Young Master Li spoils his wife

Chapter 507 But He's Getting Engaged

"It's okay, An An." Li Qingling only felt that An An was as good as she thought, and didn't care about these details at all.

At this time, Lin Yue's voice sounded: "Qingling, don't spoil the child."

Li Qingling subconsciously looked at him, and after touching the deep meaning in Lin Yue's eyes, his frenzied head finally came to his senses.

That's right, she only has eyes for one child, An An, what if Bai Qingluo becomes suspicious or jealous?

Thinking of this, Li Qingling distributed the cake to Li Jingchen instead, and then distributed a piece of cake to Lu Wanwan and Lin Yue, and then it was An An's turn.

"Thank you, Aunt Qingling~" An An said with satisfaction after getting her share of the cake.

After Li Xiuqi was stunned, he looked at Bai Qingluo uneasily.

In the end, Bai Qingluo said, "It doesn't matter, you can eat."

Anyway, she doesn't want to eat the cake that Lu Wanwan bought, so that's fine.

"Oh, I'm sorry, there's only the last piece of cake left." After Li Qingling divided a piece of cake for himself, he gave the last piece of cake to another child: "I'll give it to you, Xiao Xiuqi."< .97 xiaoshuo. net

This cake was bought by my sister-in-law, she, Bai Qingluo, is not worthy of touching it!

At the same time, Li Jingchen couldn't help but glanced at Lu Wanwan, but saw that she was eating the cake quietly, refusing to look at him.

He couldn't help but smiled wryly, was she angry that he threatened her on the phone?But if she doesn't threaten, will she come?

Does the trip to the northern mountains mean nothing to her?He insisted on asking about it later.

After Li Xiuqi said "oh", he buried his head in eating the cake, but couldn't swallow it.

He couldn't figure out why Fu Huai'an's mother and son, who were so hated by his mother, were so popular with other members of the family, while he, as a child of the Li family, always wandered away.

What secrets did the Li family hide before he was born?

"I'm going to rinse my mouth, or the moths will come to trouble my teeth~" An An said softly, and then went to the bathroom.

After a while, An An came back and said, "Mum, I'm fine, can I play chess with Grandpa Li now?"

Lu Wanwan glanced at the living room and saw Li Yuanzhong, Li Jingchen, and Lin Yue sitting there with serious expressions on their faces, so she couldn't help but said, "Your grandpa Li has something to talk about, let's avoid it for now."


The kitchen arranged a sumptuous dinner for them, and An An's stomach was full, and the word "An Yi" was written all over her face.

After the meal, Lu Wanwan asked An An: "Honey, what are you going to do after eating sweets?"

Especially Li Yuanzhong, he practiced justice all his life, he would have been fine if he didn't kill Lin Yue on the spot, how could he accompany Li Qingling to beg Lin Yue to marry her?

Besides, Li Jingchen, although he has seen Li Qingling's obsession with Lin Yue all these years, he is actually not optimistic about this relationship in his heart.

After all, in a relationship, if only one party gives wholeheartedly, it will be very tiring. Lin Yue's heart has been covered by Qingling for six years, even if it is a stone, it should be warmed up.

At this time, Li Qingling came over and asked: "Miss Lu, I'm nervous, can you accompany me there? I also have someone to rely on."

Lu Wanwan said: "Aren't your grandfather and your eldest brother your support?"

"It's different." Li Qingling bit her lower lip and said, "They are all men, and they still can't understand some of my thoughts."

Lu Wanwan still wanted to keep a distance: "What about your grandma? You can ask her to accompany you."

Li Qingling said: "Grandma went to find a camera, she said that today we must take a group photo."

Hearing this, An An raised her head and said to Lu Wanwan, "Mommy, go and embolden Aunt Qingling. I'll go play in the yard by myself."

Therefore, the two of you want to take advantage of today to ask the question clearly, if you can do it, if you can't do it, let it go, it's not that no one wants their lightness!

However, the word "forget it" was just a matter of lip service to them, but to Li Qingling, it was a waste of six years of relationship, she felt that she would definitely collapse on the spot, That's why I came to Lu Wanwan to rely on.

The sister-in-law is someone who has experienced it, so she must understand her mood.

After hearing this, Li Xiuqi looked at Bai Qingluo in disbelief, and saw her nodding to him affirmatively.

After a while, Li Xiuqi picked up the blue balloon Fu Huai'an gave him, and walked towards the yard with stiff hands and feet.

On the other side, when Lu Wanwan accompanied Li Qingling to the living room and sat down, Li Yuanzhong said solemnly: "Lin Yue, while everyone is here today, you should speak clearly, what do you think about my Qingling?" ?”

Lu Wanwan didn't want An An to hear some past events, so she nodded and said, "Then don't run too far, do you hear me?"

An An said obediently: "I heard it, Mommy~"

In the living room, Bai Qingluo watched Fu Huai'an running to play in the yard by himself, then suddenly lowered his head and said something to Li Xiuqi.

"Grandpa!" Li Qingling cried out even more anxiously, she asked her grandfather to be her lobbyist, not her grandfather to negotiate with Lin Yue!

Li Jingchen said at this time: "Before you persuade people to wash their hands in the golden basin, don't you always think about it, how clean is our Li family?"

Li Yuanzhong was stunned and asked, "What did you say?"

Lin Yue always said whatever he had, but now when faced with Li Yuanzhong's questioning, he seemed a little absent-minded.

Seeing this, Li Yuanzhong thought he was thinking about it, so he continued: "Also, if you want to be my grandson-in-law, you have to withdraw completely from the Lin family's business field, and my Li family's reputation must not be tarnished at all. black."

Lin Yue frowned.

Immediately, she came to Lin Yue and said softly, "Mr. Lin, just tell the truth. Grandpa can help us decide."

Lin Yue looked at her, opened his lips slightly coldly and said, "Are you using your grandfather and elder brother to force me to marry you?"

Li Qingling was afraid that he would get angry, so he quickly said: "No, aren't we discussing with you?"

Li Jingchen mocked: "Isn't it? My father or my careless second brother, which one has a clean background?"

"..." Li Yuanzhong was speechless when asked, and after a long time, he said to Lin Yue with a calm face: "Okay, there is no rush to quit, I will ask you, do you like Qingling, can you give her a name?" Minute?"

Hearing this, Li Qingling looked at Li Jingchen admiringly, and hit the snake seven inches, big brother is really amazing!

Lin Yue said in a dark voice: "Forcing me to quit the Lin family, with the tone of asking me to join your Li family, is it also called a discussion?"

Li Qingling reassured: "Didn't my grandpa tell you that this matter is not urgent."

"Not in a hurry, it means that the old man will settle accounts with me after the autumn." Lin Yue saw it clearly, and therefore said: "Your grandfather has his persistence, and I have my protection. Qiang Rong will not be happy."

"...Yes!" Li Qingling's lips trembled, she quickly grabbed his hand on his lap, and said almost paranoidly: "I say yes!"

However, after looking at her for a long time, Lin Yue said, "But Li Qingling, I'm getting engaged."

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