Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 596 You Are Not Sincere

Following the young lady's words, the sea lion Nini also raised her head and looked around, as if she was picking a boy she likes.

Many audience members raised their hands, eager to try.

"So many people want to try? But there is only one Nini."

After pondering for a while, the young lady on the stage suddenly changed her mind and said, "Then I'll randomly select four lucky audiences to come up, just... No. [-] and No. [-] in the first row, and No. [-] in the tenth row." Good with number four!"

"No. [-] in the first row?" An An glanced at her ticket and said, "It's me!"

As for number ten in the first row?

Li Jingchen said lightly, "It's me."

As for No. [-] and No. [-] in the tenth row, they are a young couple.

Lu Wanwan came down all morning and found that the people who came to the amusement park were ordinary people, and almost no one recognized Li Jingchen, so she was relieved and agreed: "Go."

Before An An went up, Wei Nian worried: "An An, aren't you afraid that the sea lion will suddenly attack you out of control? It looks taller and bigger than us!"

An An replied: "Don't be afraid, I think Nini is a bit like Qian Zhenghao, but she is much cuter than Qian Zhenghao."

An An first asked Lu Wanwan what she meant: "Mum, can I go up with Uncle Li to play with Nini?"

Li Jingchen also looked at her sideways.

Both father and son are waiting for her answer.

Li Jingchen said "um".

When they saw them stepping up to the stage, the girls on the stage immediately shouted: "Two of the four lucky audiences have already come up! Let's applaud and welcome!"

The sea lion Nini took the lead in clapping her hands with her forelimbs.

Hearing this, both Wei Nian and Li Xiuqi couldn't help laughing.

That's right, every time that little fatty Qian Zhenghao was angry, the flesh on his chin would also tremble, which is so funny!

An An then said to Li Jingchen: "Uncle Li, let's go up."


The audience laughed out loud.

Wei Nian laughed and fell into Lin Yan's arms: "I'm so laughing, even sea lions know how to reject scumbags!"

At this time, the young couple in the tenth row entered the stage holding hands, and saw that the sea lion Nini not only stopped applauding, but also turned away in a face.

The boy in the young couple asked wonderingly, "What's wrong with it?"

The little sister explained: "Nini is jealous, because you brought your girlfriend up, can you still praise it sincerely?"

The sea lion Nini turned around and looked at Li Jingchen and An An.

The little sister bent down and asked An An gently: "Come on, kid, tell my sister, how old are you?"

An An still remembered Lu Wanwan's previous instructions, so she replied, "Five years old."

Li Xiuqi also laughed so that his shoulders trembled, and even Lu Wanwan felt it.

The young couple on the stage were very embarrassed by being teased.

The young lady then comforted the sea lion Nini and said, "It's okay Nini, there are two handsome guys over there waiting to praise you."

Some couldn't help but hold their sons by the ears, and said: "Stinky boy, do you hear me? If you dare to call me a long-winded old woman in the future, I will tear your mouth apart!"

The male fathers in the audience are all old-fashioned critics——

"It is said that a son looks like his mother, so his mother must be beautiful too!"

"That's one year younger than our Nini." The young lady asked, "Have you ever praised a girl?"

"Exaggerated." An An smiled and said, "My mommy!"

"Oh my god, he's so cute!" The female mothers in the audience were all stunned by An An's smile and answer.

On the stage.

The little sister is teaching An An with her hands: "My little friend, the first step in cultivating a relationship with a girl is to invite her to dinner."

As she spoke, the young lady signaled An An to take a fish out of the bucket with her eyes.

"It's a pity that his mother is sitting in the front row, we can't see it."



"Okay, the second step in cultivating a relationship is to praise this beautiful girl, it will be very happy." The young lady worried that An An would not be able to speak beautiful words because of her young age, so she reminded her.

In fact, a seal has nothing to do with being "beautiful". At most, humans will only think it is simple and cute.

But An An didn't play it perfunctory, but after observing the seals carefully, she said, "Nini, the pattern on your chest is really special, like a heart."

After An An reached out to pick it up, she found that the fish was still alive. He almost missed it. The young lady quickly held his hand and said, "Okay, you can feed the fish to Nini."

An An looked at the sea lion Nini and found that it was dangling back and forth, with a pair of cute peas eyes staring at the fish in his hand.

He handed the fish to its mouth out of curiosity, and saw the sea lion Nini took the head of the fish with one bite, and swallowed the fish in two or three bites.

The young lady asked, "Nini, do you like this compliment?"

Nini the sea lion nodded and let out a brisk cry.

The young lady then asked, "Then what should you do as a reward?"

Hearing this, the young lady was stunned for a moment, and then said sincerely: "That's Nini's birthmark, it's been there since she was a child, and I also think it's very special."

Following the conversation between An An and the young lady, everyone noticed that there was a piece of lighter-colored fur on the dark chest of the sea lion Nini. Because the two sides were symmetrical, it looked like a heart.

Li Jingchen is secretly satisfied that An An is rational and can treat everything in the world with tenderness, which is very good.


The audience burst into laughter again.

"It seems that we, Nini, have to finish brushing our teeth before going on a date with the next man." After the young lady finished speaking, the sea lion Nini swam to the edge of the pool and buried her entire face in the pool.

Nini the sea lion covered her face with her forelegs, made an embarrassed gesture again, and then quickly kissed An An on the cheek while he was not paying attention.

Seeing An An's eyes widened in surprise, the young lady couldn't help but smile and asked, "Little friend, how do you feel now?"

An'an wiped the saliva on her face, and analyzed seriously: "It's wet, and there is a fishy smell."

Li Jingchen's thin lips twitched. He had praised only a handful of people in his life, let alone a sea lion.

The sea lion Nini seemed a little impatient for waiting, and patted her tail on the floor.

Seeing this, An An immediately said to Li Jingchen, "Uncle Li, praise it quickly."

An An couldn't help but said: "It's too smart!"

The young lady said proudly: "Don't underestimate the IQ of animals."

While talking, I saw the sea lion Nini swimming back, the young lady looked at Li Jingchen with an unusually bright smile, and said, "Okay, Nini is back after brushing her teeth, this handsome guy, are you ready to praise him? "

This scene stunned the audience, and then they realized later that the sea lion Nini didn't just go to brush her teeth, but to fill the water.

After a pause, Li Jingchen added: "As for the kiss, there's no need for it."

In the next second, Nini the sea lion spouted a big mouthful of water at Li Jingchen!

For the sake of his son, Li Jingchen said dryly, "You are beautiful."

Li Jingchen's face turned black after being sprayed all over.

The young lady couldn't help laughing and said: "It seems that Nini felt that this gentleman's compliment was not sincere, so she had an awkward fight with him."

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