Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 526 Don't Say She Did It

Lin Yue looked at Chu Mo gloomyly: "Doctor Chu, you are so angry."

He stood motionless today and let Li Jingchen beat him because Li Jingchen was Li Qingling's elder brother, and he betrayed her. It was only natural for Li Jingchen to teach him a lesson for his younger sister, but who is Li Qingling's Chu Mo?To actually get angry for her?

Could it be that the girl persuaded this eccentric genius doctor with her beauty?

Thinking of this, Lin Yue looked at Chu Mo with a bad expression.

"I just pity her for falling in love with a scum like you."

Chu Mo was upset when he thought of Li Qingling agreeing to do human experiments on him. That girl went through fire and water for Lin Yue, but that's what this man did to her?

Engaged to another woman?Thank goodness he figured it out!

Chu Mo plucked his hair at the back of him walking into Father Lin's bedroom: "Threat me? Fuck!"

In the bedroom, Father Lin saw that his son had come in, so he couldn't help asking with concern, "You're back?"

Lin Yue nodded and said, "Dad, how are you feeling today?"

"It turns out that I pity her. Dr. Chu is really a benevolent doctor."

Lin Yue stretched out his hand and pulled off the tie, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "As long as Dr. Chu can help my father heal his illness and save his life, maybe I won't be so scumbag to her."

After finishing speaking, he walked past Chu Mo, opened the door and entered.

Father Lin sighed softly: "It's hard for you to say this at someone's birthday party, but in this way, you brushed off Lao Li's arrangement in person, and with his temper, you will never let his granddaughter pester you again." I'm following you."

Lin Yue said "um" absent-mindedly, and his whole body was visibly disappointed.

Seeing this, Lin's father was secretly worried about him, it seemed that Li Qingling's influence on Yue'er was greater than he thought.

"It's okay. Chu Mo said that my current body is too weak to be operated on, so I'll let me take care of it."

As Lin Yue approached, Father Lin realized: "What happened to your face?"

Lin Yue seemed indifferent and said, "I was beaten by Li Jingchen."

The next morning, Mingyuan.

"Young Mistress..."

Seeing Xia Zhi suddenly calling her to stop, Lu Wanwan couldn't help asking: "Xiao Xia, what's the matter?"

However, the way to divert one person's attention is to let him start over with another person: "From tomorrow onwards, go on a date with Wendy. You need to know each other better in order to better take over the Lin family's plate."

Lin Yue heard Wendy's name, but Li Qingling's crying face appeared in his mind, and he replied blankly: "...OK."


Lu Wanwan's expression changed slightly, and she asked in disbelief, "You said... Fu Shuo rejected all the servants for her?"


"Then when did she leave?"

Xia Zhi now considers herself to be Lu Wanwan's person, so she knows everything about her, and she can't stop talking: "It's such a young lady, did you know about a woman who came to see Mr. last night?"

Lu Wanwan said with a gentle expression, "I know, Fu Shuo told me."

Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "That's good. I think it's a little strange that the master has rejected all the servants for her, so I decided to report to the young mistress."

He was testing her?Want to see if she's telling the truth?

After Lu Wanwan was shocked, she suddenly felt a little heavy. She thought that this could not be the case between them!

Let's talk about everything openly and honestly, okay?

Xia Zhi told the time she saw at the time: "About nine o'clock."

"Nine o'clock?" Lu Wanwan picked up her phone and checked the call history. It was almost nine o'clock when Fu Shuo called her last night.

But Fu Shuo said that he drove Bai Qingluo away.

Lu Wanwan adjusted her mood, pretended nothing happened, and said, "Well, let's go."

Taking advantage of the time when An An went to put on her sneakers, Lu Wanwan told Xia Zhi: "Xiao Xia, the woman you mentioned is my old friend, she is actually not looking for Fu Shuo, but me,

Fu Shuo is just entertaining her on my behalf, so you are not allowed to say anything about what happened last night, do you understand? "

No wonder Fu Shuo made an exception to drink at home last night. It turned out that he was influenced by Bai Qingluo.

She even hugged Fu Shuo last night, thanking him for his unconditional trust in her... In the end, reality slapped her.

"Mummy!" Lu Wanwan was in a trance, and An An suddenly rushed forward with her schoolbag on her back, and said, "I'm full, Mommy can take me to school!"

Half an hour later, Nankai Primary School.

"Mommy, goodbye!"

"See you."

No matter what purpose Fu Shuo hid from her, she still didn't want to try to figure him out with malice. Maybe he just didn't want her to be bothered by Bai Qingluo's sowing discord.

"Yes, young mistress." Xia Zhi obediently agreed.

Lu Wanwan immediately took An An to school.

"Oh, that's right, hello." Lu Wanwan said politely: "An'an just transferred here, please take care of your son in class."

"It's easy to say, easy to say! It's just..." The woman couldn't help but want to say something.

Lu Wanwan then asked, "What is it?"

After Lu Wanwan watched An'an enter the school gate, she was about to get in the car, but she caught a glimpse of a woman who was also sending her children to school.

Lu Wanwan didn't know each other, but the turmoil of Fu's "selling fake products" had just subsided a while ago, maybe this woman was also a "victim" of buying so-called "fake products", so she asked, "You Okay, is there anything you want to tell me?"

The woman didn't expect that Lu Wanwan would take the initiative to talk to her, so she couldn't help saying excitedly: "Fu, Mrs. Fu, hello! My son and your son are in the same class!"

The woman murmured, "Just one day, I saw your husband hugging another woman with my own eyes. The two of you looked at me and I looked at yours. That's an ambiguity!"

Fu Shuo is holding another woman?

Lu Wanwan couldn't imagine this scene, if it was true, then she would congratulate Fu Shuo for finding true love.

After looking left and right, the woman said, "Mrs. Fu, I didn't want to tell you. It's because of your kindness that I can't bear to keep you in the dark.

Before, I think you have always been the one who picked up the children to and from school, but last week, it was suddenly replaced by your husband to pick up the children. "

Lu Wanwan explained: "Yes, I was on a business trip last week, so my husband came to pick up and drop off the children. What's wrong?"

"Can you tell me what that girl looks like?"

"That girl looks very young, she looks like she just graduated from college, she is pretty, she is dressed plainly, but she got out of a luxury car,

That car was not something she could afford at first glance. By the way, it was not only me, but another parent also saw it. She thought it was Mrs. Fu. Fortunately, I had sharp eyes and told her that you don't look like that. "

Lu Wanwan quickly identified from the woman's description that "this girl" was Xia Zhi.

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