Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 597 She Did It On Purpose

Seeing that Li Jingchen's expression was a bit ugly, An An couldn't help worrying: "Uncle Li, are you okay?"

Li Jingchen turned his eyes to look at him, only to see that half of An An's face was still wet, with the wet saliva of Nini the sea lion.

Not to mention himself, he was sprayed all over by sea lion Nini's saliva unexpectedly, with a delicious fishy smell.

After looking at each other for a while, both father and son laughed.

An An couldn't help but widen her eyes. Uncle Li's smile is so handsome, as if the dark clouds have dispersed and the sky is clear!

For Li Jingchen, not only was it not a good experience, it was even absurd, but because it was his son who "suffered" with him, the bad mood turned into a subtle sweetness.

Fortunately, everything went well.

Immediately, the young lady said with a smile on her face: "Okay, thank you two handsome guys for your cooperation. If you like this performance, please give them applause, as well as our Nini!"

The audience applauded the performance immediately, and the sea lion Nini kept blowing kisses to the audience with her forelimbs, which made many children in the auditorium clamor to come to the stage for interaction, and the atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic.

He began to recall the scene when his mother took him to play around when he was a child. It turned out that the next generation was born. In addition to entrusting him with heavy responsibilities, he could also secrete dopamine, making the boring life more enjoyable.

Seeing that they all laughed, the young lady let out a faint sigh of relief.

To be honest, when the game came to Li Jingchen's place just now, she was a little worried that this man would turn his back and cool down the atmosphere. After all, his aura was too strong, and she was worried that he would not cooperate.

When Lu Wanwan looked at the stage again, Li Jingchen and An An's backs had disappeared, leaving only the sea lion Nini's wonderful performance continuing.

Lu Wanwan could only agree, "Okay."

But when Lu Wanwan followed Lin Yan away from the auditorium, she realized that they did not come to the bathroom, but the smoking area, and no one else was there at this time.

The staff in the dark took the opportunity to come up and led Li Jingchen and An An to step down to deal with hygiene.

Lu Wanwan, who was in the auditorium, saw that the father and son were being taken away together, and wanted to catch up with some anxiety.

Lin Yan, who noticed her abnormal movement, suddenly said: "Wan Wan, I want to go to the bathroom, so you can go with me."

Lin Yan took her hand and asked very seriously: "An An, is he Li Jingchen's son?"

Lu Wanwan was suffocated, and said unnaturally: "Sister Yan, why do you think so?"

Lin Yan said: "I'm very surprised, how can a man like Li Jingchen wrong himself to please the son of a rival in love?

Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking: "Sister Yan, did you go the wrong way?"

Lin Yan smiled and explained: "It's not wrong, I did it on purpose, because I have a question to ask you, the auditorium is too noisy, it's better to be quiet here."

"What does Sister Yan want to ask?"

"Sister Yan, you are right, An An is indeed his son." After a meal, Lu Wanwan held Lin Yan's hand instead, and said, "I didn't mean not to tell you, please forgive me."

Hearing this, Lin Yan's eyes were slightly red: "What am I blaming you for? You and I are both women and mothers of children. I feel the same for all your actions."

Lu Wanwan smiled with relief.

And his behavior is not like trying to please, but more like sincere liking, I have known him longer than you, I know he is very arrogant,

And arrogant people are often even less able to hide their emotions, because they are disdainful, which shows that he really likes An An. "

After being analyzed by Lin Yan, Lu Wanwan was completely speechless.


Lin Yan couldn't help saying bitterly: "How cold the sea was at that time, and you were still pregnant... No wonder you hate him so much, this is the retribution he deserves!"

Lu Wanwan whispered, "Sister Yan, thank you for understanding me."

Lin Yan went on to say: "So, today he came here specially to accompany his son, not to do an investigation."


Lin Yan said again: "An An is not five years old either."

At this moment, several young people walked over with their shoulders crossed, and they were about to smoke, but when they saw Lu Wanwan and Lin Yan, their eyes lit up.

After looking at each other, several young people said to the two of them with the idea of ​​teasing: "Hey, two beauties, would you like a cigarette?"

Who would have thought that Lin Yan was more social than them, after standing in front of Lu Wanwan, she reached out to take a cigarette from one of the youths, her beautiful eyes slightly curved: "Thank you."

Lin Yan suddenly remembered something and asked: "Then you have been with Fu Shuo for the past six years, is it to register for An An? Or do you really love him?"

It can be said that Lin Yan explained the truth in one sentence, and Lu Wanwan told the whole story of her marriage to Fu Shuo.

Lin Yan suddenly realized: "No wonder you were not angry when he scolded you like that at the police station that day, so that's how it is."

"..." Lu Wanwan: Sister Yan deserves to be a fool, she just opens her mouth to lie.

"Oh, I really can't tell, beauty." Luckily, the young people were not rascals, so after laughing, they tactfully stepped aside to smoke.

Lin Yan tilted his head habitually, and was about to take a cigarette.

Several young people were stunned!

After all, Lu Wanwan and Lin Yan looked like good women.

Lin Yan held the cigarette between two fingers, rested it lightly on the other arm, squinted at them and said: "You can go far away, my son is as old as you."

Lin Yan was not bothered by her control, instead he smiled and said, "Yes, he was worried that I wouldn't be able to lay eggs."

Lu Wanwan nodded and said: "I have contacted Dr. Chu before. He is one of the best doctors in S City. He promised to treat you after returning to China. He is very good. I was almost killed by Bai Qing six years ago. If I couldn’t get pregnant, he cured me.”

Seeing her thinking about herself like this, Lin Yan was happy, and said: "Wan Wan, thank you for your kindness, but I deliberately couldn't get pregnant."

Unexpectedly, Lu Wanwan took her cigarette away at this moment, and said seriously: "Sister Yan, smoking is not good for you and your future fetus."

Lin Yan was a little surprised, "Huh?"

Lu Wanwan said: "I heard a bit of what you said to Wei Yu just now, is he going to take you to the hospital for a physical examination?"

Lu Wanwan looked at her in surprise: "What did you say?"

Lin Yandao: "As Wei Yu and Shi Qing are inseparable, do you think I dare to give birth to him?"

Lu Wanwan asked: "Then are you planning to go on like this?"

"No, I've changed my mind." Lin Yan said, "Wanwan, although I've been married to Wei Yu for the past six years, I haven't dared to have a heart-to-heart relationship with him.

I was afraid that one day he would abandon me because of Shiqing, but today he took the initiative to offend Shiqing because of me. I couldn't help thinking, should I completely let go of the past and start over with him? "

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