Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 527 Became Bitter

Seeing Lu Wanwan's pensive look, the woman wanted to see her jokes, but at the same time, she was a little afraid of common people, and said, "Mrs. I only told you this for the sake of being a mother, and when you go back, don’t say I told you the secret!”

Lu Wanwan gave her a squinting look. This kind of gossip girl likes to gossip about other people after dinner and dinner, especially the grievances of wealthy families, which has a layer of mystery in itself, so it is more talked about by outsiders.

Whenever she shows a little gaffe, it may mean that the other party is talking about "President Fu's taking care of Xiaosan, Mrs. Fu is acting out in the street".

Lu Wanwan said calmly, "If my husband really wants to cheat, he should do it secretly instead of cuddling with another woman in public.

That's too stupid, or is it that your husband once hugged the mistress in the street, so you warned me so firmly? "

Thinking of this, Lu Wanwan raised her eyebrows and said, "You misunderstood, that girl has been helping at our house, and I also asked her to pick up the children at school. If you say she is hugging my husband, it must be them." Accidentally came across it."

"Accidentally?" The woman said with an experienced tone: "Mrs. Fu, I didn't say that many women are not very old now, and this seduces men to come here!"

"I'm not angry." Lu Wanwan smiled slightly and pointedly said: "My husband, can I still not understand? Besides, this woman should be more confident in herself.

Don't just think wildly, thinking that your husband has done something wrong to you, it will only make you a yellow-faced woman in advance, mean, don't you think? "

Hearing this, the woman's face was distorted, and she wanted to scold back, but who asked her to criticize Lu Wanwan first?

Coupled with the difference in identities between the two, the woman cursed in her heart, but she didn't dare to make a fuss on her face: "Blame me, blame me, I shouldn't talk nonsense to you, I'm sorry, Mrs. Fu, don't be angry! "

When she turned around, she had an elegant posture, and the corners of her skirt wafted a refreshing fragrance. In addition, the five fingers that opened the car door were white and delicate, and the back of her hand was even flimsy. At first glance, she looked like the type who didn't touch the spring water at home.

The woman couldn't help but lowered her head and compared her own hand, that was rough, which shows how good the other's life is!

The woman's nose was almost crooked, obviously everyone was of the same age, but Lu Wanwan looked younger than her, it really made her look like a yellow-faced woman!

Lu Wan arrived late, then turned around, opened the door and got into the car.

Fu's company.

When Lu Wanwan came to her office, she only heard the assistant say, "Sister Lu, Mr. Fu wants me to notify you to go to the conference room for an early meeting."

She couldn't help but said sourly: "Bah! Wait until your husband divorces you for a mistress who is younger and more beautiful than you, and see if you can still smile!"


When Lu Wanwan came in, she saw that the company's top management had almost arrived.

Fu Shuo sat at the main seat, and on the table was the plan she had printed out and placed in his bedroom after returning from the northern mountains.

Lu Wanwan nodded: "Okay."

conference room.

Not long after, the senior management of the company arrived.

Only Fu Shuo said: "Since everyone is here, let's start."

It seems that the theme of today's meeting is to confirm the specific implementation plan of the plan.

After Lu Wanwan looked away, she came to her department and sat down.

After the applause ended, Fu Shuo picked up the remote control at hand, and after pressing the switch, the projector began to play photos of the mountainous area.

Fu Shuo said humorously: "This is the real picture of the mountainous area taken by Manager Lu and the others. You can compare it with the introduction materials sent by Mayor Zhou before. Is there any difference between the buyer's show and the seller's show?"

Fu Shuo said, looked at Lu Wanwan, smiled and said, "First of all, let us congratulate Manager Lu for leading the team to successfully inspect the northern mountainous area. The conditions there are difficult and the inspection is not easy. Let us applaud them for their hard work!"

Under the applause, Lu Wanwan and the other three employees all smiled.

On my right is Manager Lu's revised plan after he came back from the northern mountainous area. I have asked the secretary to make dozens of copies. Please circulate it to see if there is anything to add. "

The secretary immediately distributed all the copies in his hand.

Everyone laughed, and said that the real picture brought back by Lu Wanwan and the others was even more beautiful than the information picture sent by Mayor Zhou before.

After Fu Shuo nodded, he put down the remote control, and raised the two proposals on the left and the right, saying, "On my left is the plan I drew up before Manager Lu led the team to inspect the northern mountains.

Lu Wanwan thought with a guilty conscience: This is what that man Li Jingchen thought.

"Manager Lu also proposed to ask the villagers to call back their relatives who are working outside. They are all from the village. The salary must be cheaper than hiring people from the city. In addition, it is to build their own hometown. They will definitely work hard. Lu The manager can be said to be very good at humanistic care!"

After reading Lu Wanwan's revised proposal, the executives couldn't help discussing——

"Good guy, you even thought of the airport! Manager Lu, you are more courageous than a man! In this way, there will be many employees in our company who are willing to work there."

Before, he thought that Wan Wan came up with these proposals by himself, but now seeing Wan Wan's expression of being too guilty to laugh, it can be seen that there are other people behind him giving advice.

And this person must be Li Jingchen.


The more everyone praised, the more meaningful the way Fu Shuo looked at Lu Wanwan.

"That's right, with the honorary title given to us by the mayor, even if our branch has established itself in City S!"

"I know what you said." At this time, Fu Shuo said.

While Fu Shuo was thinking about it, he only heard a vice president say: "Boss Fu, you have everything you should have. You can develop and build the northern mountainous area according to this plan written by Manager Lu."

As soon as the vice president finished speaking, another senior executive next to him echoed: "I believe that within 5 years, no, in 3 years, the northern mountainous area will definitely get rid of poverty and become rich under the leadership of our company! By then Mayor Zhou will most likely reward our company with honorary titles!"

After a pause, he continued: "Manager Lu's proposal is already perfect, I just need to correct three flaws."

The high-level people said one after another: "Mr. Fu, please speak."

"One, change the small airport in the plan into a large airport connecting national routes."

"Second, change the small supermarket in the plan into a comprehensive supermarket."

"Three, change the small hospital in the plan into a compound hospital."

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