

A photographer was looking at the right moment, pointed the camera at the scene where Lan Qin put on Li Jingchen's left hand, and pressed the camera button.

"Stop messing around!" The photographer couldn't help but irritably said that the camera was crooked and only Lan Qin was photographed.


"Don't make trouble." The photographer is busy adjusting the angle, taking a few more intimate photos just to make money!

Then, he was tapped on the shoulder again, this time harder.

The photographer turned his head tremblingly, and saw a man he didn't know at all standing behind him. Before he could call for help, his mouth was gagged, and he could only look at him in horror.

The man said coldly: "The next question, if yes, nod, if not, shake your head, understand?"

This studio is his, and tonight he specially asked the staff to go home early and stay here alone, just to complete the task that Miss Lan gave him.

So, who is patting him on the shoulder? !

The photographer pointed to the sky, indicating that he was shooting a night scene.

As a result, his neck was cold, and the photographer looked down and saw that the other party had put a knife on his neck.

After being stunned for two seconds, the photographer nodded quickly to express his understanding!

The man asked coldly, "Are you secretly taking photos here?"

Does he have a choice?

The photographer nodded desperately.

The photographer could only nod desperately, acknowledging that he was secretly filming.

The man then asked: "I'll give you another source of income, will you do it?"

The photographer fumbled for the bank card in his pocket, and sat on the ground collapsed.


"Very good, I heard clearly..."

After a cold explanation, the man put a card into the photographer's pocket and left quickly.

Li Jingchen said expressionlessly: "I only promised you dinner, but I didn't promise to take you home."

Lan Qin had no choice but to settle for the next best thing: "It's raining outside, can Mr. Li at least give me an umbrella?"

After half an hour—

Lan Qin, who had nothing to drag on, almost licked the dessert plate clean, so he had to put down his spoon and said, "I'm full, can you please give me a ride, Mr. Li?"

After paying the bill, Li Jingchen got up and walked towards the restaurant door.

Lan Qin knew that he had gone too far, so he couldn't help but picked up the umbrella, chased after him and said, "Then shall I call the head office for you?"

While talking, the waiter thoughtfully brought them an umbrella. As expected of a high-end restaurant, everything is thoughtful for the guests.

"Thank you." Lan Qin finished speaking to the waiter with a smile, and then said to Li Jingchen: "I've already spent two hours having a candlelight dinner with me, so what if you open an umbrella for me?"

Li Jingchen put his hands in his pockets and braved the rain to pick up the car.

Lan Qin took two steps in three steps. After opening the umbrella, he stood on tiptoe to support Li Jingchen's head: "Have you forgotten how you got your headache? How dare you get wet in the rain?"

In order to save Lu Wanwan back then, he jumped into the sea again and again, looking for her traces, but as a result, he fell into the root cause of his illness and often suffered severe headaches.

Li Jingchen turned around, looked down at her and said, "Can you give me the things?"

The space between the two of them under the umbrella seemed a bit cramped. Lan Qin was almost intoxicated by his masculine aura. She tried her best to be sober and said, "Mr. Li, I didn't say I'll give you something just for a candlelight dinner."

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